How to play digital offline games without psn - PlayStation 4

play psn games without internet

play psn games without internet - win

Anyone else on PS4 regularly losing connection to this game? I swear, if it's not the server crashing, then it's the PSN and vice versa. Annoying beyond belief. I literally cant play in the AM anymore without this happening repeatedly. I'm in Cali btw. Yes, my internet is fine also.

submitted by TERMOYL13 to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]

A small PSN rant

Okay, so I haven't been playing playstation for a while and I still own the PS3. Yesterday I got the idea to treat myself with Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. So I updated the System, updated the PSN Store, bought the game and pressed to download the game. And it was downloading. For an estimated time of 2100min, thats 35h. I have a fairly fast internet connection of measured 600Mbit/s so that wasn't the problem. I guess Sony just doesn't give a sh*t about the old system which brings me to my next point.
Please tell me, where can I see my digital PS3 games that I bought over time. I can't find anything. Also I wasn't even able to buy the game online via browser but only via the PS3 itself. Online they only offer PS4 and PS5 games. Why?
Next: Obviously I was furious about not beeing able to play the game this weekend so I don't see why I should even bother keeping it. Went straight to the online form where you ask for a refund. They ask for a transaction ID which you can find within your account settings. I click on the tab that says "transaction history" or something alike and get an Error message " transactions GET request failure ". Without a transaction ID I can't claim for a refund (obviously I just put random numbers but I'm already curious as to how they will react to that).
Thanks a lot Sony, I hope your sleeves slip into the water when you wash your hands!
submitted by Mickeymoe1992 to playstation [link] [comments]

I lost my best friend and feel like I'm in a dark place atm

A few weeks ago, I received the news that my best and only friend had passed away.
It took me by complete surprise and am completely heartbroken about it. His name was Martin.
I don't really know why I'm telling part of my story here, I guess its so i have something written down that I can come back to in the future and reminisce. Or maybe even have someone who can relate or offer advice.
I've never really written anything and I'm not the best with words, so I'm sorry if it's uninteresting or if i ramble on a bit. I'm just going to write what comes to mind.
So the story begins. I am and have always been a bit shy and reserved (especially in high school). As apposed to Martin, who was more outgoing and funny.
We both met eachother in the first year of high school. We were friendly but weren't in the same classes or groups (he was with the skateboarders and I was with the wogs, however im caucasian and not a wog). We basically just caught the same bus to and from School as we lived close together.
Martin was an only child and his parents had divorced early in highschool. He was living with his father who had remarried and later had another child with his stepmom. He never got on with his stepmom and didn't have much to do with his brother at the time. I only met her once or twice. But from all accounts from Martin, she sounded like a nasty person.
For a bit of context his step mom is Chinese and is a psychologist (Martin is Caucasian). He had told me his stepmom had once blamed him for having a miscarriage because his computer games were too loud. I guess being a teenager put in that situation couldn't of been easy.
It wasn't until 16 where we started hang out more, we had both left school early. I guess our love of weed , skateboarding and gaming connected us along with the fact that his parents were never around for most of the day.
So it became a daily ritual of me and a few of my friends I hung out with from school gaming and getting high at his place. After a while I drifted from my high school group and started to hang out with just Martin. It was clear they were never really my true friends and they were just using us for weed and a place to smoke. Regardless of what we were doing it was great to just hang out with him.
Martin had a small group of friends from highschool who I had never really talked to. Eventually we started to hang out more as a group and just smoke and play games etc. We all got along fine, however I never connected to anyone as I did with martin.
Now it was around the time we were 18 when martin tried lsd. I wasn't really aware of psychedelics at the time and had no knowledge of them. The extent of my drug knowledge and use was just weed, pills and coke basically.
Just a bit of background too on our weed use.. Martin was a heavy smoker and would basically smoke an ounce every week. Martin had access to his fathers atm card and would withdraw upwards of $300 a week. (His father was well off and whether he knew or not he never mentioned it) So this was how he was able to afford it. I however have always had a job since I left school with no more than a few months of unemployed at a time. Martin worked at EB games for a few months as an after school casual, which turned into more shifts when he left school, but then one day they just suddenly stopped giving him shifts and that was it. I was a daily smoker too but like 1/4 of what he smoked because I couldn't afford it and had to hide it from my family, plus I had work commitments aswell.
So back to Martin taking LSD.. we were in a hotel room smoking up with a few of my old friends from high school and he had taken his dose around 8pm. I had to leave before he started tripping, as I had work the next morning.
Whatever happened that night it had a profound effect on him and it changed him. I guess looking back it was one of the keys that unlocked the doors for what would be a life of struggle and pain. So after his trip, he sort of became a little disconnected from reality and acted like he was above the rest of us, sort of like he knew more about life and the universe than any of us.
Anyway we all sort of had a falling out and lost contact. I started to hang out with this new group of friends without Martin present anymore. We would just hang out mostly smoking and just talking about random stuff. After a few months we all sort of started talking again, Martin seemed to be mostly back to normal.
Around this time Martin's father had sold his house and built a new home elsewhere, so Martin went to go live with his mother in a small unit not far from me. All I remember of those times, were how stress free and simple life seemed just spending everyday just hanging out, skateboarding, smoking , playing video games and whatever else.
His mum had her own mental health issues and her mind wasn't all there. She didn't care if we smoked in the house either.
So over the course we grew really close, i trusted him more than anyone and felt I could be my true self around him. Someone who never judged me. We had a great connection.
About this time, I had been reading alot about psychedelics and had become somewhat obsessed with wanting to experiment with them. We came across something called DMT, which just sounded insane. So we set about making our own. It was relatively easy and we managed to produce a largish amount.
I'll mention that a couple of guys from our group had started to get a bit weird and develop psychotic symptoms. I'm just going to say it is my firm belief that weed isn't the cause but simply the trigger for underlying mental conditions. Basically if you have an underlying condition like schizophrenia, weed is going to accelerate or trigger the conditon. If it wasnt there to begin with i feel there is very little chance of developing any serious mental issues due to marijuana.
One guy in our group just kind of disappeared one day after having a psychotic episode watching Benjamin button, it just fully fucked with his head for some reason. I heard he quit smoking and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Just living day by day on medication and dealing with his issues.
One other guy still hung out with us but just didn't smoke as much. We tried to advice him against it and did our best to help.. regardless there were some bizarre moments.
One time about 5 of us were watching TV and talking about some advertisement that came on. Out of nowhere the guy just flipped out because he thought we were all somehow secretly talking shit about him. Or he would just smoke a bowl and just sit there with his head in his hands, like he was in deep thought about something, it would make us all pretty uneasy.
Anyway back to the Dmt.. we made it at one of our friends house when their parent's went away for a few days. When we tried it for the first time no one tripped, we all just got this intense body high, which I personally found to be super uncomfortable.
We had organised a few days trip to the snow where we would try the dmt again. We had done alot more research and learned about breaking through and how to do it. I went first, i was nervous af but I always felt i had a stable mind to handle whatever happens. So i packed it in the middle of some bud and slowly vaped it and held it in as long as I could then whilst heavily under the effects took another large hit.. I close my eyes and BAM! I was seeing things I never thought possible and even with my eyes closed it was as if I was seeing it as clear as anything like if my eyes were wide open. The geometrical shapes, formations and insane visuals just blew my mind. It lasted only 4 or 5 mins and when I came down , it was the ultimate euphoria with no negative side effects besides the harshness of the smoke.
Martin and a few others had their turn with similar experiences.
The guy who had those delusions of us all talking about him instead of about the ad on TV. Well he was there wanted to try it, and in hindsight we should of really done more stop it. He smoked it and just sat on the couch looking at the TV with his head in his hands. It was a pretty tense moment because we didn't know what was going on in his head at the time. When he came to, he just looked up at us all and ran straight for the front door and ran outside. One guy managed to run after him and get him to come back. He literally thought we were trying to kill him that night. It was a pretty uneasy night having a mentally unstable person just sit there on his bed, while were all laying down trying to sleep.
Over the course of the next year or so I would hang out at Martins almost every night after work. We smoked alot and I would shout him food and weed regularly because he wasn't working and just living of his Gov payments.
We would also smoke Dmt occasionally (over 30 times i would say). There were some real large doses that we would take, which would catapult you into another living and breathing dimension with all sorts of alien like architecture and entities that would interact with you.
Around the time I was 19 or 20 I had decided I needed to change my lifestyle as I was real overweight from eating pizza and junk food all the time and just smoking way too much.
I really wanted a girlfriend, something i hadn't had since i was 16 or so. I took a break and started to diet and exercise, at my most i weighed about 110kg and I got down to 74kg. I didn't see much of Martin at this time.
I don't know what lead up to this moment, but I was in the city by myself one night, i cant remember why..maybe i trying to pick up a girl at the club or something. Anyway I found myself at kings Cross looking for some drugs. Somehow I found myself with a point of coke and a random junkie chick who scored for me, offering to shoot me up if I shared with her.
And so I found myself in an alley with 2 random junkies that were shooting up Heroin. I always told myself I would never use a needle in my life.. but here I was. The rush was unlike anything I had experienced, it was awesome and I wanted more. However the biggest downside was the comedown from the high was extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant for me.
Anyway I figured I wouldn't meet anyone at a bar because for one I was too shy and second I didn't have anyone to go out with. So I put up a profile online... these were the days of MySpace before Facebook had lifted off and there was no tinder. I'd consider myself decent looking and had always had a girlfriend throughout most of highschool. I just let myself go once i left.
So not long after I came across a cute girl and we started talking, the online convos were really short and not the most interesting. Didnt really think anything was there, but one day out of nowhere she asked if I wanted to hang out and go drinking. So I thought whatever, why not.
Before I met her I had never really been into alcohol, I just didn't like the taste and the fact you had to consume a bit to get a buzz, where as with weed its instant and cost way less.
So our 1st outing was pretty uncomfortable, we didn't have a lot to talk about and she didn't seem too interested. But I guess due to the alcohol I spent the night at her place, we made out and that was it. I kept thinking about her and called her the next day to see if she wanted to go out again, she said ok. She was surprised I called her. It then turned into a weekly thing.
Around the same time i had gotten back into contact with Martin and had learned he was currently a patient at a mental health facility. He had a psychotic episode, where he went out into the street and threw some digital scales at a passing police car. I guess the psychedelics and heavy marijuana use along with a family history of mental illness (his mother had bipolar), finally took its toll on his mind. He spent the first few nights in a locked down psych ward where he told me he had smoked a joint with some other dude whilst inside.
Anyway he started living in one of the cottages on site with about 5 other total there might of been around 6 cottages on the grounds. They were allowed to roam around a bit but had to be present for medication (which was given against his will) and dinner time, i believe the nurses also checked up every hour or so.
So I went to visit him a few times a week (no one else from our group did). It would become a ritual every Friday night, I would bring over some bud to smoke then head to the city to see this girl. Martin's curfew would be at 9 then I would catch the train to the city and would have to wait 3 or 4 hours until she finished work, so around 1am. She was a waitress who would finish at 11 or 12 at night and had to catch an hour ferry ride back to the city where she lived too. So we wouldn't really start our night till after 1am. Just going drinking, eating out or to the club with her and often with her work friends too.
It was an awesome time.. but in the background I was kind of struggling with an addiction to coke, shooting up a few times a week. Spending money i didn't have. Eventually I found myself 5k in debt.
The only reason I stopped.. and thank fuck too, was what had happened with this guy that I met whilst hanging out at the cottages. He had gotten out and called me to see if we could get some coke together. Unfortunately my contact was unavailable and we ended up scoring some speed instead of some random junkie. Went back to mine and this guy was having a hard time mixing it up, but didn't think much of it as i figured he had experience with speed. He went first and I second, as soon as I shot it up it felt like rocks and sand coursing through my veins and I thought fuck, is this it for me.. I thought I was going to die, luckily it subsided and I made a decision right there to never do it again. I never spoke to the guy ever again.
I hid it from the girl, she never knew at the time, though eventually I told her but downplayed it. The only person I told was Martin, I even introduced it to him and he had tried it a couple of times.
Looking back its crazy to think of that facility and what everyone got up to unbeknown to the staff. Some things that come to mind are the fact that he was in there against his will for mental health reasons and there he was smoking bongs inside his room, blowing smoke out the window. Or the time 3 or 4 of us shot up coke by the grounds. Basically some people were just getting high all the time.
Seeing the people inside that facility with real mental heath issues, really opened my eyes to the struggles that so many people are going through and in a system that is pretty broken. Just in his cottage alone there was a lady who was really nice persom and seemed normal enough but her personality could change in an instant and she would be yelling and banging on the doors. Another guy would pace up and down non stop for hours..never said a word either.
Then there was the drug induced cases, where one guy was having paranoid delusions, thinking someone was trying to kill him because he was fucked up on meth all the time. Who also just so happens to be the same guy i shot up the speed with. I remember this one young guy, who was very soft spoken and just looked like a shell of a person..he had walked in on his best friend after he hung himself in another room of the house they were at that night.
Looking back, we were so young and fearless.. I don't think I would have the balls these day's to hang out smoking weed at a mental health facility and pretending I was a patient if someone saw me.
Anyway i kept seeing this girl, things were going good. Until one day out of nowhere she said she didn't want to hang out anymore with no real explanation. I was pretty devastated. Though I didn't consider us girlfriend/boyfriend at this stage because we had never even talked about it. Still I had strong feelings for her and was a bit heartbroken. I cant remember exactly what happened next but she sent me a message soon after asking me to buy beer and come over. So i did and seemingly like that we were back hanging out. Not long after it was her birthday, and she was having a small party at her place. Was just her and some work friends, all having a fun time. Sometime in the night some guy was knocking on the door asking to see the girl I was with. Everyone just ignored it and I didn't think much of it. After a while we wanted to go to a bar just us 2. So we're just walking when some guy just appears out of nowhere. Guess he was pretty cut she was with me and tried to fight me. She diffused the situation and we left.
Come to learn that she had met him online before me and had hung out a few times. But she wasn't interested once she started to fall for me. So he basically started stalking her when she stopped talking to him. I didn't really care because when they met we weren't exactly a couple, we were just hanging out and having fun. I was kind of happy knowing she chose me.
So things were getting serious, and one night she told me she loved me, it took me by surprise because I didn't know exactly how she felt for me. But man, I was happy because I felt like i was in love with her too.
Not long after she asked me to move in with her and so i did. It was a share house with probably 7-8 people, most of whom worked together at the same resteraunt (they were all Thai, as is she). Then one day she told me all about how she was here on a student visa and they were going to cancel it because she wasn't attending classes. I didnt know what to do, I was so in love that I couldn't imagine loosing her and so I asked her if she wanted to get married and she said yes.
We got married at the registry with only my parent's present, it was real basic. We soon got kicked out of the place we were staying, and so we decided to move into my parents place.
We went to Thailand shortly after for a holiday and to meet her family. Just before I left Australia I went to the doctor who gave me some valium as I was dealing with aggresion and anger issues, I wouldn't be able to control myself at times.
I had put it down to the after affects of my coke use, as I had never been this way before.
The first night we had a pretty big fight, we were inside her friends apartment aswell. Whatever happened to me, I just lost complete control and the rage took over. There was a pair of scissors on the table which I grabbed and without thinking slashed my arm 4 times. When I calmed down a bit and looked at my arm and the damage I had done. My anger turned to a bit of panic and being in a foreign country, I pleaded to my wife to get me to hospital and told her she could leave me after if she wanted. She stuck by me, and that's why I love her.
I put it down to the valium and never took it again. I never had anything like it happen since and my anger issues are pretty much under control.
Martin had moved back into home with his mom, and we used to hang out regularly when my wife would be working at night. At one point we had a falling out over like $5. I was kinda pissed since i had shouted him hundreds over the years on buds, food etc and he was going after me for $5 . He even showed up at my doorstep one day starting shit. He later reached out and apologised. The next time I went and saw him, he had put on alot of weight and had recently lost his mother. He was now living alone.
Over the next few years it was definitely a rough time. Marrying at 21, living with my parents and just lack of life experience combined. There were fights, lying, drug use behind her back. She hated drugs and was against me using them. Eventually she always caught me out.
I was still smoking on and off with Martin and hanging out together. I think it was around the time we were 28 when Martin decided to call it quits on smoking weed completly because it was messing up his body and mind. He had taken long breaks before but this was permanent.
My parent's had sold our home and divorced. So my wife and I had started renting. As much as i hated living at home with my wife and parents, it allowed us to travel overseas every year and save up enough for a house deposit.
So anyway now instead of smoking with Martin we would have a few drinks at his place or head to the local pub for some drinks and a game of pool. Probably hang out 3 to 4 times a month.
Just before I turned 29 my wife got pregnant and we decided to move state and buy a house, as Sydney was too expensive for us. We lasted less than a year.. it was a tough time, i got a transfer through work and it was a horrible experience working in this new environment. Topped with a newborn, money issues and lack of seeing my family.. i was stressed and turned to marijuana to escape after i had promised my wife i wouldn't. Of course she caught me and it wasn't good.. i was so close to loosing them for good.
Ultimately we decided that we would sell our place and try a for life in Thailand. Moved back to Sydney to my mum's place to try and save a bit more money.
Saw Martin every so often, as my time was real limited. He seemed to be doing a little better, he had started a casual job at a pizza shop, his first job in over 10 years. It was good for him to get out of the house, mixing with people. Unfortunately the pizza place went out of business after just a few months.
We would chat and play games online on our ps4s whenever I had some spare time. Loved to play Battlefield, been playing together since the days of Battlefield Vietnam back on pc.
Finally moved to Thailand in October 2019, whilst my wife was pregnant with my second child.
I saw Martin just before i left and it was sad to be moving so far away from my only friend.
So were living in Thailand with my wife's family, we ended up building a small home on her spare land.
Then Covid happened..our business wasn't producing any income and we ended up clearing though most of our savings..but regardless it was a mostly happy time since i got to spend every day with my family.
We had no choice but to come back to Australia.. it wasnt what we thought it was, life wasn't easy and stress free. Our dreams of living a simpler life, having our own business and being more self sustained. Thing's weren't like when we first went to Thailand 10 years ago. Everything had gotten expensive , less and less friendly and alot more rude people around. Money is everything in Thailand, and pretty much decides how you are treated as a person in society. Still, there are many things I love about Thailand.
We arrived back late June 2020, moved with mum again and just spent time settling in and looking for a place to rent.
I never told martin my plans of coming back to Sydney, I wanted it to be a surprise.
The last time I messeged him was on the 7th June , I just said what's been happening?
He replied on the 11th with "in hospital man sucks"
I replied "shit what happened"
No response, i just figured he didn't have internet access or something.
So I sent him another message on the 14th saying "well best of luck anyway, hope its nothing serious".
he replied "cheers man, nah just mental hospital. How you doing man?"
I replied "not too bad, hope you can get out of hospital soon"
He replied "cheers man"
That was our last contact.
It was pretty simple and short, which wasn't like him.
I sent him a message on the 25th August on facebook just to say hey and that, I didn't get a reply. Tried his PSN account with nothing.. i messaged a friend on his Facebook who i knew he spoke to occasionally.. he hadn't heard from him in a while either. I thought well he just hasn't recharged his phone credit, he might still be in the mental hospital.
I called around a few places with nothing. I went and buzzed his home 3 days in a row with no answer.. i was like wtf where was he... did something happen to him? I left a note in his mail box for whoever reads it to contact me because I was trying to reach Martin for a while.
I'll never forget the moment I got that call on Saturday afternoon, I knew that voice anywhere, it was martin's father.. my heart immediately sank, I knew what news was coming.
He said i found your note, im sorry but ive got some bad news, Martin had passed away on the 27th of August. He had been admitted to the hospital one night when he started to feel dizzy and was throwing up. They ran some tests and it came back to be brain cancer. The conversation is kind of a blur but he moved into his fathers home and spent the remainder of his life with his family. Im sure deep down he loved his father and brother, even though they had a strained relationship. He had said Martin had lost his memory and the passwords to his laptop and phone, so he was unable to contact any of his friends. He mentioned he would send some photos of Martin if I wanted to see them.
Fuck man it hit me so hard, I've never lost somebody I've cared about before. It was an intense set of emotions. From sadness to anger and regret.
I was real angry, how could the world take him like this..he was only 32, he didn't deserve it. Did he know how much I cared about him.. why didn't I make more effort to talk to him and just contact him more often to check in on him. Why didn't I go to his house earlier and put that note in.. I might of been able to see or talk to him before it was too late. Just so many things going through my head, from the memories we shared to the memories we can no longer create together.
I took his father up on his offer to send some photos of Martin's last few months. He sent a few photos with a message. Its hard to look at the photos, Martin had lost so much weight and was real skinny. His father had said he became ill on the 15th April, when he came to live with them until August when he went into palliative care at hospital. He received the best of care and did not suffer any pain. He died on the 27th August from brain cancer (Grade 4).
Thinking of how he told me he was in a mental hospital on the 11th June, after which he would of already known his diagnosis. I was like fuck man, I wish you had of told me. But I don't blame him at all, I mean how do you deal with your own mortality. Ultimately would it of made any difference?.. I don't know.
He was living a life of loneliness, struggling with his mind and the demons within. A troubled life..I just wish life was better for him. But i think for the most part he was glad to be here. If I had to say one thing Martin ever wanted to do in life was to make music. He was heavily into underground hip hop, his favourite artist was Aesop Rock. He tried making a few beats and spitting some rhymes. But I guess he struggled with motivation and just missed that spark. Most of all to me, he had been a part of my life for as long i can remember.. more than half of it. We have told each other stuff nobody else knows. Been through so much together over the years.
I cant believe you never got to play the last of us 2 or even got to see what the playstation 5 looked like.. no more battlefield or late night chats. We were so excited about the ps5 coming, and now I'd be lucky to even afford one. With the ps5 literally a week away, it hits home even harder, I feel like it's just not the same if we can't enjoy it together.
It seems like this time last year I had it all, and in a year I've lost everything but my family. What took us 10 years to save is gone, my best friend is gone. Everything I had.
Last time I had help by staying with my parents, no kids, and my youth. Now this time around I'm already -20k that I had to borrow from my father to help me out, I had told him wouldn't need to use it, but i had no choice. He doesn't have much money to live off by, so I can't just not pay him back. I don't know how will I ever recover from this, I have no education or skills.
I feel like I've come to a point in my life where it just seems like I'm just wasting away. I have my family who is everything to me, even though my marriage isn't always the best. My 3 year old son who is my world, just so smart, funny and a real personality but also extremely active and naughty. My 7 month son who i love, but is super difficult and hard work. Somehow I'm just not as patient as I used to be and get annoyed at him all the time. I would never hurt him but it makes it hard to like him and I hate myself for it. I know he's just a baby and once this stage ends, things will be alot different hopefully.
It just feels like I'm a looser and failing at life. I look around me and all I see are families with nice homes, jobs and cars. And all I want to do is be able to provide that for my family. So that they have a place to call home and build the future they deserve. Make the kind of memories that can only be made in a home.
But how can I ever achieve that with my current situation and house prices are insane. I guess I have to accept that..but thinking about how sudden Martin lost his life, made me think of my own and what if that was me. My family would be left with nothing and my children without a father.
Right now all I care about is trying to make the best life for my children. Make sure they have a comfortable and loving upbringing, good education and a solid family relationship. Not make the same mistakes I did , by not following any clear path in life and working lower paying jobs.
Not putting effort into maintaining my own relationship's with my parents and brothers. I rarely speak to my father and never had a good relationship. I won't let that happen to my children.
So right now I've set a goal to work on my health and lack of energy. Enjoy my time with the family. These two kids sure are alot of work.
Beginning in the new year I'll start looking for work and keep on chugging along, trying to make it work for us. I'll be honest being 20k under and having a car in Thailand that I have to make monthly payments on for the next 6 years is an extremely depressing and demotivating thought.
On top of that i put on a fair bit of weight being out of work for a year and being not as active as I was. I started my diet at 103kg and I'm down to 88, I want to loose 10kg more. I want to make it a life goal to get back into skating and relearn the basics, a few flip tricks, grinding and ollieing simple stuff. I always had a love of skateboarding, which I shared with Martin and I want to pass that on to my sons and be able to skate around together.
I tried to get back on the board and I'm pretty hopeless, i can barely Ollie and lack confidence. I guess being a bit overweight and the fact my body doesn't work like when I was younger. I'm hoping that loosing a bit more weight will make it alot easier to move around and commit to the tricks.
I'm sick of living a life of fighting my addictions and constant procrastination. Its always been either food, drugs, alcohol, porn.. just something. I just hope I can do something before it's too late.
I just miss you so much Martin. I hope you made peace. I will always remember the days we spent together. I feel like ive lost a piece of myself.
I love you my brother.
P.S. Fuck cancer man.
EDIT: Wow, thankyou guys for the awards, I didn't think many people would actually read my post. Thankyou to all of you for taking the time to read it, I know it was pretty long. I'm very humbled by all your comments and well wishes. Sending my love back to you all.
submitted by jackinsally to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

Why I love DJMAX and some history of it - from Malaysia

Before I begin maybe should let you guys know it's gonna be a long winded story on my encounter with VSRG (vertical scrolling rhythm game) and in nutshell I will explain how glad and thankful I am that DJMAX had finally made it on Steam and also Play Station. If it is really TLDR then just skip to may last point on why you should get DJMAX respect.
I started my first rhythmic game back in around year 2000, and most of you would have probably heard of o2jam. O2JAM was a game created by AmuseWorld at first (if I am not wrong), the very same creator as you would have probably heard of ez2dj (now ez2ac). The game was passed on to be further developed independently by a company called O2media. O2jam back then was a massive game world wide at least I can vouch on that for South East Asia region. All this thanks to game hosting company known as 'e-games' founded by a Japanese establishing the company in Malaysia. I have been playing o2jam religiously for years until one fine day the game has stop development and shut down entirely. I am not too sure the reason behind the shutdown but recently I just found out that there might be something sinister behind this, after so many years.
This may related to Konami, though I am just guessing and 100% based on my opinion and some research. Remember the arcade game EZ2DJ developed by Amuseworld, actually got sued by Konami back in 2007 for imitating their rhythmic game called Beatmania. Apparently their patent hunt did not stop there. I have a very strong reason to believe o2jam has to shut down abruptly (at their peak) to avoid the foreseeable patent lawsuit from Konami.
At this point of time, DJMAX was already in the market but quite reserved only in Korea. I spotted some of the screenshot and was very excited to play this game, but I guess the game company has not much option other than staying low and hide under the radar from Konami. After many years, DJmax's Technika series owned by their subsidiary called Pentavision at that time was sued by Konami (not suprisiong at all). I am not sure about the details but it ended with all Technika's machine in Japan to be handled by Konami's distribution and they kind of kill it off (perhaps intentionally - my guess is the lawsuit ended in distribution right for Konami rather than monetary gain? not too sure) . That's how Technika died in the hand of Konami, even though they have put in the effort to develop a game that is not vertical but sideways, and also touch screen.
Back to my story, it was a miserable years for me after o2jam is gone. I am from Malaysia and this is not a country of economic powerhouse, so consumer spending is not as prosperous compare to Korea, Japan, Singapore and the US. Most arcade business owners in my country can only afford used 2nd hand machines that other countries are throwing them away. I often visit the arcade centers to play some broken ez2dj and beatmania machines which has gone offline and at most time not well maintained and I still need to pay to play as how they say it; beggars cant be a chooser. Songs are outdated, screen is blurry AF. I was also poor AF that I can only save up some college pocket money to play in the arcade.
My wallet dried up so I finally have no choice but to play ROCK FEVER instead - also a VSRG arcade machine developed in Taiwan. Is is kind of affordable because ROCKFEVER is the only game (as far as i know) that allows you to complete the song until the end. They then decide whether you are qualified to go on the next stage, unlike other VSRG that kick you off the game once your HP gauge bar depleted to zero, without completing the song. The game is great but there are no long notes in it. It gets pretty blunt too towards the end. After that I tried SDO (super dance online) on PC but it was only 4 keys - though they have 6 keys now but i have stopped playing long before the 6 keys button arrived.
Of cuz somewhere in the middle I tried OSU and also Stepmania but i dont really like them because they do not have the same VSRG content i wanted - again, not sure about now with all the updates.
When I started my first job, I was still poor AF. I landed on a jailbreak PSP and have DJMAX series in it (pirated version). I am sorry that i have to admit that was the only option for me. I have also stopped playing that after i completed all the song and there was nothing to look forward too. DJMAX continues their development with Trilogy series on PC but only made available in Korean market.
Now I have found DJMAX RESPECT on STEAM and since i was weighed on with my past crime of playing a counterfeit DJMAX, I decided its finally time to pay back the company for good. I bought all the DLCs which i owed them. After all they have game designers and content creators to feed, like everyone of us. If you look back at some of their music video/visual art you can tell the game was created with passion by a group of dedicated folks, they even acted in the music video themselves - i am not sure about this but they do not look like some paid artist, so that has to be my only guess.
And the best thing of all, i know for sure that i am paying for something that is sustainable, because KONAMI cannot do anything to sue any companies that gets in their way. This is what i found on the website - that their patent for rhythmic game has expired and developers can now start creating rhythm game with peace in mind.
<<<< July 31, 1998, marked the beginning of when Konami's patent went into effect — according to various Japanese news outlets, Konami's patent has finally expired. The implications of the patent expiring give designers a greater level of flexibility when creating music rhythm titles.Aug 1, 2018 >>>
I am sorry that i made Konami sounded like some a**hole, i am sure some of you may be a big fan of KONAMI or their games. If you search in the internet you can find out how this company mistreating their staff and also sue-ing all their competitors whenever they can. Also, O2jam shutdown might also be indirectly related to KONAMI that's why i took it quite personally. They sue gaming companies, causing them to stop their sales in different markets, but did Konami provide their gaming services to these markets later on? No. They don't need to, because Malaysia is such a poor market, they don't need us but we need the games for crying out loud! This has also Thailand, Philippine and other SEA regions. I have been searching over the internet till these day and i still cannot find an official reason/response to why o2jam was being shutdown. If someone knows this please share in the comment.
ANYWAY that's what i have to say. In short here are my ten points why you should purchase DJMAX RESPECT
  1. It's affordable - seriously.
  2. There are unbelievable amount of songs in it, from their previous series and also collaborated songs from different rhythmic games like CYTUS, DEEMO and CHUNITHM
  3. Cloud service - sticks to your account in steam whenever you go and also needless to say on your PSN play station - maybe this is not worth pointing out anyway, sorry.... but its still a valid point
  4. Music video/visual art is great. The animation alone is normal but its pretty decent to have some visual backdrop as you are playing the game and its really really nice compared to many other VSRG games i have seen.
  5. Mastery in the game is possible. VSRG is all about practicing and DJMAX respect have tones of song for you to learn patiently. By the time you completed them all, trust me you will be surprised how good you are in this game and how fast you actually pick them up.
  6. You can play competitively and casually. Most VSRG games is all about being the best, but seriously with all the good sidelines DJMAX has to offer, one might just forget about the competition and just enjoy have fun with the game and the music.
  7. All type of song genre - you name it, pop, rock, electronic, metal, jazz, hip hop and many more. Only chapel songs not available.
  8. Respect your time. Yes, maybe that's also the same for other rhythmic game but i just want to reiterate again this is the type of game where you can stop and call it a day, unlike other genre that you need to get hooked up for hours before it ended.
  9. Skill based game. You are how good you are, you cant buy it with money. Whalers have no place in here and whalers themselves probably for once in their life encounter a spiritual awakening and know they worth more than just swiping their credit cards.
  10. Game data is decent. It keeps your record and you can always analyze how well you have been playing, revisit back the songs you have never manage to complete, and start organizing your goals in area you want to improve.
submitted by Adrianoid86 to djmax [link] [comments]

[PS4][31/32] Gridiron Knights: Play Year-Round, Play with Integrity League Promotion

Jump straight into our Discord chat and say you're interested. Follow this link to join now:
Check out our daddyleagues page for any questions you have about teams/rosters:
Other leagues have tedious and complicated rules dictating your play calling, from when in the game and where on the field you can go for it on 4th down, or call no huddle, or even how many points you're allowed to score. In the heat of a game it's very difficult to keep them straight. Ultimately, the reason other leagues create those complex rules is to stop guys from immature play calling, such as spamming the same play repeatedly. Our league discovered that the same guys spamming plays are also the guys who start petty insult exchanges in the chat. We focus on removing guys with immature behavior and poor sportsmanship, and by doing so we also removed the guys who are guilty of immature play calling. Consequently, we don't need a giant book of playcalling rules. We offer our members the convenience of a simple set of rules that allow you to call your own plays.
Our rules are so good they've been copied by multiple other leagues. Just remember, there's no substitute for the original!
1.1 ONSIDE KICKS/SQUIB KICKS/FAKE PUNTS - You are allowed to attempt onside kicks, squib kicks or fake punts as often as you like, as long as you do not have a 21 point or greater lead over your opponent. Real NFL teams occasionally try to surprise their opponents with an onside kick or fake punt, so it is allowed in this league. Attempting one of these types of kicks with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.2 NO HUDDLE OFFENSE - You are allowed to run a no huddle offense.
1.3 4th DOWN - You are allowed to go for it on 4th down at anytime in a game, including the 1st quarter. Real NFL coaches occasionally go for it on 4th down, so it is allowed in this league. However, if you are winning by 21 points or more you must punt or kick a field goal. Going for it on 4th down with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.4 BLOWOUT RULE - If you are winning by 21 points or more in the second half against another user do not continue to pass on every down or try to win by as big a margin as possible. Intentionally running up the score is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.5 STREAMING GAMES - You are not required to stream your game but may do so if you like.
1.6 RESTARTING GAMES - You are not allowed to restart a CPU game. Restarting a CPU game for any reason, including because you are losing or because a key player is injured, is considered cheating.
1.7 QUITTING GAMES - Quitting any type of game (user-vs-user or user-vs-CPU) is not allowed. Conceding a game is considered quitting.
1.7.1 DISCONNECTIONS - Occasionally, for reasons out of your control, you may be inadvertently disconnected from your game because of a loss of internet connection or an error with the PlayStation network. This should only occur very infrequently and will not be accepted as an excuse for quitting games if it happens frequently.
1.7.2 DEFAULT WINNER - If a disconnection occurs during a user-vs-user game where one of the users has a significant lead they may be declared the winner of the game by default. If you are winning by 21 points or more during the first half, 14 points or more during the 3rd quarter or 10 points or more during the 4th quarter you are considered the default winner. Default winners have their choice of 1) replaying the game against the CPU with their opponent set on auto 2) requesting that the commissioner simulate the game using the Sim-a-Win feature to force the default winner’s victory or 3) replaying their user opponent. If you replay your opponent, there is no guarantee you will win the replayed game.
1.8 REPORTING RULE BREAKING - If your opponent is breaking the rules you should record their infraction via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4. Then you have two options:
1.8.1 CONTINUE THE GAME - You may continue the game. It is recommended that you message your opponent in the main chat and request that they stop breaking the rules (please be respectful). After the game you may submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules to the commissioner. The commissioner will then decide if penalizing your opponent is appropriate.
1.8.2 EXIT THE GAME - You may quit the game, but you risk being penalized. If you quit the game then it is mandatory that you submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules. The commissioner will review the video and rule either for or against you. OPPONENT FOUND GUILTY - If the commissioner rules in your favor you will have the option to replay the game with your opponent on auto or the commissioner will use the Sim-a-Win feature to ensure you win the game via simulation when the league advances. The commissioner will also decide the penalty for your opponent. OPPONENT FOUND NOT GUILTY - If the commissioner is unable to establish beyond reasonable doubt that your opponent broke the rules then you will be subject to a penalty for quitting the game.
1.8.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is violating the rules.
1.9 GLITCH PLAYS - EA Sports does well at continuously releasing patches to Madden that eliminate glitches in the game that when taken advantage of can give one player an unfair advantage. However, the commissioners may ban specific formation-play or even formation-play-hot route combinations if necessary.
1.9.1 GLITCH PLAY REPORTING - If your opponent is taking advantage of a glitch play that is giving them an unfair advantage, you should record the play via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4 and share it with commissioners. Commissioners will decide if the play needs to be banned from the league.
1.9.2 BANNED PLAYS - A list of banned glitch plays will be documented in this section of the rules. An announcement will be made via the Discord app every time a banned play is added to this list.
1.9.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is using a glitch play.
1.10 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING THE INTRA-GAME RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) being placed on auto for one or more weeks, 2) using Sim-a-Win to ensure your team loses a game or multiple games, 3) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 4) loss of draft picks or 5) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
2.1 TRADE COMMITTEE PHILOSOPHY - The trade committee exists to ensure that user-to-CPU trades are reasonable. One of the primary objectives of the trade committee is the oversee trades that occur in the last few seasons before the next version of Madden is released where the CPU’s decisions don’t account for the limited remaining time.
2.2 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Commissions will appoint 5 members of the trade committee.
2.3 CPU TRADES - User-to-CPU trades must be approved by a majority vote of the trade committee.
2.3.1 TRADE PROPOSALS - In order to be approved trades must be proposed in the Trade Committee section of the Discord application. Trade proposals must include basic information about the players, including player name, position, age and overall rating.
2.3.2 TRADE APPROVAL - A trade is approved only when at least 3 out of 5 of the trade committee approve. DEFAULT APPROVAL - If a trade committee member does not respond to a trade proposal within 12 hours that committee member’s vote on the trade is defaulted to an approval.
2.3.3 TRADE COMMITTEE EXCEPTIONS - The following user-to-CPU trades do not need trade committee approval. CPU PROPOSED TRADES - If the CPU proposes a trade to you then you may accept without trade committee approval. DRAFT PICK TRADES - Trading draft picks for draft picks (i.e. no players) does not need trade committee approval during stage 4 and stage 5 (the draft week) of the off-season. LAST SEASON EXCEPTION - If the commissioners have announced that the league is in its final season then users may not trade away their draft picks for the next season without trade committee approval. (For example: If the league is in season 2021 and it is the league’s final season then users may not trade 2022 draft picks without trade committee approval)
2.3.4 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBER VOTING - Trade committee members cannot vote to approve their own trade. If a trade committee member has proposed a trade, they must get approval from 3 of the other 4 committee members.
2.4 USER-TO-USER TRADES - You are free to make user-to-user trades at will, no approval is required.
2.5 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING TRADING RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 2) loss of draft picks, 3) being forced to release players from your roster or 4) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
3.1 PERSONAL CONDUCT - It is mandatory that you treat other users within the league with respect. Some good natured trash talking is allowed, but derogatory or offensive communications are unacceptable. Members who fill out the chat trading petty insults with each other will be removed from the league.
3.2 ADVANCE SCHEDULE - The league advances on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around 9 am ET.
3.3 SCHEDULING GAMES - Each user is responsible for scheduling their game within the given time before the league’s advance. The league approved form of communication for scheduling games is the Discord app. When attempting to schedule a game with your opponent you must address them using the @ symbol and their Discord nickname. Some of our members don’t routinely follow the Discord chat and addressing them with the @ symbol will send them a notification.
3.3.1 OPPONENT NON-RESPONSE - If you have not heard back from your opponent after attempting to schedule for 24 hours, you may contact the commissioners and request your opponent be placed on auto so that you may play your game or receive a force win. There is no guarantee the commissioner will be available to place your opponent on auto if you wait to the last minute to make your request.
3.4 USER PARTICIPATION - Active participation in the league is mandatory. You are expected to play 3 games per week as a member of this league. Occasional absences are understandable, but frequent absences may lead to being removed from the league.
3.4.1 ABSENCES - If you know in advance that you will be unavailable to play a game, please put your team on auto and inform your opponent.
3.4.2 EXTENDED ABSENCES - If you will have an extended absence such as a vacation, please place your team on auto for the appropriate amount of time and inform the commissioner of your absence. Failure to inform the commissioners may result in you being removed from the league.
3.5 CPU GAMES FORCE WINS - Force wins against the CPU will be granted, however you must request a force win. Force win request should be made in the #ForceWinRequests channel on Discord. Direct requests to individual commissioners may be missed if a different commissioner advances the league.
3.6 CORE HOURS REQUIREMENT - All members of the league are expected to have some availability during core hours. Core hours are defined as being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Monday or Tuesday and being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and being available at some time on Saturday or Sunday. It’s not expected that members always play their games during these hours, but someone that is never available during these core hours will cause difficulties scheduling games and is not a good fit for this league.
3.7 ALL YEAR LEAGUE - This league will continue to play throughout the entire year. The league prefers that members are committed to playing all year long.
3.8 LEAVING THE LEAGUE - We wish the best to members who leave the league in good standing because they had other priorities in their life and could no longer honor the time commitment the league requires. However, it is unlikely that someone who quits the league will be allowed to return. This league is committed to remaining fun all year long and that becomes difficult in the later, summer months if retirements from the league are causing the remaining members to play numerous CPU games. We don't want to allow people who have a history of dropping out to return and take up spots for guys who might stay year round.
4.1 COACH OR OWNER - You must create a new coach. Using an owner or existing coach is not allowed.
4.2 SWITCHING TEAMS - You may only switch to a different team with commissioner approval. Approval is more likely to be given during the off-season.
4.3 TEAM RELOCATION - Team relocation is not allowed. Historically we’ve found that it is difficult to recruit new members to a team that has been relocated.
4.4 DIFFICULTY LEVEL - This league plays at the All-Madden difficulty level.
4.4.1 CPU BLOWOUTS - The commissioners may adjust CPU team artificial intelligence (AI) higher if CPU teams are consistently getting blown out by members of the league.
4.5 GAME MODE - Simulation Mode.
4.6 GAME DURATION SETTINGS - 8 minute quarters with 20 second accelerated clock.
5.1.1 POSITION CHANGES - You can not change a players position in order to resign them for a lower salary.
5.1.2 RELEASE AND RESIGN SAME WEEK RESIGNING RESTRICTION - If you release a player you can’t resign that player until the following week. SAME WEEK RESIGNING EXCEPTION - An exception may be granted by the commissioners if a player in accidentally released and is desired to be resigned immediately.
5.2.1 POSITION CHANGES ALLOWED - The following position changes are allowed:
QB -> No position changes allowed HB -> WR, FB or TE (only if 230 lbs or more) WR -> HB, FB or TE (only if 230 lbs or more) TE -> WR, HB or FB OL -> Any OL position or FB DL -> Any DL or LB position LB -> Any LB, DL or Safety position DB -> Any DB position or LB (only if 220 lbs or more) K -> P P -> K
5.2.2 POSITION CHANGE FREQUENCY - The number of times a player’s position can change is limited to prevent exploits in the game. Position changes for a player may only occur in 4 weeks out of each season. During each week, multiple changes are allowed. For example, during a week a defensive end may be changed to linebacker and then changed back within the same week.
submitted by DynastyPlanner to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]

[PS4][31/32] Gridiron Knights: Play Year-Round, Play with Integrity League Promotion

Jump straight into our Discord chat and say you're interested. Follow this link to join now:
Check out our daddyleagues page for any questions you have about teams/rosters:
Other leagues have tedious and complicated rules dictating your play calling, from when in the game and where on the field you can go for it on 4th down, or call no huddle, or even how many points you're allowed to score. In the heat of a game it's very difficult to keep them straight. Ultimately, the reason other leagues create those complex rules is to stop guys from immature play calling, such as spamming the same play repeatedly. Our league discovered that the same guys spamming plays are also the guys who start petty insult exchanges in the chat. We focus on removing guys with immature behavior and poor sportsmanship, and by doing so we also removed the guys who are guilty of immature play calling. Consequently, we don't need a giant book of playcalling rules. We offer our members the convenience of a simple set of rules that allow you to call your own plays.
Our rules are so good they've been copied by multiple other leagues. Just remember, there's no substitute for the original!
1.1 ONSIDE KICKS/SQUIB KICKS/FAKE PUNTS - You are allowed to attempt onside kicks, squib kicks or fake punts as often as you like, as long as you do not have a 21 point or greater lead over your opponent. Real NFL teams occasionally try to surprise their opponents with an onside kick or fake punt, so it is allowed in this league. Attempting one of these types of kicks with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.2 NO HUDDLE OFFENSE - You are allowed to run a no huddle offense.
1.3 4th DOWN - You are allowed to go for it on 4th down at anytime in a game, including the 1st quarter. Real NFL coaches occasionally go for it on 4th down, so it is allowed in this league. However, if you are winning by 21 points or more you must punt or kick a field goal. Going for it on 4th down with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.4 BLOWOUT RULE - If you are winning by 21 points or more in the second half against another user do not continue to pass on every down or try to win by as big a margin as possible. Intentionally running up the score is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.5 STREAMING GAMES - You are not required to stream your game but may do so if you like.
1.6 RESTARTING GAMES - You are not allowed to restart a CPU game. Restarting a CPU game for any reason, including because you are losing or because a key player is injured, is considered cheating.
1.7 QUITTING GAMES - Quitting any type of game (user-vs-user or user-vs-CPU) is not allowed. Conceding a game is considered quitting.
1.7.1 DISCONNECTIONS - Occasionally, for reasons out of your control, you may be inadvertently disconnected from your game because of a loss of internet connection or an error with the PlayStation network. This should only occur very infrequently and will not be accepted as an excuse for quitting games if it happens frequently.
1.7.2 DEFAULT WINNER - If a disconnection occurs during a user-vs-user game where one of the users has a significant lead they may be declared the winner of the game by default. If you are winning by 21 points or more during the first half, 14 points or more during the 3rd quarter or 10 points or more during the 4th quarter you are considered the default winner. Default winners have their choice of 1) replaying the game against the CPU with their opponent set on auto 2) requesting that the commissioner simulate the game using the Sim-a-Win feature to force the default winner’s victory or 3) replaying their user opponent. If you replay your opponent, there is no guarantee you will win the replayed game.
1.8 REPORTING RULE BREAKING - If your opponent is breaking the rules you should record their infraction via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4. Then you have two options:
1.8.1 CONTINUE THE GAME - You may continue the game. It is recommended that you message your opponent in the main chat and request that they stop breaking the rules (please be respectful). After the game you may submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules to the commissioner. The commissioner will then decide if penalizing your opponent is appropriate.
1.8.2 EXIT THE GAME - You may quit the game, but you risk being penalized. If you quit the game then it is mandatory that you submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules. The commissioner will review the video and rule either for or against you. OPPONENT FOUND GUILTY - If the commissioner rules in your favor you will have the option to replay the game with your opponent on auto or the commissioner will use the Sim-a-Win feature to ensure you win the game via simulation when the league advances. The commissioner will also decide the penalty for your opponent. OPPONENT FOUND NOT GUILTY - If the commissioner is unable to establish beyond reasonable doubt that your opponent broke the rules then you will be subject to a penalty for quitting the game.
1.8.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is violating the rules.
1.9 GLITCH PLAYS - EA Sports does well at continuously releasing patches to Madden that eliminate glitches in the game that when taken advantage of can give one player an unfair advantage. However, the commissioners may ban specific formation-play or even formation-play-hot route combinations if necessary.
1.9.1 GLITCH PLAY REPORTING - If your opponent is taking advantage of a glitch play that is giving them an unfair advantage, you should record the play via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4 and share it with commissioners. Commissioners will decide if the play needs to be banned from the league.
1.9.2 BANNED PLAYS - A list of banned glitch plays will be documented in this section of the rules. An announcement will be made via the Discord app every time a banned play is added to this list.
1.9.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is using a glitch play.
1.10 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING THE INTRA-GAME RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) being placed on auto for one or more weeks, 2) using Sim-a-Win to ensure your team loses a game or multiple games, 3) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 4) loss of draft picks or 5) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
2.1 TRADE COMMITTEE PHILOSOPHY - The trade committee exists to ensure that user-to-CPU trades are reasonable. One of the primary objectives of the trade committee is the oversee trades that occur in the last few seasons before the next version of Madden is released where the CPU’s decisions don’t account for the limited remaining time.
2.2 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Commissions will appoint 5 members of the trade committee.
2.3 CPU TRADES - User-to-CPU trades must be approved by a majority vote of the trade committee.
2.3.1 TRADE PROPOSALS - In order to be approved trades must be proposed in the Trade Committee section of the Discord application. Trade proposals must include basic information about the players, including player name, position, age and overall rating.
2.3.2 TRADE APPROVAL - A trade is approved only when at least 3 out of 5 of the trade committee approve. DEFAULT APPROVAL - If a trade committee member does not respond to a trade proposal within 12 hours that committee member’s vote on the trade is defaulted to an approval.
2.3.3 TRADE COMMITTEE EXCEPTIONS - The following user-to-CPU trades do not need trade committee approval. CPU PROPOSED TRADES - If the CPU proposes a trade to you then you may accept without trade committee approval. DRAFT PICK TRADES - Trading draft picks for draft picks (i.e. no players) does not need trade committee approval during stage 4 and stage 5 (the draft week) of the off-season. LAST SEASON EXCEPTION - If the commissioners have announced that the league is in its final season then users may not trade away their draft picks for the next season without trade committee approval. (For example: If the league is in season 2021 and it is the league’s final season then users may not trade 2022 draft picks without trade committee approval)
2.3.4 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBER VOTING - Trade committee members cannot vote to approve their own trade. If a trade committee member has proposed a trade, they must get approval from 3 of the other 4 committee members.
2.4 USER-TO-USER TRADES - You are free to make user-to-user trades at will, no approval is required.
2.5 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING TRADING RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 2) loss of draft picks, 3) being forced to release players from your roster or 4) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
3.1 PERSONAL CONDUCT - It is mandatory that you treat other users within the league with respect. Some good natured trash talking is allowed, but derogatory or offensive communications are unacceptable. Members who fill out the chat trading petty insults with each other will be removed from the league.
3.2 ADVANCE SCHEDULE - The league advances on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around 9 am ET.
3.3 SCHEDULING GAMES - Each user is responsible for scheduling their game within the given time before the league’s advance. The league approved form of communication for scheduling games is the Discord app. When attempting to schedule a game with your opponent you must address them using the @ symbol and their Discord nickname. Some of our members don’t routinely follow the Discord chat and addressing them with the @ symbol will send them a notification.
3.3.1 OPPONENT NON-RESPONSE - If you have not heard back from your opponent after attempting to schedule for 24 hours, you may contact the commissioners and request your opponent be placed on auto so that you may play your game or receive a force win. There is no guarantee the commissioner will be available to place your opponent on auto if you wait to the last minute to make your request.
3.4 USER PARTICIPATION - Active participation in the league is mandatory. You are expected to play 3 games per week as a member of this league. Occasional absences are understandable, but frequent absences may lead to being removed from the league.
3.4.1 ABSENCES - If you know in advance that you will be unavailable to play a game, please put your team on auto and inform your opponent.
3.4.2 EXTENDED ABSENCES - If you will have an extended absence such as a vacation, please place your team on auto for the appropriate amount of time and inform the commissioner of your absence. Failure to inform the commissioners may result in you being removed from the league.
3.5 CPU GAMES FORCE WINS - Force wins against the CPU will be granted, however you must request a force win. Force win request should be made in the #ForceWinRequests channel on Discord. Direct requests to individual commissioners may be missed if a different commissioner advances the league.
3.6 CORE HOURS REQUIREMENT - All members of the league are expected to have some availability during core hours. Core hours are defined as being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Monday or Tuesday and being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and being available at some time on Saturday or Sunday. It’s not expected that members always play their games during these hours, but someone that is never available during these core hours will cause difficulties scheduling games and is not a good fit for this league.
3.7 ALL YEAR LEAGUE - This league will continue to play throughout the entire year. The league prefers that members are committed to playing all year long.
3.8 LEAVING THE LEAGUE - We wish the best to members who leave the league in good standing because they had other priorities in their life and could no longer honor the time commitment the league requires. However, it is unlikely that someone who quits the league will be allowed to return. This league is committed to remaining fun all year long and that becomes difficult in the later, summer months if retirements from the league are causing the remaining members to play numerous CPU games. We don't want to allow people who have a history of dropping out to return and take up spots for guys who might stay year round.
4.1 COACH OR OWNER - You must create a new coach. Using an owner or existing coach is not allowed.
4.2 SWITCHING TEAMS - You may only switch to a different team with commissioner approval. Approval is more likely to be given during the off-season.
4.3 TEAM RELOCATION - Team relocation is not allowed. Historically we’ve found that it is difficult to recruit new members to a team that has been relocated.
4.4 DIFFICULTY LEVEL - This league plays at the All-Madden difficulty level.
4.4.1 CPU BLOWOUTS - The commissioners may adjust CPU team artificial intelligence (AI) higher if CPU teams are consistently getting blown out by members of the league.
4.5 GAME MODE - Simulation Mode.
4.6 GAME DURATION SETTINGS - 8 minute quarters with 20 second accelerated clock.
5.1.1 POSITION CHANGES - You can not change a players position in order to resign them for a lower salary.
5.1.2 RELEASE AND RESIGN SAME WEEK RESIGNING RESTRICTION - If you release a player you can’t resign that player until the following week. SAME WEEK RESIGNING EXCEPTION - An exception may be granted by the commissioners if a player in accidentally released and is desired to be resigned immediately.
5.2.1 POSITION CHANGES ALLOWED - The following position changes are allowed:
QB -> No position changes allowed HB -> WR, FB or TE (only if 230 lbs or more) WR -> HB, FB or TE (only if 230 lbs or more) TE -> WR, HB or FB OL -> Any OL position or FB DL -> Any DL or LB position LB -> Any LB, DL or Safety position DB -> Any DB position or LB (only if 220 lbs or more) K -> P P -> K
5.2.2 POSITION CHANGE FREQUENCY - The number of times a player’s position can change is limited to prevent exploits in the game. Position changes for a player may only occur in 4 weeks out of each season. During each week, multiple changes are allowed. For example, during a week a defensive end may be changed to linebacker and then changed back within the same week.
submitted by DynastyPlanner to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]

The Current-Console Versions of the game are a scam, and people are justifying it.

What the fuck, this was not what was advertised to me or to anybody for which, if you have been living under a rock for the past several days, the game came out a bit buggy on PC, but atleast it was playable, the console version complete BS.
I'll be honest, when the game got announced and they showed the gameplay, i thought that this game in no way shape or form would come to current-gen consoles, it would probably be a PC only exclusive or a next gen game right? No... When i heard the game was coming out on current-gen consoles i was surprised to say the least, i was hyped to pick it up and play it....
Then come the release day, after putting the disc into my PS4 Pro, i played the Day 0 patch for like around 2 hours, and holy shit, it was the worst running game i've ever seen in my life, Night City runs ok, but the rest is much worse, the NPCs have worse graphics than that of a PS1, Textures not loading fully, sometimes i even clip into a wall, Fucking FALLOUT 76 (currently) Runs better than this shit, Imagine living without internet and you went ahead and bought this game, this is what you play, this is what you experience, this ''thing'' got approved to be shipped, it is shocking how a dude came in, saw this and said ''yknow what this is perfect lets just ship it lmao''
After that i said... Okay, maybe its just the Day 0 patch right? Ill wait till the Day 1 Patch installs, 1 hour later and it's still broken, sure some bugs have been fixed, but it's still not playable or gullible, i'd rather watch paint dry than play the Day 0 patch, its fucking frustrating because it's not even good for the console itself, i played around 15 Hours of this game and i experienced frequent crashes that happen around every 30 minutes, right analog drift even though my controller is fine (i even went to check if it was drifting itself), and the console froze 2 times on me, and it corrupted a game i had.
And about how it was advertised, when they showed us the PS4 ''gameplay'' here, you look at it and y'know, it looks stable, and nice looking right? Well... This is not what we got, this is what we got, This false advertising, this shouldn't be legal, FPS Drops up-to 12FPS, 20 FPS On average, Unloaded Textures, Crashing, Freezing, and not to mention the huge amount of bugs, and people are still justifying it just because its CDPR, Because iTs mY wItCheR cOmpAny, This game should've been delayed by a year, IF ITS FUCKING BROKEN, DON'T RELEASE IT.
If you bought this game and think that this is unplayable, you can refund it digitally, PSN allows you to refund a game that is not working as intended if you fight hard enough with them, i hope people understand this because this is not justifiable by any means, and if you think that it's the consoles fault, then they shouldn't even have released it on current-gen.
submitted by oilfloatsinwater to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

I am really upset about wat happened to me...

So, i bought the game on PS4 on a PSN sale for PSplus members. Well, i downloaded de game, created my character and then, played the tutorial mission until i reached in the first Clay Davies mission, thats where the sh*t happened...
Everytime i go to talk to this npc, i got a message saying a error ocurred on Rockstar servers and i can't proceed further without doing this quest. The code error is 0x20040000.
I have searched all around the internet for a solution. Tried to portfoward, change ps4 ip adress, EVERYTHING and and nothing works.
Maybe someone went through this and managed to resolve?
Thanks for read.
PS: English is not my main language and i used google translator to help me in some words.
submitted by alefdeleon to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

PS5 "can't find what you're looking for" solutions

So after about 2 months testing several things, calling support, and experimenting with hardware configurations, I think I've gotten to the bottom of it! This could cover errors like CE-112884-4, CE-112926-0 and E2-81760907.
The symptoms:. The ps5 might connect, play games, receive invites, and update normally - but won't let you view accounts, some store pages, active friends, or details on invites. Rebooting or turning internet off and on fixes this temporarily.
What I've tried: so this is the long part. I tried different homes, wifi, LAN, and different hardware configurations as well as port forwarding to solve it in addition to factory resetting a ps5 so you don't have to! We tried different routers, no router, and messing with firewall settings most users shouldn't as well, but this should hopefully get people to answers quicker.
What worked!:. New hardware, and setting up port forwarding. The port forwarding was the same as for PS4 and there are guides better than I could place hereGuide. But the REAL FIX was ditching the ISP provided router. This was the most permanent solution.
To test if your router is the problem, you're going to need an ethernet cable. Wire the ps5 directly into the router rather than the usual modem. (Do NOT leave it this way or connect your whole home this way, your devices are more vulnerable while connected like this and I only reccomend it because your PS5 is a low security risk device). If the PS5 has no trouble connected this way in NAT 1, we can identify the PS5 is not at fault and work from there.
Next, put your router back in place like normal, and follow the guide above to forward ports. Try it like this for a day or two first to see if your issues return.
Finally, if forwarding the ports doesn't solve it, buying your own router probably will. Isp provided routers are updated infrequently and usually without gamers in mind. The boring (but risky) bits of my testing suggest that it's those cheap firewall solutions that cause the problem by blocking recurring network traffic that the PS5 is using to update store and UI elements dependent on the PSN.
Buying your own router gives you better controls, more security, and generally better user experience anyways, but this might just save you all the pain of resetting a ps5 twice on the phone then waiting for weeks for Sony to "repair" it, then find nothing changed.
submitted by Ultramarine6 to playstation [link] [comments]

cyberpunk needs to come as a lesson for gamers

Cyberpunk got a 4/10 from IGN on consoles. Recently news has come out about crunch and the CDP's (publisher) demands for the game. The workers of CDPR (devs) spent a year, or more, constantly working on this game and still couldn't release a finished product. Yes, this is the publishers fault. Not only was it unfair to the developers and the gamers to push it out early, it was also a terrible move that tanked sales. However, the gamers are at equally at fault.
This game was hyped for 10 years. It was meant to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and with six more months in development it would have been. I played on PC and damn near cried at the end of the game. But, people only see it as a failure without looking at the underlying causes of the glitches and frame rate issues.
There is a unknowingly toxic culture surrounding uninformed gamers at the moment. If you look at comments on old cyberpunk announcements, trailers, and delays there's some repugnant stuff all in relation to the game not being released now. Death threats, hateful words, and generally the stuff on the internet you can't avoid. But, there is also something that I know that most of you participated in. Calling for it to be released early, or before it was done, or in some way saying to the devs/publisher "hey, we want it now no matter how much work, blood, or tears has to go into it."
This can come from being misinformed about crunch culture. It can come from desperately wanting the game. Knowing what we know now, and have actually known for decades, about how games are being ruined by demands from gamers if you call for a game to be released early you are being apathetic and complacent to the exploitation of game devs and the destruction of what could have been your favorite games.
I've seen hundreds or thousands of posts about how EA is a terrible game company. And, that is completely true. But, not because of microtransactions. Yes, that sucks, but it's necessary as the price of production goes up. More games are going to have to put in microtransactions because the cost of development is so high. What I think is the more damning element of EA's practices is crunch culture. Anthem, the game everyone was excited for and then disappointed by, went through development hell. This is what ruined the game, the crunch culture, the publisher, and the gamers through hype and inaction. The games that this happened to are countless, La noire, Cyberpunk, even Call of Duty Cold War.
My call to action for this post is to take Cyberpunk 2077 not as a terrible game that the devs should feel bad about, but as a wake up call for both gamers and publishers. If you want to see games that don't fail in the production stage, or that don't end up as buggy messes instead of masterpieces, you have to stop putting pressure on the devs. And, you have to let the publishers know that this is not how games should be made. Email CDPR and tell them that your a fan of their games and think crunch culture is inhumane. Make posts about how game devs should unionize, because they can't do it themselves. Start an actual discussion about how games that you would have loved are being neglected and destroyed by predatory business practices. Suck it up and pay a 70 or 80 dollar price tag to help your devs actually put out a product that doesn't need to be rushed. But, above all, you have to stop whining about how the game was unfinished without doing anything about it. You have to take action if you want to see the games industry change.
Attached is a email template that you can use to send to CDP. But, don't stop there. Send it to every videogame publisher you can think of. Rockstar, EA, Bioware (or what's left of it), Blizzard, Epic, and Bethesda. You have to take action if you want to see change.

Hello, I am a concerned gamer.
Predatory business practices have ruined games that I was truly excited for. With this email I am declaring that I, as a consumer of your products, am willing to wait until a game is done and should be released. I believe in fair treatment for game developers. Not only because they deserve to have a good life, but because it will reduce the cost and improve the quality of the games you make. I am willing to pay an extra ten or twenty dollars when a game is released so you don't have to use predatory business practices. I do not believe in microtransactions which often prey upon the mentally ill and non-neurotypical people. You, as a producer, should treat your developers, and your consumers, with respect.
I encourage you to check the following signature to validate that I am indeed a concerned gamer and not a bot.
signed, (username, gamertag, PSN)
EDIT: best email to use is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by lordlonos to gaming [link] [comments]

Internet on PS4 has been slow only when connected to PSN

Hey guys, so this is the problem I’ve been having since late last year. My internet when not connected to PSN goes from 14-75 Mbs but when it connects to PSN it goes down to 100 kbs to 1 mbs. Which makes it hard to play some games with friends. My internet connection is wireless and I can’t do a wired connection due to the layout of my apartment. I am using a wifi extender which helps. I have not changed DNS setting because that causes a bunch of DNS errors after a while. I have taken pictures of the speed after doing two tests right after each other one without PSN which got to 50mbs and when connected to PSN got 1.5mbs. Is there anything I can do because I’m getting tired of it constantly disconnecting. Thank you !
submitted by Megaba22 to PS4 [link] [comments]

Differences between version 1.0 and 1.6

If you remember this post
The boy commented on what played the first version of the game and found numerous differences, so since I also had a Day One copy on PS4 I decided to try to make it work and see with my own eyes what that version was like. (Remember the launch Day the minimum version of Cyberpunk are 1.02)

To make it work requires following several very specific steps:
1) You need a retail copy
2) You need delete all of your cyberpunk 2077 data of your ps4 (This include your save games, your user data, etc)
3) You need install the game without Internet
4) You should run the game without a PSN user
If you follow these steps you can launch the game like in my video
However, the game will crash as soon as it starts, to fix this you need dissable the options to share info to Sony and share errors to sony in the settings menu of your PS4.

I have recorded an entire lap from the prologue to the moment when we are released into the sandbox world
You can see the video here

It is very important to warn you that this version of the game is very unstable, there are rogue missions, random kills, insanely long load times, etc.
The biggest difference you will find as soon as you launch the game is that the very hard difficulty mode does not exist. There are also no body tattoos for his character and there are multiple items in his inventory without a format text and missing images.
The mirror in V's apartment does not have any type of interaction, but you have to see your face for example
The calls to your phone are simple 3D images without any kind of animation or lip movement.
However, it is true that most of the NPCs with a sales stand are interactive and sell objects (You can see it in the video)
Remember this message does not try to belittle or show faults, it simply tries to show some interesting facts found in 1.0
submitted by Neosss1995 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

Differences between version 1.0 and 1.6

If you remember this post
The boy commented on what played the first version of the game and found numerous differences, so since I also had a Day One copy on PS4 I decided to try to make it work and see with my own eyes what that version was like. (Remember the launch Day the minimum version of Cyberpunk are 1.02)

To make it work requires following several very specific steps:
1) You need a retail copy
2) You need delete all of your cyberpunk 2077 data of your ps4 (This include your save games, your user data, etc)
3) You need install the game without Internet
4) You should run the game without a PSN user
If you follow these steps you can launch the game like in my video
However, the game will crash as soon as it starts, to fix this you need dissable the options to share info to Sony and share errors to sony in the settings menu of your PS4.

I have recorded an entire lap from the prologue to the moment when we are released into the sandbox world
You can see the video here

It is very important to warn you that this version of the game is very unstable, there are rogue missions, random kills, insanely long load times, etc.
The biggest difference you will find as soon as you launch the game is that the very hard difficulty mode does not exist. There are also no body tattoos for his character and there are multiple items in his inventory without a format text and missing images.
The mirror in V's apartment does not have any type of interaction, but you have to see your face for example
The calls to your phone are simple 3D images without any kind of animation or lip movement.
However, it is true that most of the NPCs with a sales stand are interactive and sell objects (You can see it in the video)
Remember this message does not try to belittle or show faults, it simply tries to show some interesting facts found in 1.0
submitted by Neosss1995 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Outer Wilds is one of the best games I have ever played.

So about a month or so ago I'd had a few drinks and smokes and the combination didn't really work well for my decision making. I was going through the PSN store and saw The Outer Worlds for an incredibly cheap price. I don't remember what I paid but I didn't hesitate as it seemed too good to be true. Got the game, stuck it on download and then put the PlayStation into rest mode. My Internet isn't great as I live in rural Wales, so I hopefully thought that at least most of the game will be downloaded by the morning. I then go to bed.
Next day, I wake up and immediately go and see how far into the download we are. To my surprise it was completed. I have a day off and girlfriend and baby are out so I turn on the game with a cup of tea and I suddenly realise that I've bought the wrong game. I double check and it turns out I've bought a game involving space called Outer Wilds, not The Outer Worlds. I'm not exactly happy about this but I play the game anyway.
I rush through the game at the beginning, barely reading anything as I go along. I die a lot. So about 2 hours in I give up. I've had enough. I had tried to leave the solar system and couldn't find anything interesting outside the handful of planets and I was still annoyed. I turned the game off and put The Outer Worlds on download. I don't turn the console on again for days.
About a week later I turned on the console and instead of playing The Outer Worlds - I gave Outer Wilds another chance. I load up the game and see that it's a dev team called Mobius, I do a quick search and realise it's a much smaller team. I decided I hadn't given the game the respect it deserved the other day so I delete my save and start again.
I have now finished the game and got the platinum trophy for it, and I have to say the whole experience was beautiful. What an incredible game that was, I haven't felt so happy and warm finishing a game since What Remains of Edith Finch.
Everything about it is absolutely perfect in my eyes. It's an open world game that just makes you go out and explore. There is no wrong or right way to play the game. The music is perfect, the learning curve is fair, the progression is balanced well. It's a little overwhelming to remember planet names and a few other things at the beginning so you have to pay attention but once you're comfortable in game the whole experience is worth it.
I went from crashing my ship and countless deaths at the beginning, to pulling outrageous manoeuvres in sticky situations with my ship.
I urge everyone to play the game. Try your best to avoid any spoilers as the whole game is about going out and learning. I needed some guidance for the platinum but the game can be done without.
I have yet to even turn on The Outer Worlds, and I know I will enjoy that game also. It just hasn't been able to get a look in as Outer Wilds was so good.
submitted by CPW86 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Megathread: Tips and Good Practices for Remote Play

Over the course of the past years since the introduction of PS4 Remote Play I've gathered some tips and good practice on how to get a reliable connection for PS4 remote play.
With the release of PS5 we will compile a list of resources that will bring us the ultimate high price of 1080p/60 low latency remote play.
This is no official support forum. Also send your problems to for official support. Remote Play is great when it works, but hard to fix when not. Let Sony know.
Remote Play Usage Scenarios:
  1. Remote Play to PS4/PS5 - Directly from your client device
  2. Remote Play to PS4/PS5 - Indirectly from your client device, as a second screen, but the control is connected to the console directly. Use a second PSN account for remote play that is linked to your PS4/PS5. This way you can use your controller directly and reduce input lag.
  3. Remote Play to PS4/PS5 - Directly, as a Second Player to play "Local" Co-op (Like Shareplay without the restrictions)
  4. Remote Play to PS5 - Multiple Remote Play connections to play "Local" Co-op

General Technical Help

These steps are applicable for all sorts of devices:
  1. Setup Remote Play correctly
    1. Official Help by PlayStation
    2. Eurogamer Article
  2. Use wired ethernet connections instead of Wi-fi connections. Make sure that your PS4/PS5 is using a wired connection. Check twice in the settings that it doesn't accidentally use the wifi connection.
  3. Use 5 Ghz Wi-fi instead of 2.4 Ghz Wifi
  4. Check if your Wi-Fi connection is spotty in general
    1. Check the ping (latency) between your device and the PS4/PS5 and see if there are random spikes in your connection. A ping below 10ms is acceptable.
    2. Check the RSSI of your Wi-fi connection. Lower is better.
    3. Change wifi channels in crowded areas with lots of conflicting Wi-fi networks, some Wi-fi routers do this automatically
    4. Check Remote Play from a friends house and test if the connection over the internet is actually better than your Wi-fi connection at home
  5. Kill any CPU consuming services on your client
  6. Disable network heavy services on your client
    1. Dropbox, OneDrive, ...
    2. YouTube, Spotify, ...
    3. Steam, Epic Store, ...
  7. Unapproved: Disconnect any external hard drive from your PlayStation. For me my external hard drive was interfering with my Dualshock 4 which led to a decreased connection range and spotty sound. This may have also conflicted with Remote Play.

Device specific help

Device Improve connection by ...
disabling Location Services
stopping Apple Wireless Directlink with sudo ifconfig awdl0 down. Repeat after reboot.
finding other bandwidth consuming apps with Activity Monitor > Network and stop them
Close all running applications
Disable Background refresh and location services
PS Vita Changing to or from direct connections between PS4 and Vita
PS Vita TV Using a wired connection

In Depth Analysis of Remote Play

None yet, please give hints and I'll update this section.
For me it sounds like PS5 Remote Play has a lower latency than PS4 Remote Play. I simply observed this by playing a sound through my PS5 on both TV and Mac. The echoing distance between TV and Mac seemed lower than on PS4. This is anecdotal and I'd like to find better methods to measure the quality of Remote Play.

Troubleshooting from this community

Debugging your Connection

This is a one-liner that I use for debugging the quality of my connection between Mac and PS5. In your PS5 under Network > Connection Status > Show Connection Status you can find your PS5's IP address.
This command will work on Mac and Windows:
This will output every connection spike that is higher than 100ms. This is bad and you should work on your connection.

Remote Play over the Internet

Remote Play Bandwidth Requirements (Between devices, and Internet Upload if playing over Internet)
  1. 360p is about 2 Mbps
    1. Peaks at 176KBps with less than 30fps
  2. 540p is about 6 Mbps
    • Peaks at 640KBps with less than 30fps
  3. 720p is about 10 Mbps
    1. Peaks at 1.04MBps with less than 30fps
  4. 1080p is about 15 Mbps
    1. Peaks at 1.64MBps with less than 30fps and heavy stuttering every 1-2 seconds
Remote Play Ports (PS4 confirmed, maybe PS5 too?)

Updating the Megathread

Give me hints by directly messaging me or commenting to this post and I'll update the Megathread.
submitted by chomskynoam to remoteplay [link] [comments]

HEX mistakes should teach developers of new TCG games to provide offline modes.

yea I know the free to play model with microtransactions/cash shop is proven to be profitable, but what would be MORE profitable is providing an offline buy to play version so fans at least can still play the game even when its online server is discontinued.
take Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast/Gamecube for example. those games can be played offline, and they wouldn't have made as much money nor bring in as much players to play it if there were online only. Sure back then there was no DLC on consoles, but even despite the game being conceptualized as a online community/multiplayer game, they STILL made sure the game is playable offline, which is STILL playable to this day as long as people have the platform that runs it.
no matter the genre, developer should think in the longer term for their games even after the servers are gone. cause servers shutting down is inevitable, so how can developers only think in the short term for profits and usability of their game, and are ok with their videogame being unusable afterwards?
so think a buy to play model that has an isolated offline modes part (progression saved on HDD and cannot be used for online modes), and an online modes part (progression is account based and saved on the server to prevent cheating). would be a better format, and they could still have a cash shop, cause there are many examples of shooters and other games that have a buy to play model, offline and online modes and still have cash shop on the side.
yesterday I just discovered Magic The Gathering duels of the planeswalkers on PS3 PSN and tried the demo and ultra amazed how deep and interesting it is and also with the way they teach how to play, I didnt know MTG could be so accessible and awesome!! (I would get the full version however my PS3 requires internet to set clock each time its turned on to play digital games on it, so I just stick with the demo since demos are exception and dont require license verification and not locked to a clock to be able to be launched and usable. so I keep it demo so I can play it without needing internet. it even has some persona selection which is great! I didnt like the default masked one but was ok with it symbolizing as a wildcard of sorts where appearance underneath is up to imagination and player creativity, though yea better selection to choose from is better).
so that experience led to searching PS4 for a successor to Magic The Gathering 2014 on PS4 psn, but there aren't any, I watched a video from a year ago speculating that MTG Arena would come to consoles, but still no news on that, then I came across HEX Card Clash last night and explored it. I disliked it forcing a specific charactechampion on the player, but it was a tutorial so eh, played it. the UI was a tad too big but fixed that later. and I am amazed at how it rivals MTG while standing out in good unique ways! and the card art has their own masterpiece designs too! a nice expansive and diverse selection of champions to play as too. though think this genre should provide character creation instead of preset characters (kinda like Romance of the Three Kingdoms games where there are tons of preset appearances for the player to choose from and name theirself.) though yea anyways HEX really is like the Mortal Kombat of MTG (Street Fighter II) though its a shame its too similiar that it couldnt avoid a lawsuit.
I mean thats just petty and greedy for Wizards of the Coast to do when they are doing very well. yes HEX devs are also at fault tracing over MTG a tad too much, but really the biggest mistake was not building a last resort, offline modes so their game can still be played on all platforms its on even when servers are not around. I tell you, this game would have more value, usage and profits if they planned it to be both offline and online usable. they would still rake in money from the people that play online or both offline and online that are ok with the cash shop, and with a buy to play model it would encourage the devs to make it offline usable too. like theres already a.i. alternatives in the game, why make it online only? due to short term greed? really, any gamer would know that a game shouldnt be solely dependent on online, it should be usable offline too. and having progression separate would balance things so it could easily be two games in one and would bring in more players than just the ones with internet. plus also offline would give customers reason to get the game because they would also get a sense of ownership instead of some timed online only game that has a limit to its use and then no better than a paperweight afterwards.
like really just like physical TCG are usable without needing some server, digital TCG games should be usable without needing online too. though anyways I will play HEX daily on PS4 while its still usable. its just a waste and a shame the devs couldnt see beyond the scope of the online structure to make a game that is timeless in the usability sense. there are games generations ago that are still playable. heck, Champions of Norrath Return to arms is still playable. TCG and even mmorpgs should reform their logic about game design and include offline play in the equation too. they would get them more profits and their hard worked game would still have value and usage even long after there are no servers
submitted by successXX to hextcg [link] [comments]

[PS4][31/32] Gridiron Knights: Play Year-Round, Play with Integrity League Promotion

Jump straight into our Discord chat and say you're interested. Follow this link to join now:
Check out our daddyleagues page for any questions you have about teams/rosters:
Other leagues have tedious and complicated rules dictating your play calling, from when in the game and where on the field you can go for it on 4th down, or call no huddle, or even how many points you're allowed to score. In the heat of a game it's very difficult to keep them straight. Ultimately, the reason other leagues create those complex rules is to stop guys from immature play calling, such as spamming the same play repeatedly. Our league discovered that the same guys spamming plays are also the guys who start petty insult exchanges in the chat. We focus on removing guys with immature behavior and poor sportsmanship, and by doing so we also removed the guys who are guilty of immature play calling. Consequently, we don't need a giant book of playcalling rules. We offer our members the convenience of a simple set of rules that allow you to call your own plays.
Our rules are so good they've been copied by multiple other leagues. Just remember, there's no substitute for the original!
1.1 ONSIDE KICKS/SQUIB KICKS/FAKE PUNTS - You are allowed to attempt onside kicks, squib kicks or fake punts as often as you like, as long as you do not have a 21 point or greater lead over your opponent. Real NFL teams occasionally try to surprise their opponents with an onside kick or fake punt, so it is allowed in this league. Attempting one of these types of kicks with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.2 NO HUDDLE OFFENSE - You are allowed to run a no huddle offense.
1.3 4th DOWN - You are allowed to go for it on 4th down at anytime in a game, including the 1st quarter. Real NFL coaches occasionally go for it on 4th down, so it is allowed in this league. However, if you are winning by 21 points or more you must punt or kick a field goal. Going for it on 4th down with a significant lead is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.4 BLOWOUT RULE - If you are winning by 21 points or more in the second half against another user do not continue to pass on every down or try to win by as big a margin as possible. Intentionally running up the score is considered poor sportsmanship.
1.5 STREAMING GAMES - You are not required to stream your game but may do so if you like.
1.6 RESTARTING GAMES - You are not allowed to restart a CPU game. Restarting a CPU game for any reason, including because you are losing or because a key player is injured, is considered cheating.
1.7 QUITTING GAMES - Quitting any type of game (user-vs-user or user-vs-CPU) is not allowed. Conceding a game is considered quitting.
1.7.1 DISCONNECTIONS - Occasionally, for reasons out of your control, you may be inadvertently disconnected from your game because of a loss of internet connection or an error with the PlayStation network. This should only occur very infrequently and will not be accepted as an excuse for quitting games if it happens frequently.
1.7.2 DEFAULT WINNER - If a disconnection occurs during a user-vs-user game where one of the users has a significant lead they may be declared the winner of the game by default. If you are winning by 21 points or more during the first half, 14 points or more during the 3rd quarter or 10 points or more during the 4th quarter you are considered the default winner. Default winners have their choice of 1) replaying the game against the CPU with their opponent set on auto 2) requesting that the commissioner simulate the game using the Sim-a-Win feature to force the default winner’s victory or 3) replaying their user opponent. If you replay your opponent, there is no guarantee you will win the replayed game.
1.8 REPORTING RULE BREAKING - If your opponent is breaking the rules you should record their infraction via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4. Then you have two options:
1.8.1 CONTINUE THE GAME - You may continue the game. It is recommended that you message your opponent in the main chat and request that they stop breaking the rules (please be respectful). After the game you may submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules to the commissioner. The commissioner will then decide if penalizing your opponent is appropriate.
1.8.2 EXIT THE GAME - You may quit the game, but you risk being penalized. If you quit the game then it is mandatory that you submit the video showing your opponent breaking the rules. The commissioner will review the video and rule either for or against you. OPPONENT FOUND GUILTY - If the commissioner rules in your favor you will have the option to replay the game with your opponent on auto or the commissioner will use the Sim-a-Win feature to ensure you win the game via simulation when the league advances. The commissioner will also decide the penalty for your opponent. OPPONENT FOUND NOT GUILTY - If the commissioner is unable to establish beyond reasonable doubt that your opponent broke the rules then you will be subject to a penalty for quitting the game.
1.8.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is violating the rules.
1.9 GLITCH PLAYS - EA Sports does well at continuously releasing patches to Madden that eliminate glitches in the game that when taken advantage of can give one player an unfair advantage. However, the commissioners may ban specific formation-play or even formation-play-hot route combinations if necessary.
1.9.1 GLITCH PLAY REPORTING - If your opponent is taking advantage of a glitch play that is giving them an unfair advantage, you should record the play via the video capture/share feature of your PlayStation 4 and share it with commissioners. Commissioners will decide if the play needs to be banned from the league.
1.9.2 BANNED PLAYS - A list of banned glitch plays will be documented in this section of the rules. An announcement will be made via the Discord app every time a banned play is added to this list.
1.9.3 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITY - Commissioners are not necessarily watching your game, so it is your responsibility to report it if another member of the league is using a glitch play.
1.10 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING THE INTRA-GAME RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) being placed on auto for one or more weeks, 2) using Sim-a-Win to ensure your team loses a game or multiple games, 3) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 4) loss of draft picks or 5) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
2.1 TRADE COMMITTEE PHILOSOPHY - The trade committee exists to ensure that user-to-CPU trades are reasonable. One of the primary objectives of the trade committee is the oversee trades that occur in the last few seasons before the next version of Madden is released where the CPU’s decisions don’t account for the limited remaining time.
2.2 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Commissions will appoint 5 members of the trade committee.
2.3 CPU TRADES - User-to-CPU trades must be approved by a majority vote of the trade committee.
2.3.1 TRADE PROPOSALS - In order to be approved trades must be proposed in the Trade Committee section of the Discord application. Trade proposals must include basic information about the players, including player name, position, age and overall rating.
2.3.2 TRADE APPROVAL - A trade is approved only when at least 3 out of 5 of the trade committee approve. DEFAULT APPROVAL - If a trade committee member does not respond to a trade proposal within 12 hours that committee member’s vote on the trade is defaulted to an approval.
2.3.3 TRADE COMMITTEE EXCEPTIONS - The following user-to-CPU trades do not need trade committee approval. CPU PROPOSED TRADES - If the CPU proposes a trade to you then you may accept without trade committee approval. DRAFT PICK TRADES - Trading draft picks for draft picks (i.e. no players) does not need trade committee approval during stage 4 and stage 5 (the draft week) of the off-season. LAST SEASON EXCEPTION - If the commissioners have announced that the league is in its final season then users may not trade away their draft picks for the next season without trade committee approval. (For example: If the league is in season 2021 and it is the league’s final season then users may not trade 2022 draft picks without trade committee approval)
2.3.4 TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBER VOTING - Trade committee members cannot vote to approve their own trade. If a trade committee member has proposed a trade, they must get approval from 3 of the other 4 committee members.
2.4 USER-TO-USER TRADES - You are free to make user-to-user trades at will, no approval is required.
2.5 PENALTIES FOR BREAKING TRADING RULES - Penalties for breaking any of the rules outlined above may include 1) barring you from participating in signing free agents or the draft, 2) loss of draft picks, 3) being forced to release players from your roster or 4) removal from the league. Penalties will be decided by the commissioner on a case-by-case basis.
3.1 PERSONAL CONDUCT - It is mandatory that you treat other users within the league with respect. Some good natured trash talking is allowed, but derogatory or offensive communications are unacceptable. Members who fill out the chat trading petty insults with each other will be removed from the league.
3.2 ADVANCE SCHEDULE - The league advances on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays around 9 am ET.
3.3 SCHEDULING GAMES - Each user is responsible for scheduling their game within the given time before the league’s advance. The league approved form of communication for scheduling games is the Discord app. When attempting to schedule a game with your opponent you must address them using the @ symbol and their Discord nickname. Some of our members don’t routinely follow the Discord chat and addressing them with the @ symbol will send them a notification.
3.3.1 OPPONENT NON-RESPONSE - If you have not heard back from your opponent after attempting to schedule for 24 hours, you may contact the commissioners and request your opponent be placed on auto so that you may play your game or receive a force win. There is no guarantee the commissioner will be available to place your opponent on auto if you wait to the last minute to make your request.
3.4 USER PARTICIPATION - Active participation in the league is mandatory. You are expected to play 3 games per week as a member of this league. Occasional absences are understandable, but frequent absences may lead to being removed from the league.
3.4.1 ABSENCES - If you know in advance that you will be unavailable to play a game, please put your team on auto and inform your opponent.
3.4.2 EXTENDED ABSENCES - If you will have an extended absence such as a vacation, please place your team on auto for the appropriate amount of time and inform the commissioner of your absence. Failure to inform the commissioners may result in you being removed from the league.
3.5 CPU GAMES FORCE WINS - Force wins against the CPU will be granted, however you must request a force win. Force win request should be made in the #ForceWinRequests channel on Discord. Direct requests to individual commissioners may be missed if a different commissioner advances the league.
3.6 CORE HOURS REQUIREMENT - All members of the league are expected to have some availability during core hours. Core hours are defined as being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Monday or Tuesday and being available between 5 pm to 10 pm ET Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and being available at some time on Saturday or Sunday. It’s not expected that members always play their games during these hours, but someone that is never available during these core hours will cause difficulties scheduling games and is not a good fit for this league.
3.7 ALL YEAR LEAGUE - This league will continue to play throughout the entire year. The league prefers that members are committed to playing all year long.
3.8 LEAVING THE LEAGUE - We wish the best to members who leave the league in good standing because they had other priorities in their life and could no longer honor the time commitment the league requires. However, it is unlikely that someone who quits the league will be allowed to return. This league is committed to remaining fun all year long and that becomes difficult in the later, summer months if retirements from the league are causing the remaining members to play numerous CPU games. We don't want to allow people who have a history of dropping out to return and take up spots for guys who might stay year round.
4.1 COACH OR OWNER - You must create a new coach. Using an owner or existing coach is not allowed.
4.2 SWITCHING TEAMS - You may only switch to a different team with commissioner approval. Approval is more likely to be given during the off-season.
4.3 TEAM RELOCATION - Team relocation is not allowed. Historically we’ve found that it is difficult to recruit new members to a team that has been relocated.
4.4 DIFFICULTY LEVEL - This league plays at the All-Madden difficulty level.
4.4.1 CPU BLOWOUTS - The commissioners may adjust CPU team artificial intelligence (AI) higher if CPU teams are consistently getting blown out by members of the league.
4.5 GAME MODE - Simulation Mode.
4.6 GAME DURATION SETTINGS - 8 minute quarters with 20 second accelerated clock.
5.1.1 POSITION CHANGES - You can not change a players position in order to resign them for a lower salary.
5.1.2 RELEASE AND RESIGN SAME WEEK RESIGNING RESTRICTION - If you release a player you can’t resign that player until the following week. SAME WEEK RESIGNING EXCEPTION - An exception may be granted by the commissioners if a player in accidentally released and is desired to be resigned immediately.
submitted by DynastyPlanner to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]

Cyberpunk needs to come as a lesson on the dangers of expectations

Cyberpunk got a 4/10 from IGN on consoles. Recently news has come out about crunch and the CDP's (publisher) demands for the game. The workers of CDPR (devs) spent a year, or more, constantly working on this game and still couldn't release a finished product. Yes, this is the publishers fault. Not only was it unfair to the developers and the gamers to push it out early, it was also a terrible move that tanked sales. However, the gamers are at equally at fault.
This game was hyped for 10 years. It was meant to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and with six more months in development it would have been. I played on PC and damn near cried at the end of the game. But, people only see it as a failure without looking at the underlying causes of the glitches and frame rate issues.
There is a unknowingly toxic culture surrounding uninformed gamers at the moment. If you look at comments on old cyberpunk announcements, trailers, and delays there's some repugnant stuff all in relation to the game not being released now. Death threats, hateful words, and generally the stuff on the internet you can't avoid. But, there is also something that I know that most of you participated in. Calling for it to be released early, or before it was done, or in some way saying to the devs/publisher "hey, we want it now no matter how much work, blood, or tears has to go into it."
This can come from being misinformed about crunch culture. It can come from desperately wanting the game. Knowing what we know now, and have actually known for decades, about how games are being ruined by demands from gamers if you call for a game to be released early you are being apathetic and complacent to the exploitation of game devs and the destruction of what could have been your favorite games.
I've seen hundreds or thousands of posts about how EA is a terrible game company. And, that is completely true. But, not because of microtransactions. Yes, that sucks, but it's necessary as the price of production goes up. More games are going to have to put in microtransactions because the cost of development is so high. What I think is the more damning element of EA's practices is crunch culture. Anthem, the game everyone was excited for and then disappointed by, went through development hell. This is what ruined the game, the crunch culture, the publisher, and the gamers through hype and inaction. The games that this happened to are countless, La noire, Cyberpunk, even Call of Duty Cold War.
My call to action for this post is to take Cyberpunk 2077 not as a terrible game that the devs should feel bad about, but as a wake up call for both gamers and publishers. If you want to see games that don't fail in the production stage, or that don't end up as buggy messes instead of masterpieces, you have to stop putting pressure on the devs. And, you have to let the publishers know that this is not how games should be made. Email CDPR and tell them that your a fan of their games and think crunch culture is inhumane. Make posts about how game devs should unionize, because they can't do it themselves. Start an actual discussion about how games that you would have loved are being neglected and destroyed by predatory business practices. Suck it up and pay a 70 or 80 dollar price tag to help your devs actually put out a product that doesn't need to be rushed. But, above all, you have to stop whining about how the game was unfinished without doing anything about it. You have to take action if you want to see the games industry change.
Attached is a email template that you can use to send to CDP. But, don't stop there. Send it to every videogame publisher you can think of. Rockstar, EA, Bioware (or what's left of it), Blizzard, Epic, and Bethesda. You have to take action if you want to see change.

Hello, I am a concerned gamer.
Predatory business practices have ruined games that I was truly excited for. With this email I am declaring that I, as a consumer of your products, am willing to wait until a game is done and should be released. I believe in fair treatment for game developers. Not only because they deserve to have a good life, but because it will reduce the cost and improve the quality of the games you make. I am willing to pay an extra ten or twenty dollars when a game is released so you don't have to use predatory business practices. I do not believe in microtransactions which often prey upon the mentally ill and non-neurotypical people. You, as a producer, should treat your developers, and your consumers, with respect.
I encourage you to check the following signature to validate that I am indeed a concerned gamer and not a bot.
signed, (username, gamertag, PSN)
TL:DR: You have to do something about your games being mismanaged. Email CDPR with the attached email template to try and change the industry.
submitted by lordlonos to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Has the news of NOT being able to store PS5 games on an external drive changed your plans?

Hey everyone. After my Best Buy GCU finally expired a few years back, I made the switch to digital purchases for games and was ready to embrace that method completely going forward. On PS4 I had a combined 4 TB to play with, so space was never really a concern and I was able to store my entire library. I considered pre-ordering the PS5 Digital Edition, but went disc based so I could play 4K Blu-Rays. The news from yesterday has made me happier about my instinct to get the disc based model and has me rethinking my strategy.
We've all known for a while that only PS4 games could be played off an external, and I was fine with that. I, like many, assumed that an external would at least be capable of playing pack mule for PS5 games similar to what Xbox has allowed for Series S/X games. Now knowing that isn't the case makes the 650 GB of available space seem unacceptable. I'm fine with downloading large games every once in a while, and I'm also fine with juggling games across the internal and external storage in order to take advantage of the other pros of next gen. However, with Spider-Man Miles Morales Ultimate alone taking up 105 GB (about 1/6 of the total usable SSD space), I would almost immediately need to start deleting and redownloading games from PSN. That would get old REAL quick.
Until Sony patches in the use of external drives for cold storage (which I assume MUST be in the cards at some point) it looks like I'm going back to physical games. At least then I can delete/reinstall games faster without destroying my internet. Anyone else in the same boat?
On a more positive note, I got the shipping notification for my PS5 and I'm pumped. I got mine direct from Sony and the tracking says signature required, so make sure you plan accordingly. I suggest signing up for text delivery updates.
submitted by PennStateFencer to kindafunny [link] [comments]

FH: Detailed Analysis of Error Code 7-00000004 with Causes and Possible Solutions (see video). Warning: Not a light read

Foreword: As the end of October 2020 nears, this issue has been springing up at an alarming rate. This Group Leader bug and related Error Code have been around since the game's release. Over the years, I've tracked it's occurrences and related causes, provided in depth troubleshooting to many redditors here (both to gather info and experiment with solutions), and tested the problem myself on those very rare times it came my way. I've already known what the cause is, just not the technical reasons of why. In fact, there's many different things that can cause this issue, from the home network, the ISP network, Gaming Platform networks, to Ubisoft's network, but it all ends up being one end result related to one specific reason. Since these problems are becoming more and more pervasive, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on it. WARNING: Huge amount of text, only for the most inquisitive. TLDR: Watch the linked video  

Potential Temporary Fix to the Group Leader Bug and Error Code 7-00000004 Problem


Watch Video Reference: Possible Temporary Group Leader Bug Fix

What is Error Code 7-00000004? According to Ubisoft's Support Page, it's "an error about your connection to the Ubisoft servers." Pretty vague, but one needs to understand what servers those are. There's match servers (Data Centers) in every region, but this isn't about those. This is about the Ubisoft Account servers everyone globally connects to, those are in Montreal Canada. This hasn't changed since the game was made, regardless of dedicated servers. However, it's a bit more complicated than connecting to them because eventually one can get through with this error code, but then has the Group Leader Bug (they're connected to the game, but not able to access any modes).  
What is the Group Leader Bug (GL Bug)? This has been called that because once a player that has connection issues to the Account servers finally gets through, there's a synching issue that doesn't properly authenticate them. So, the game modes are all locked with messages saying "Requirements Not Met" on the game mode and a sub window stating Group Leader Only even though you're in a Group of one, yourself. Even the player's own emblem in the UI group section (next to NAT) is empty, indicating they're not loaded into their own group. The player is effectively groupless. The messages and locked modes shown is the exact thing players see when in a group, but not the group leader (ie the one able to select the modes to play).

Group Leader Bug History

The beginning: The GL Bug has been around since release. However, there's so many things that can trigger it, it never got narrowed down to it's cause. Or more aptly, maybe the end cause was known, but couldn't be outrightly fixed. In the past, a common cause was the synching of multiplayer requirements (Mission 1.1 and the basic tutorial). This part is key to my thinking. Cycling through those and then going back to the War Map synched the Account back up (see article). In past Patch Notes, they addressed certain issues about the GL Bug and also changed the multiplayer requirements later on (Mission 1.1 was no longer required). While that workaround was no longer needed, players soon found other instances where the GL Bug popped up.  
GL Bug after 2018: As time went on and during these instances where individual players got it, the old method proved ineffective. Applying basic troubleshooting steps did provide a solution, namely rebooting one's RouteModem. Why? Because a proper reboot of both the router and modem clears it's internal cache of stale or corrupted entries that may be conflicting with connections and refreshes the connection to the ISP. Going a step further, sometimes clearing the gaming platform's own Temp Cache was needed (same principle as the router, just on the gaming device). Notice that most things listed are on the individual's end. However, sometimes those workarounds didn't work and the GL Bug remained a mystery, to both players and devs.  
Massive number of cases being reported at once: Everything above talks about instances of individual cases, where it's not a widespread issue. Sometimes large amounts of players can get this. Some are regional (parts of a country or a whole continent), some were platform related (PSN, XBox, Uplay), and sometimes globally. Now this is where all troubleshooting steps prove ineffective as the issue is at a higher level of networking. Sometimes, it's not directly a Ubisoft issue, those can last days, weeks, or more. Over a three day period, all Comcast Internet players in the US were unable to access Ubisoft servers after Comcast had major outages. A player next door on another ISP could log in just fine, only Comcast customers were affected. This was particularly interesting. Another instance was in Singapore, where only those players got the GL Bug even though the match servers Database is located there. The same thing happened to Australia. All during 2020.  
Other networks: This wasn't simply a matter of the internet being out, that's not the case at all in those examples. In all those cases, the internet outage was fixed and players would then get the Error Code and or GL Bug, despite no other issues with their internet. They were able to login to other sites and play other games. It caused confusion as to why, and more importantly, other unaffected regions had no issue with logging into the game. That showed that the issue wasn't on Ubisoft, but still at the regional level. How?  
External Issues: In the case of Singapore, it was their biggest company's DNS outage that affected players. In the case of Australia, those outages resided where their Tier 1 hubs are in and around Sydney, there's only so many cross-oceanic lines. For Comcast, they own their own network lines and while most of the country was fixed, those areas leading to and around the Canadian border were still being affected. In all cases, all internet lines leading to and from those region's Data Centers also had outages (Sydney, Singapore, Portland, OR, Richmond, VA). Once signing in, does it simultaneously try to synch that player's Data Center (speculating, haven't done a traceroute for this yet)? What happens if it can't? What is known is these players couldn't access the game after their internet was restored. A player's signal is affected by every network along the route, even if it's a thousand miles away from their own unaffected areas. Even though Ubisoft wasn't the cause of those outages, there was still an issue with accessing those Ubisoft Account servers from anywhere within that region.

Ubisoft Accounts: Always On DRM and Ubisoft Club

So, we've established that we connect to the Account servers in Montreal. Also, as part of Ubisoft's Network, there is a heavy reliance on DRMs. For Honor is just one of their games with an Always On DRM (AO DRM). A player can't even access the game, let alone play the Story Mode offline, unless there's an active internet connection. It shouldn't be an issue since this is a multiplayer game, but it is. Not only is this a multiplayer game where an online connection is mandatory anyways, but the AO DRM proceeds to continually provide authentication checks to still make sure you're on an internet connection on a verified account. Logging in and passing a preliminary authentication the first time isn't enough. Why? Yet another added layer to prevent piracy, the CEO even thinks 95% of players pirate content. On one hand, DRM makes sense to protect their products, but on the other, it becomes intrusive and can conflict with gameplay whenever there's internal problems (ie hello lag spike that results in a disconnect and no ability to rejoin the match because it has to go through the whole logging back in phase). Let me drop this link about how Ubisoft said they weren't going to use Always On DRMs anymore for their PC games, back in 2012 (the year FH started development). Well, we know how that turned out.  
I won't go too in-depth on DRMs (looking at you Denuvo), but their Always On DRM isn't their only one. Login credentials are one. Product Keys are another. Multiple things can be a DRM, even without it being called a DRM, there's all different types. It's all to verify who you are, validate your access, and prevent intrusion/piracy on their networks or games. What else can a DRM do? Collect stats, gaming habits of players, tracks progress, alerts for intrusions and hacks, and other information. Some DRMs provide a means for devs to track game information from one source without having to spend resources to build their own in-game data collections process. It's one of their selling points to developers so they can focus resources and time elsewhere in a project, much like using an already developed game engine than having to create one internally. Like social media, it's tracking more than one thinks, which companies can then use that data (inputs, gaming habits and patterns, progress, game requirements completion, rewards, stat tracking, IP collection, etc). While also using Denuvo, EAC, and other DRMs, Ubisoft has also created their own proprietary DRM system within their network. They are the leading company for DRM abundant products, imo.  
What else could be another DRM of Ubisoft? Ubisoft Club. What has it done since the beginning? Track your progress, your game stats, your account. What is it synched to? Logging into your account. What was the original requirements for multiplayer? Mission 1.1 and the tutorial. Could it have been used for tracking completion of multiplayer requirements? Possibly. Is it still in-grained into the game? Yes. Is it a gatekeeper for online access? Maybe, if it's part of the system of checks and authentication (see link at the end of this paragraph). A player doesn't need to download Ubisoft Club for it to be part of their system, it already is on the back end of things. One will notice that these current issues of GL Bug and Error Code 7-00000004 are happening during the timing of revamping Ubisoft Club into Ubisoft Connect, come Oct 29th. Ubisoft Club was introduced in 2015, how in-grained is it within the game and what repercussions will happen once Ubisoft Connect roles out? Spaghetti code gonna spaghetti code (looking at you, Rate This Match). If Ubisoft Club servers went down, weren't all games affected?  
DRMs, DRMs, DRMs (Opinion): How many is too much? Product Keys, Uplay sign-in, Steam sign-in, PSN sign-in, XBox sign-in, Ubisoft account verification, EAC, Denuvo Anti-Tamper, Always On DRM, each platform's other internal DRM systems (Steam, Uplay, PS, etc), Ubisoft Club (which may or may not be related to one of the others), and other DRMs are all used. The Ubisoft Account servers in Montreal are the DRM servers, any issues there affects players everywhere. Some systems are redundant and overlapping. While the reasons of DRMs are understandable (some more than others) to prevent piracy, it's also known that they can adversely affect the gameplay for legitament paying customers. If those systems aren't functioning perfectly, then it's only the players that are getting screwed.  
After all of those steps for verification to play, as stated before, simply being connected online isn't enough for Multiplayer. One also needs to pass the continual authentication checks of the Always On DRM, being disconnected mid-match isn't a rare occurrence, it's so common it's a meme at this point. It's no secret certain DRMs can impact performance, let alone game access. For Honor is four year's old, no one is trying to crack it's code or pirate the game. It's essentially a free to play game in all but name at this point (multiple free periods on all platforms, sales for $7-8, main revenue comes from mtx). The game would function far better without it's Always On DRM requirement, there's already enough DRMs.

What the fuck does all of this mean?

The Group Leader Bug and Error Code 7-00000004 are symptoms of a synching issue with the Account Servers, the DRM Authentication, and quite possibly related to Ubisoft Club. A player can get past the Error Code (hard stop from accessing account) and log into the game, but either doesn't pass the authentication or it's not synched to recognize it right away. Or it passed the login authentication, but didn't connect properly to the Ubisoft Club portion (still unsure). So, the game treats the player like they're not part of their own group, unable to access modes. They become an unknown entity in their own game session. After a bit of time, there's a failure of passing the next authentication check, which boots the player back out, with the attached Error Code message given to start the process all over. Again.  
Any synching issue of that process results in not being able to access the game itself or game modes if they manage to get through, imo. It could be on the individual player's end (router or gaming platform). It could be an issue with the ISP (local, regional, or higher level). It could be within the networking structure of the end destination, Ubisoft. It all boils down to the signal, reaching those Montreal servers, and being synched properly. Incomplete or lost packets along the way won't be helping (traffic logjam on any networks from beginning to end).

What causes the synching issue and what can players do?

Besides the causes of incomplete or lost packets due to massive outages (signals being re-routed to crowded network pathways)? Nothing can be done about that, but if it's just on an individual's network level then they should run through their Troubleshooting Steps (see below). Unfortunately, players are finding times when reboots, reinstalls, cache clearing, and other methods aren't working. Usually, that's when there's a massive outbreak of these cases on a wider scale and not isolated incidents. Fortunately, I was able to run numerous amounts of attempts to test this myself.  
Evolving Theory, Testing, and Results: There's another factor within Ubisoft's internal networking structure, I think it's that DRM component(s). My best guess is that it tracks and "associates" (caches) the IPs of players' accounts and somehow that list can get stale or corrupted and it causes a conflict when authenticating (maybe failed returns from outages or DNS issues, like in those instances described). Over time, it likely refreshes on it's own. It also wouldn't affect new IPs that the account uses, which is why what's shown in the video works. Why do I think that? Along with everything stated above and below, but also because the problem is sometimes per account on that specific connection, not necessarily the connection itself. I could also log into some of my older FH Accounts during my testing and they had no issues on the same problematic connection, on the same device. This needs further confirmation from others though, I'd like to see more results. I've previously theorized that IPs were part of it, even tested it and gathered data from others. I even thought in the past that Ubisoft Club had some type of an impact. Those ultimately are still theories and far beyond my means of figuring out technically. What I do have are tests and results, see paragraphs below.  
Initial conflicts of that theory: Everything in that above paragraph could make sense, except for one thing: Public IPs and Private IPs. My earlier version of this theory was based on previous testing that was limited in scope and collected information from players that had this issue that lasted for weeks or more. That earlier thinking was centered on the Public IP Addresses, in that case, it's feasible. For this recent iteration of the problem, I was able to gather more information and have hours to replicate the problem and run various scenarios to see the outcomes. However, these were all based on the device's Private IP Address. Two different things.  
Making sense of that Theory: The outside world can't "see" the home network's devices' Private IP, which throws a wrench in my theory. Or so I thought. It does appear one can get the Private IP from an internal network. Mozilla's browser tools can detect a device's Private IP and Whatsmyip can exploit that to show Private IPs behind the Public IP. Now, this can explain that discrepancy and the theory makes more sense. If Mozilla can do that from their browser, then so can Ubisoft from a downloaded game. I would assume it's either part of the game's hidden DRM or directly from Ubisoft Club, since Uplay isn't part of the console version. Private IPs might possibly be cached, whether it's intentional or an unintentional by product of their authentication process. How intrusive is Ubisoft's propriety DRM and/or Ubisoft Club? Ubisoft has been infamous for it's many DRMs and is also infamous for it's many connectivity issues in all of it's games. Also in all of it's games is Ubisoft Club. Still just a theory though. I do think my Call For Fire is near the target though, enough to say Fire For Effect.  
Recent Testing: What I do know however, is that I had this issue and was able to bypass it by changing my IP Address on my gaming device. I had a few hours to test various things when this issue came about late October when this problem hit a mass amount of players (to include all Troubleshooting Steps that proved ineffective, such as Router Reboot, Temp Cache clearing, etc.). I could replicate the problem by using my old IP Address any time I input it in. I could fix it by switching it to any other number. I also had an extremely easier time when also switching my DNS Server, but it didn't matter which DNS Server I switched to, just that I had to switch them (ie, they themselves weren't the issue, but using the one associated with the old IP was). I used Google's and Cloudflare's, both of which are fine and great to use. Changing the DNS wasn't enough though, the Static IP had to be changed everytime (along with game restart).  
Steps used for this specific result (when all other attempts have failed). See video link above:
  1. Completed Troubleshooting Steps first (see below)
  2. Leave game open, access Network Settings
  3. Change Static IP (last set of number's only)
  4. Change platform's DNS Server
  5. Test Connection, Restart game
  6. If game opens, allow few minutes to populate
  7. If no change, restart process again  
Previous Testing: I also know that switching the home network's Public IP Address works too. A player with these issues can take their PS4 to their neighbor's that uses the same ISP and have no issues logging in. They can use their mobile hotspot and log in with no issues. Sometimes, one can use another internet connection, then log back into their own internet and the issue resolves. Somehow, it tricks the servers into gaining them access again. Otherwise, they just can't use their own IP, unless it changes or whatever issue on the higher end is resolved. I have a theory that another cause of the issue is whenever an ISP re-assigns a customer's Public IP (they're not static and can be changed by the ISP). That problem can last weeks and months and might explain how singular people get this problem when there's no mass occurrences. However, switching the home network's Public IP Address is faaar harder to do and in a lot of cases, not possible. Each ISP is different. Switching the device's Private IP with changing the DNS Server produced immediate results (restarting the game before logging in was needed for the change).

Is that result guaranteed?

Nope, but it was for me. Consistently. You can see the video showing it producing positive results (video linked at the top). I did it multiple times to verify and track differences of application. As discussed, there's so many factors within that signal pathway and so many unknowns at the end destination, that there hasn't been a total fix to the problem from the devs. If it's DRM and/or Ubisoft Club related, it's probably so in-grained with the spaghetti code, that maybe they can't reliably fix it (see Rate This Match). The video only highlights one way that I've tested that has worked. This post is to help spread some awareness about it and what to do. Ultimately, if it's a major networking issue, there isn't much players can do, but wait. Sometimes, some players will be affected, while others won't be. This post describes why that is and steps one can take, if it's possible. And be weary of issues that may come Oct. 29th.  
Also of note, other possible solutions: It has been reported that a viable option is for players with the GL Bug to accept an invite from another player, this puts them into a functionable group. However, this won't work if the player can't access the game with Error Code 7-00000004. VPN: Can bypass all the issues and reconnect to the game servers (different IP), unless there's a major outage on Ubisoft's end vs. non-major networking issues. Not a readily available option for console players though.

Simple Troubleshooting Steps

What all players should do for any type of connectivity issues is follow these troubleshooting steps. Check the game in between most steps. Players need to start on their end before branching out, process of elimination.  
1. Restart game
2. Test internet connection, see if home or ISP related
3. Check related Server status and Support sites
4. Restart platform
5. Reboot Router and Modem (unplug 30 sec)
6. Console: Clear Temp Cache, PC: Verify Files
7. Don't use Wifi, test it wired. Works horribly with FH.
8. Change Static IPs up
9. Consider Forwarding Ports
10. Reinstall (last option, other things are quicker)
11. Important: Then at this point, if it's a higher level issue, don't just post on Reddit. Contact their Support Channels. Post on their Twitter feeds. Make the issue known there too. The Devs don't read Reddit at 6pm, let alone 2am. Make those companies aware of issues that are outside of your control, just see about your end first. The more awareness on their end, the quicker the fix. If it's a region wide, platform wide, or site wide problem, go to their Ubisoft Support and Twitter sites so it makes them take notice. If no one creates reports through official channels, the less visibility they get. Otherwise, if only a few report something that is actually affecting thousands, then they'll think it's just a few players with problems, on Wifi, that didn't troubleshoot their connectivity problem. Reddit is not an official Ubisoft site, nor used reliably for reporting issues.  

Ubisoft FAQ References:

1. Static IP for PS4
2. Static IP for Xbox
3. Static IP for PC
4. PS4 Connectivity FAQ with Ports
5. XB Connectivity FAQ with Ports
6. PC Connectivity FAQ with Ports
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I'm connected to internet, i don't download games off of the PSN i still have my PS3 games and whats annoying is that none of my PS3 games can play on my PS4 i can't even use Lexar flash drive on my PS4 i can't even transfer the saved data from my PS3 to my PS4 whats up with that How to play digital offline games without psn; User Info: Halectic. Halectic 6 years ago #1. Step 1: Make sure your ps4 is set to primary (automatic if it is your only ps4) Step 2: disable autoconnecting to psn, some games connect to psn at start up and will freeze if it cant connect. To play your digital games on another system, you have to be online so Sony can verify the licenses. Here’s how to check and see if your PS4 is set as your Primary System: Log into the PSN from 30 votes, 25 comments. 3.9m members in the PS4 community. The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. Your hub for everything related to … Stream hundreds of PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, including PlayStation exclusive titles, to your Windows PC and laptop on-demand with PlayStation Now. Yes, you can play most games without the internet on ps4, as some games that are multiplayer are obviously unplayable without the internet. If you don’t need any updates for the games or ps4, you should be fine playing games offline but if the game is from a ps plus monthly subscription, you aren’t not able to play it or if your account is not the primary account and you are playing the primary account’s games. On the Ps4, you can play without an internet connection anything except maybe digital titles? I think those need to connect from time to time to update your license or something, im not sure, i could be totally wrong. Physical games obviously have no such issues. I'm completely digital on ps4. You don't need an internet connection once you PSN games aren't that cheap, especially if you don't live in one of those countries with higher standards. People all around the world like to enjoy the charms of a well-made console, but not all of them can purchase the game they want to play. Raven asked in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear PlayStation · 1 decade ago. If you do end up being able to connect somehow to the Internet, you'll have to create a PSN You can play ps3 without Internet you only need Internet if you wanted to play online on the psn network. 0 0. 15 Best PS4 Games That Don't Require An Internet Connection. There are some incredible multiplayer games on the PS4, but some single-player campaigns are just as fun and don't require an internet

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