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What things turn a game into a world?

I created a laundry list of high-level tenets that drive the game design of specific genre I coined the World game based on Brad's famous quote. These aim to be applicable to any game that would scratch my old school MMO itch.
What tenets would you choose?
The MMO community is, to some degree, divided by the different expectations and desires of its player base. Even an MMORPG can mean so many things to so many different people. I wanted to get to the root of what a good MMO is to me, and in the process, I found that the ambiguous label of MMO is likely getting in the way.
Passionate players across the board seem to complain about the same issues. Ease of difficulty. Cash shops. Single-player focus. Theme park design. Players of these games either leave the genre, ultimately disenchanted with the thin veil over Skinner box design, or they continue to search for something better, because they know it is possible. Maybe this is intentional. Developers piggy back on the MMO genre to hook the player-base before extracting as much as they can from the whales in their glorified casino.
So, here, I present the tenets of a specific game genre: the World genre. The focus on world over game is not a new idea. Brad McQuad famously said, “I want to make worlds, not games.” That focus can be seen right there in the name of Visionary Realms. And without the right language to describe what we are after, the community is continually bit by games that fit the abstract label but disappoint in the details.
The goal with these tenets isn’t to create a template so much as it is to create rough guidelines. In fact, these guidelines probably wouldn’t do a game designer much good in creating a solid design. But they should help in evaluating different options and validating an existing design. Certainly, none of the tenets get as specific as the theme or even the existence of combat. They should apply equally well to a game set in feudal Japan, The Sims Online, or the next zombie apocalypse.
Some tenets are broad, while others more specific. Some tenets are rigid, others more malleable. Some tenets are critical pillars of the genre, while others are less important. Tenets frequently conflict, creating tension.
A note on intuition
The tenets below are driven by the principle that they should be intuitive. The World genre is trying to capture something deeply human, buried in our brains because of the way we have interacted with ourselves, each other, society, and our planet over millennia of evolution. There is no right or wrong answer. When in doubt, we err on the side of realism.
A note on ownership
Establishing reasonably prescriptive tenets on the World and gameplay highlights the necessity of strong ownership and vision for this style of game. This is particularly true given that many of these tenets go explicitly against what makes a great game in general. For example, how many games would actually benefit from less player matchmaking? This also does not lend itself well to player-generated content, where those tenets can be easily violated.
The tenets of immersion
TENET 1 The player should be directly represented in the World
The World genre requires the player to form a direct relationship with the World, not with the character. This is a key difference between Eastern of Western RPGs (both of which I love) and so this may be controversial. The player should be able to insert themselves into their avatar. On the flip-side, it precludes certain mechanics, such as squad-based designs.
TENET 2 The World should be realistic in both form and function
That is, the World should minimize the need for suspension of disbelief. It should pull the player in naturally. I have always felt conflicted by WoW’s appearance. I absolutely loved the cell-shaded look of Wind Waker, but instinctually disliked the cartoon-like nature of WoW. This goes back to immersion. That doesn't mean the visuals have to be photorealistic. They just have to pull you in. It may be possible to get around this through the setting. For example, if the setting is a digital afterlife, you may be able to get away with a more abstract appearance.
TENET 3 The player and World should interface only through the player character
The player should only be able to influence the World through their character. And the World should only be able to influence the player through the character. This means, respectively, no cash shops and a first-person camera. It also means no GPS — unless, of course, the setting supports it. Taken to an extreme, this precludes voice chat, at least without something like racial voice filters.
TENET 4 The player should directly engage with the World around them
The key here is “direct”. No minimaps, no waypoints, no fast travel. Of course, these are not absolute deal-breakers. The key is that the player is able to establish a connection with the World around them. The player should, over the course of the game, develop a strong mental model of the World and its relation to their character.
The tenets of freedom
TENET 5 The player should not be assigned a story
The World itself can (and should!) have a story to tell. But the player character’s story should be their own. The player must have the freedom to make their own place within the World, eschewing the rails that a story provides. Side quests are lesser evils, but still evils. The more choice the better.
TENET 6 The player should be able to pursue multiple forms of progression
The choice should not just be in how to progress. It should be in which ways to progress. The most obvious example is crafting, but this can also include loot, skills, the economy, faction, or even — maybe most importantly — growing in strategy and skill.
TENET 7 The World should be demanding, but not prescriptive
This is an extension of the idea of a lack of story. If the game is too prescriptive, it becomes a job. A chore. To combat this phenomenon, the player needs significant choice at all times. This may, in fact, be the primary draw of the World genre: to provide an environment where players are purely driven by their own will. It is equally important to avoid visibly and overtly influencing the player’s decisions. The player’s incentives and motivating factors should be an organic part of the World. No daily XP boosts, for example. Alternate forms of progression can help here, because even once a player is motivated to progress, they have the choice of which dimension of progress to pursue.
TENET 8 The World should encourage downtime
The player should not feel compelled to move forward at all times. There should be joy simply in existing in the World, experience it moment to moment. Even better, progression itself can require downtime; this is related to the notion that players should be encouraged to play any game in the most fun way possible. This can be accomplished with world design, such as guard-protected cities or social taverns, or mechanics, such as fishing, firework shows, and waiting in queue for a boat. This is effectively the white space of gameplay. And it is all but lost in modern MMOs.
TENET 9 The World should be dangerous
Choice is meaningless without consequence. With real, negative consequence, comes danger. This not only gives weight to the player’s decisions, but also helps to establish the intricate give-and-take relationship between the World and the player. Looking at you, death penalty. If a World game is about finding your place within that world, then danger and risk makes this a meaningful pursuit. If that tension between risk and reward does not exist, even at the start of the journey, it undermines those goals. Note that this is different than challenge — and challenge itself is not enough.
TENET 10 Players should be encouraged to explore the World
This doesn't mean that players are constantly seeking some never-before-seen point of interest, but it does mean that players get out and move. In other words, the world provides resources across its footprint, and you must seek those out. Most forms of progression should require you to get out and explore. This also does not necessitate baubles scattered around the landscape to find.
The tenets of impact
TENET 11 The player’s actions should be worn like a badge
You should be a product of your choices. Your reputation, gear, and skills should tell a story about where you have been and what you have accomplished. Your spoken languages can tell a story of what cities you have spent the most time in. As you spend time in different climates, you may develop a natural acclimation to those environments. Imagine you walk into town and one of the NPC gnomes recognizes the scent of the nearby crystal caverns you have been exploring. This is interesting because it relates to life; the player’s accomplishments should come with artifacts. This also means that auction houses should be limited, as they create an artificial divide between adventure and outcome.
TENET 12 Players should have something unique to offer
The ways that a player can help others in their progression should be relatively unique to that player. As much as possible, they should tell a story about adventures undertaken; e.g., a proc from an item dropped by a famous mob. Of course, classes and class-specific skills are one way to accomplish this, but the more ways the better. For example, if one form of progression is fishing, then fish should be useful to others in many ways. A cooking skill is obvious. More creatively, certain kinds of fish could be used as powerful but low-level weapons. A butcher could extract gills or eyes to, in turn, be used as reagents for spells.
TENET 13 There should be no end game
Even the name “end game” is problematic for several reasons. It suggests a hard limit to progression. It suggests a hard divide in the way the World is experienced once the player reaches this limit. It also suggests that the focus is no longer on the World, but on the game — which is to say, the core promise of the genre is lost. This doesn’t mean to eliminate raids or AA points. It just means that those things should be included in the game proper. This tenet also implies that progression should be relatively limitless. Skyrim is an interesting example of this. One way to accomplish this is to create exponential progress; for example, having each level take 10% more experience than the last. Granted, this is a much harder problem than the simple discussion here suggests.
TENET 14 The player should leave a mark on the World itself
Can a World be meaningful if there is no way to make an impact on it? Of course, their character is one such mark. It is easy to imagine statues erected in town, or NPCs chatting about the first character to hit max level. But there should be a means for all characters to leave some lasting impact. Given that players can already say whatever they want in chat, breaking immersion, a simple example is the ability to leave a journal. These could even be curated. Other possibilities include geocaching, naming items, plaques that can be erected in various places throughout the world. Player-owned housing is perhaps the most obvious.
TENET 15 Power, fame, and fortune must be possible
A world game should be able to provide all three of these drivers. As with reality, these should not be the only reason to play. Fame is largely supported by communication; fortune by economy and loot. Power can be found even outside the game, in the player’s mind, as they grow in skill and strategy.
TENET 16 The player should have a home
Can you have a world without a home? Some place in the world should feel like your own. Where even the NPCs tend to be supportive of you: merchants give discounts and trainers more assistance. This could simply be your birthplace, your hometown.
The tenets of socialization
TENET 17 There must be no explicit matchmaking
Players must find each other. In fact, a World game should ideally employ the opposite of matchmaking: some players should have barriers preventing that connection. This makes it all the more meaningful when these seemingly unlikely relationships form. There are many ways to accomplish this, including separating players by distance or climate or language. Allowing certain players to engage in PvP is another.
TENET 18 There should be risk in trusting others
Trust can only exist when that trust can be violated. Otherwise there is no trust — just a cold, lack of consequence. By allowing negative consequences through socialization, we enable trust, and so enable more meaningful relationships. For example, a player might grief the group, log out at the wrong time, or simply lack the skill to effectively play their character. They might steal your loot.
TENET 19 Players must be able to communicate with language
The purpose of having a World is to allow the player to tell their own story within it. And what story is worth telling that doesn’t involve real connection with others? Connection with others requires communication. And not just any form of communication, but with language. This communication should extend throughout the game, as much as possible. That is, it should be limited to the tavern, but should naturally extend out to the dungeon as well.
TENET 20 Players should be able to help each other organically
Those that have the means to help should find themselves naturally in proximity to those that might need it. For example, have high-level dungeon entrances in low-level areas. Have new characters start out near big cities.
TENET 21 Cooperation should generally benefit progression
For example, a blacksmith could gather all of her own materials or rely on other players. In some cases, a blacksmith might actually require an enchanter to lend a hand in creating the best equipment. This is not a difficult tenet to design towards; it is more a warning against designing forms of progression that specifically do not lend themselves to cooperation. In many MMOs, solo combat is so fast-paced and rewarding that there is little incentive to try to find a group.
The tenets of the World itself
TENET 22 The World should be persistent
Things can change, but not so frequently that it harms the connection the player has with the World. This is one reason why Minecraft may not work as a World game, and perhaps one reason why the focus on player-generated content in EverQuest Next did not lend itself well to a fun experience.
TENET 23 The World should be shared
There should be no instancing. If you need to come up with elaborate lore and mechanics to facilitate this, then so be it. For example, say all of the top tier raid bosses are spirits that can only be summoned by rare relics. And the spirits can only be hurt by those that share a clan sash with the one who summoned them. Obviously this is terribly contrived. But it demonstrates that it is possible to work backwards from the need of a shared world.
TENET 24 The World should be big
You should move slowly compared to the size of the world. It should always feel as though there is somewhere new to explore.
TENET 25 The World should be open
Big by itself is not enough. Theoretically, you could create a massive, linear world — imagine Ant Hill: The MMO. But that is not sufficient for a World game. Exploration is critical, and so the specific layout of the space is important. For another example, imagine Destiny but with hundreds of expansions. The game would be large by any standard, but it would not be a World.
TENET 26 The World should be alive
To some degree, the World should be the main character. Day and night cycles are a simple start. Other possibilities include transient events or even changes to the landscape over time. The World should be full of surprises, unpredictable. You should come across enemies not normally found in the local climate. You should discover loot normally reserved for much tougher mobs. Emergent gameplay can help here as well. The more mechanics and attributes that can be projected naturally to some underlying physics, the greater the chance for interesting and unique interactions. In the same breath, the World should have history. The best example of this is Hollow Knight, a game that tells the history of the World through visual storytelling, environments, enemy design, dialog, secrets, and journals.
TENET 27 The World should be consistent
The World should carry an underlying consistency through it. The World should feel congruent. Variety, also important, must be tempered.
TENET 28 The World should be varied
Different places within the World should have an identity of their own, through climate or culture or environment. Different environments should encourage different play styles and behavior, even downtime.
TENET 29 The World should have landmarks
The World should be defined by the interesting places within it. More than that, the World should have locations that pull players together. Breath of the Wild does an amazing job with this, whereas it is one of the weaknesses of The Witcher III. In EverQuest, the camps themselves often serve this role — think Treants — showing how landmarks can emerge from gameplay rather than, say, visual interest.
submitted by hellorallon to PantheonMMO [link] [comments]

[Guide] Early E5 Breakdown (1/25/21)

I've thought alot on gaining poweprogress on an account, and the best way to accomplish it. Then extrapolated a little from my other experiences to come up with this. Please realize that almost the entire guide excludes Light/Dark in any regard.
TL:DR Version: I have tested and managed an e5 two times now in under 5 months. It should be even easier than when i did as since game has gotten alot friendlier. My luck was not good nor bad. Just takes doing the goal oriented things below. Saving what you should save. Spend when you should spend. Feathers really are important for this. Its also very important to prioritize the feathers in events. Get 240 Casino coins, 80 POs, or 500 HSs THEN spend them to complete said event. Don't use them before that since you lose out on the feathers. Once you start building a supply of feathers, don't spend them until you can fully build the hero. Next is focusing on 4★ shards for most of your growth. Last is DON'T BUILD HEROES YOU WON'T FODDER. Do these and even you can do it. I know its a bit of a read, but this whole thing does work, but you can't cherry pick the parts you want to do, and expect it to not take you longer, in some cases alot longer.
Keep these heroes until you know better what you are doing:
Horus Gustin Tix Ithaqua
Cthuga Morax Ignis Kroos Delicium Nakia
Heart Watcher Rogan Elyvia Garuda
Xia Sigmund Inosuke Sherlock Penny Unimax - 3000


The idea behind this whole post is to focus efforts towards the earliest most efficient E5 you can make. The power of an early E5 vs a team of 6x 10★ isn't really even comparable. The E5 will wipe the floor with them in every way. More specifically an E5 of one the best heroes in the game will carry your progress well beyond any other strategy after its made. No hero does everything the best. Therefore, we want to pick as good a hero as we can, without waiting forever. We still need to get this made in a reasonable time frame so you can build on your progress.
So once again the idea is to go all out for ONE hero. Don't level anything you can't sacrifice. ALL Prophet Orbs, Prophet Branches, Feathers, Guild Coins, EVERYTHING that is a resource and can be used to progress your E5 will be used for your E5.

The Basics

Lets start with the basics by breaking down Hero ★ ranks. The basic unit is a 5★ building block. Heading over to the Creation Circle, we can turn some 5★s into 6★s. Once at 6★, level the hero to 100 and promote it. Then the promotion tab becomes active on that hero. The rest of the promotions will be done here. Requirements below:

7★ 4x 5★ Same Faction - -
8★ 3x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction -
9★ 2x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction 1x Copy of Hero
10★ 9★ Any Faction 6★ Same Faction 2x Copy of Hero
E1 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E2 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E3 10★ Any Faction - -
E4 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E5 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero

Looking at this we can see that we will need to get our E5 hero to 9★, three 9★ fodders, and three 10★ fodders. That's 304x 5★s if i did the math right. That is alot of 5★s.
So here is the basic plan.
The most common ways to majorly slow your progress seems to come in 2 forms.
1.) You feel you need a full team of heroes with lots of stars. 2.) You struggle with the long view and build non fodder heroes.
So let me just say once again. You don't need a full team. You need 1 good hero. If you decide on a hero, stick with that hero.

Picking the E5 Hero

This is your first E5, once made it will be your only hero for a time. Because of this, it needs to be a solid hero for carrying your progress from that point on while you start on your next. I used to rate heroes on a per Category basis and weight the results for a best hero ranking. That takes too much work. So instead of that non-sense i'll just tell you who i would build.
1.) Tix 2.) Inosuke 3.) Garuda
Try to build 1 of those 3. Tix and Inosuke are a bit better than Garuda, but she is still very solid if you happen to have alot of copies of her. You can always build the other 2 next.
Picking your E5 hero is probably the trickiest part of this whole thing. The several month building process gives you time in which your fortunes can change. So here is my advice. Build Norma to 9★ and use her for early game. Start working on 10★s of other decent fodder heroes. In that time, if you pick up 2-3 of any of the three heroes i listed, just lock in and go for that hero. I also don't count the Imp Adventure Chest as picking up a hero. I'm talking through PO, HS, Super Casino, Random Holiday Events, Heroic Miracle, or Altar Event. Keep the Imp Chest a Chest until you pull the trigger on deciding which hero you are going to make. Once you decide on a hero, you can open the chests. Feathers should never be used until you can promote a hero to E5 the exact moment you spend them. If you are still building Fodder or the copies don't add up to 9, you don't spend feathers. The reason is because we really only want to spend feathers on this first hero for speed. After this first hero, feathers should be solely for Light/Dark hero copies or 400 Feather P2W Artifacts. So the less you can spend the better. It is still worth using them at the right time for your first E5 though.
If you aren't sure where to orb, i would suggest one of 2 things. 1.) If you have any copies of the heroes above, try the faction you have the most of. 2.) If you don't have any, pick Fortress. It has Inosuke and Sherlock. Both are great. Shadow basically only has Tix. Forest has Garuda and Rogan which are good but aren't quite as good as Sherlock and Inosuke.
At the moment Inosuka and Tix are probably the most useful heroes. Therefore if you have no copies of any of the other listed heroes, you should just start your aim there.
Once you get an E5 hero, you don't start filling in your team with a bunch of crap low star heroes. You start the process over again on a new hero. Though maybe this time include Light/Dark as options. You really shouldn't ever be building anything that isn't going towards an E5 Hero, other than maybe HeartWatcher and Sigmund which are generally fine at 10★ or E3.

Picking 10★ Fodder Heroes

Faction Hero Hero Hero
Shadow Dominator Walter Corpse Demon
Abyss Karim Barea King Barton
Forest Starlight Groot Vesa
Fortress Ormus

To make an E5 hero, we need three 10★ sacrifices for the last steps. So it helps to make those useful heroes until its time to sacrifice them. Which of these heroes you build will depend on luck, and the faction you choose to use Prophet Orbs on. Each faction has a few worthy 10★ heroes listed above.

Streamline the Fodders

The fodder process needs to be focused on building only 1 Non-Fodder Hero to E5. That means leaving all other God Tier Heroes unmade and in Token form if you can help it. This will stop them from taking up a hero slot. Good to get in the habit of keeping heroes in Token form until they are needed. That being said, any hero i didn't list at the very top of this thread should be put to use making 10★ fodders. No need to save them if they aren't on that list.
The biggest mistake newer players make is underestimating the power of 4★ Shards and not picking them up at every available opportunity. The importance of 4★ Heroes IS HUGE. It is the basis for 75% of my growth. You build the shard numbers daily, in small amounts. By the end of the month, they add up to thousands. On top of that, with the monthly Fusion quest, the first 20 5★s you make reward you gold, which you will need. They should be picked up at every chance. Here is where to find them.

My Monthly Progress:
  1. All month long, do everything to build 4★ shards
  2. Once Heroic Miracle comes around
    • Use all my Heart Summons, destroy all 1★ and 2★
    • Use all my Random 4★ shards along with 3★ shards to form 5★s
  3. Keep forming 5★s until i can turn them into a 6★
  4. Once i have three 6★s of the same faction a. Collect 9 more 5★ fodders of that faction b. Collect 1 more copy of one of the 6★ heroes c. Craft a 9★
  5. Use 5★ Random Summon Shards a. You want to collect 5 of any of these heroes. b. If you have 2 copies of any of them, make a 6★ c. Make a 10★ with said hero

Change Log:

Changed all kinds of crap. Cut out tons of non-sense filler. Mostly updated so people reading don't build the outdated heroes. Its been awhile since i updated this.
submitted by maxwell_623 to IdleHeroes [link] [comments]

1.03 beta now available on Steam

Welcome Bosses, Chicagoans and all! Today we bring you great news, crew. See here, we have decided to let the public in on the operation: we are now doing public betas of new patches!
This means that if you play Empire of Sin on Steam, you can now choose to opt into playing the latest stable beta build of the game. Here is how to do it:
  1. Open Steam.
  2. Go to the Library and right-click on Empire of Sin > Manage > Betas.
  3. Choose the beta branch available in the drop down menu.
  4. You should then be able to download the beta build. No password needed!
And that’s it, you’re good to go, boss! Of course, we would love to hear your feedback on the beta patch. Feel free to let us know in the comments below, in the Empire of Sin Discord or in the Empire of Sin Beta sub-forum.
See below for a full list of Patch Notes for Beta Branch 1.03.

Update Notes - Beta Branch 1.03​

Please Remember:​

Known Issues:​


The Highlights​

General Changes​

Combat Fixes/Changes​

Mission Fixes/Changes​

Thug Variants​

Racket Guard Changes​

Any old saves that were made before these changes were introduced will keep their previous racket guards until that racket is upgraded or sold and purchased again. Once upgraded or purchased the racket will start using the new guard configs.

Faction Changes​

Safehouse Changes​

Gameplay change to safehouses hiding has been pushed.
Public Beta of Patch 1.03 - get in on the action! | Paradox Interactive Forums (
submitted by pktgumby to EmpireofSin [link] [comments]

As someone who spends $1000+ a year on video games, here's my perspective on what is putting me off from spending money on RDO

I feel like Red Dead Online in general has highlighted some worrying trends in regards to Rockstar's design philosophy and I am concerned about the online experience in their future titles such as GTA 6.
I don't expect this post to have any massive impact on the future of RDO, but I wanted to share my expectations and attitudes as a consumer in hope that it might help Rockstar gain a better understanding of their audience. After all I have money that I am willing to spend and they seem to be after, there just hasn't been a reasonable incentive to do so.
For a long time GTA:O was my main source of entertainment and I used to regard Rockstar Games as the best video game publisher in terms of quality and value of the experience their games provided.
When RDR2 released two years ago, I was excited by the massive step-up in terms of complexity and immersion from GTA:O. I was also quite burnt out with GTA so I was prepared to turn RDO into my main source of entertainment.
I didn't own a console so instead I decided to save and build a high end PC in time for the game's PC release. I was prepared to commit 100% to this game.
October 2019 came, my PC was ready and I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition.
I got the game, played Story mode through all of Arthur's chapters, but stopped when I reached the Epilogue - I was excited to get into Online and see how it felt. And then it all fell apart.
Meh, the game felt a bit GTAish at the start, but I didn't mind it so much. I think I experienced some bugs or technical issues that made me take a break from the game and wait for a fix.
I was away for the holidays and then travelling for work so I get back to the game in late January. I finish John's story too and then head back into online. At this point I'm greeted with a message that Outlaw Pass season 2 is in progress.
"Great, so I've already missed one?" I tell myself. I was not aware at that point in time that Steam PC players didn't even have access to Outlaw Pass season 1. But this was already starting to become a deal breaker for me and I'll elaborate on it further:
What is the appeal of Rockstar's games?
Let's take a look at GTA:Online, Rockstar's most financially successful title, success which they are probably trying to replicate with Red Dead Online.
I don't know what goes through the minds of other players, so I'll share my personal experience.
Before I stumbled upon GTA:Online in 2017 I had been mainly playing World of Warcraft for 3 or 4 years, but I was at a point in life where I just started my first full-time job and no longer had the time to pour into an MMO. I remember I used to describe it as "I come home from my job and have to log onto my other job" on raid night. I was also fed up with 90% of the game's content becoming irrelevant whenever a new update came along. it was just the same gameplay loop in a different packaging.
So what was so special about GTA: Online?
The biggest aspect for me was the Sandbox experience. It's an open world environment, you can fuck around freely, there is no linear gameplay imposed upon you or other restrictions that limit gameplay for the purpose of "balance".
You are also free to experience the game at your own pace. There is no FOMO (fear of missing out) mechanic dictating that you play now or risk being locked out of content permanently.
Another big element of GTA Online that appeals to me is Customization options for the purpose of immersion and roleplay. The game contains so many references to Hollywood tropes and it allows you to act almost any persona that crosses your mind: Pablo Escobar, killer clown, every Charlize Theron role I can think of, the list is endless...
One thing that GTA Online did well and I used to praise them over other games for it was the inclusion of Universal Reward/Currency. Any activity you carry out in the game rewards the same currency, it's always meaningful progress towards your next goal. You had the ability to purchase it via Shark Cards, but the microtransaction served as an alternative in order to save time, not as a means of unlocking content behind an exclusive paywall.
With the Arena Wars and the Casino DLC it looks like Rockstar has been experimenting with new ways to milk both "player engagement" in the form of time spent grinding secondary currency and revenue in the form of microtransactions. They can go claim to their shareholders "our playerbase is more active than ever and also spending money on the game". It just feels very limiting and at least the Arena Wars currency comes across as an artificial incentive for people to engage in gameplay that R* is not confident about it being popular on its own.
So I've established what were the most appealing elements of GTA:O as a consumer: 1.Freedom of Sandbox environment 2.Immersion and Roleplay in the form of customization options 3.Unique Currency serving as the means of progression
Now let's take look at Red Dead Online. You've got a Rockstar title that is expected to play out as a sandbox, but displays the characteristics of a live service game. Here's a definition of a live service game, see if it rings a bell
In my opinion, time-limited exclusive content should have no place in a sandbox game. I like the Outlaw Pass as an idea, it gives people something to work toward. I am just not a fan of the thought that development time goes into creating the rewards, they're added to the game, take space on my drive, but they are just locked forever with no means of obtaining them.
It just diminishes my perceived value of your product. "Oh great I didn't play from the start? Time for an incomplete experience." Not to mention the fact that PC players are getting an incomplete product by default because Outlaw Pass 1 was never available on their platform.
Some would argue that it's rewarding players who have been playing from the beginning. At what cost? It's also penalizing new players. Players that would've easily spent money on the pass, they just picked the game up too late, so now they are locked out of features forever.
  As someone who has missed almost 3 Passes worth of content, this is my biggest gripe about the game and what's holding me back from committing to the game to the point where I'd be willing to drop real life money on it.
  And I'm not arguing about getting the rewards for free. I am arguing for making that content available through other less efficient means. I didn't play the game when I was supposed to play it and now there's less content available for me. Oh sure, that'll definitely bring me back to the game and not make me abandon it on the spot. You can still reward players who buy the pass by unlocking the rewards for them, but why lock content forever and devalue the experience for any future player that buys your game? You could add them on a rare rotating stock for a ridiculously high gold bar price. There's a gold sink for you right there, now you're giving people a reason to spend money on your game. Or I don't even know, sell the passes again at some later time. You probably have the technology to allow players to purchase multiple passes and keep one active at a time. Just make old passes no longer reward gold or whatever.
Rockstar, you're concerned with reducing people's means of obtaining gold while also falling behind on delivering meaningful content. That's cause you're digging your own hole with your shortsighted approach on FOMO, working on adding content to the game only to then lock it away. But most importantly, you're establishing your stance: "Monetization by all means, screw player experience, screw a quality integral product, pay us right now or risk the game becoming more incomplete."
Some would argue that the Outlaw Pass is just cosmetics. I would totally get that point if this were a MOBA or a FPS or any other genre where gameplay is the predominant feature. But have a look at what's the most popular GTA content on Twitch: roleplay. Immersion and Roleplay have always been defining features of Rockstar games. Time-limited exclusive content just detracts from the value proposition of a sandbox game. If not cosmetic options, what else is there to work towards in RDO? It's not supposed to be a competitive game. K/D has no meaning, high scores have no meaning, It's a Club Penguin with guns and horses. Also the whole point falls apart because with Outlaw Pass 4 and 5 there are actual gameplay upgrades that are featured as time-limited exclusives,
The perceived loss of value from missing one outlaw pass was what made me drop the game again back in January. I picked it up again a month ago and I was actually enjoying it to the point where I was prepared to buy gold for the Outlaw Pass. Inaccessible content was a minor issue that I was willing to overlook since it didn't look like I missed out on any gameplay impacting features from previous passes. But oh boy, Rockstar, you didn't even try to be subtle in the latest update. You just reinforced the statement that you're after my money at any cost. I get that daily challenges had to be addressed, but at least the nerf didn't lock away access to content. But now you're taking gameplay impacting upgrades and holding them hostage behind a time-limited paywall. To me that's a sign that you're willing to compromise the quality of gameplay for a Q4 financial boost. It's very hard to justify spending money on this game at this point when there is no sign of good will from its developer.
GTA Online didn't need all these extreme incentives of monetization and look how well it performed. RDO feels like monetization came first and the game was build around it. Every feature feels like it was designed to psychologically entice me into spending and that's its biggest flaw. Everywhere I look I see a price, but I don't see value.
submitted by Aeliasson to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

Starting a player reward program

I work at a local casino in a smaller city of about 30,000 but we are growing rapidly. My casino is looking at getting a reward program but I can’t seem to find any way to do it. Is there anyone with ideas of how to start one? I can’t seem to find an app so if there is an easier way to log people maybe using Microsoft Excel or something then any help would be appreciated
submitted by TheDazeez3 to CasinoProfessionals [link] [comments]

Solving the Rogue Company problem - An Essay by ZeroGKills

[Each section has a header so you can just skip to what you’re interested in]
Rogue Company was released with high hopes and a bright future. Some, myself included, saw this release as the next competitive shooter to rival other free to play games. Perhaps we expected too much from the studio that brought us “Smite” and “Tribes: Ascend”. Where we saw well preparedness and thought out design from those games, we found a lack of infrastructure and confidence. Personally, I don’t think they were prepared for an TPS game like Rogue Company. We understand the difference between these games because studies have shown us that shooters aren’t all about strategy: High-end set-ups and reaction time. Games like Smite require strategy and “big brain”. To clarify, I’m not saying that an TPS doesn’t require thought. What I am saying is that shooters can reward raw skill rather than strategy. That’s why TPS games tend to see an influx of cheaters. When it comes to combating these people, it takes a lot from the company. Where their interest lay depends on the revenue being generated. Free to play games make a fraction of their money from “Founder Packs” and the majority from cosmetics. Rogue Company doesn’t have the varied catalog like most free to play shooters; Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Warzone. Since the money being generated from this game isn’t quite as abundant as other titles they’ve dedicated resources too, there’s a disparity between development and balancing. In the following, I will discuss how these problems have affected me personally then give a resolution that works best for Hi-Rez. Going forward, I’m not saying I could produce a better game or that I’m talented but these are my thoughts for a game I genuinely care about.
While browsing Reddit, I noticed a lot of people complaining about cheaters: Players using aim-bots*, ESP**, and other software that breaks the terms of service agreement. Usually I would play with the mindset of “get-gud” but lately I myself have found this to be cumbersome. The first time I actually gave up was during a match against someone using ESP with aim-bot on console. The initial reason I turned off cross-play was to prevent cheaters but it turns out that there’s an abundance across all platforms. What makes this particularly frustrating is a lack of evidence. Certainly, most match-ups where I'm completely are genuine. While there are those few that leave me wondering. Without verifiable proof, I can’t rightfully report someone. That leaves the cheater’s teammates to decide if they’d like to report them or take the win. This puts the burden of proof on you. Looking at it from the point of view of Hi-Rez it really comes down to a simple line of thought “the losing team reported this player but their teammates didn’t so we can't be sure.” That makes sense to me and I can even entertain a certain level of justifiable ignorance. Well then, how do you get proof to report someone? The answer has been around since the early days of Call of Duty multiplayer: Kill Cam. Allowing someone to see the process leading up to the kill gives valuable insight. Why hasn’t Hi-Rez released this already? Lack of responses from their community? No. Genuine negligence? Possibly. The more likely culprit? These cheaters provide a solid chunk of income.
Maybe you’ve noticed the week long updates to their in-game store. Some people, myself included, just wait for that perfect cosmetic to complement our main. That could take weeks, maybe even months, with minor releases that you either purchase or pass. There’s nothing wrong with that but free to play games need whales***. The entirety of a game's income depends on how much someone is willing to spend. Normally popular titles have streamers who purchase cosmetics to add flair but Rogue Company doesn’t rank among the top twenty streams in any given day. How does a studio justify dedicating resources to cosmetics when very few buy out the store? They can’t. Most players find their niche Rogue(s) and don’t bother with unrelated cosmetics. Games like Spellbreak and Warzone don’t need a large catalog because it doesn’t matter what skin you have: you can play with it in every game because they aren’t dedicated to a single character you may or may not be able to use. Every time I log in, I wonder why Hi-Rez didn’t prepare for this. Apex Legends had the same concept of specialized characters and knew that releasing a few skins wouldn’t generate the revenue needed to sustain development. Respawn started out with dozens of interchangeable skins. Granted, these were mostly color swaps with four that actually changed their outfits entirely. Hi-Rez doesn’t need to put too much effort into creating this many variants but they can stop the bleeding by mass releasing dozens of colored variants for each rogue. Cosmetics we can purchase outside of the In-Game store. I wouldn’t even mind having to wait if they openly outlined a plan but it’s clear they’re interests are elsewhere. This is probably why development seems slow and uninventive.
Other games have a little more freedom when it comes to new features like weapons, items, perks, and game modes. The reason Rogue Company doesn’t is because equipment usage depends on the Rogue rather than an open faced store. That’s why the Arms Race was well received. You were able to equip almost any weapon to any rogue: allowing the player to snap-change their load-out for any given scenario. Hi-Rez decided from the start to lock in the possible load-outs for players while still allowing you to pick up an enemy’s weapon. That makes balancing very easy because you’re tweaking the weapon stats based on who’s using them. This means you’ll only get to enjoy the perfect load-out once in a while. The restricted load-out benefits the company because they spend less time adding content for Rogues to focus on other game-modes, maps, and new rogues; Except they aren’t. There have been a few new releases but the content is rather slow coming because attention is split between all facets. Hi-Rez seems to have almost no plan or one that builds a little around everything at one time. Playable content is important and I understand why they’re slow but steady. They need to create a plan focused around the problems affecting gameplay and monetization before they can really ramp up production. No split-focus, no detours, just one thing at a time.
Rogue Company isn’t perfect but I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that was. We’ve seen lots of games released with their fair share of issues. The most notable being No Man’s Sky: a title which started out as a horrible mess but evolved into something astounding. Rogue Company can become a top competitor if given the chance. They need to fix their problems one at a time instead of blanketing every little thing. Work on the problems with cheaters first. Follow that up with a mass release of cosmetics to satisfy the players. Finally, dedicate your staff to new features and content. These are just my opinions and I believe the company doesn’t need my suggestions. Who knows, maybe the slow steady progression will eventually make this game something to be proud of. Only time will tell.
Note to the reader
-Thank you for taking a look at my essay. This is the first time I’ve written one for a game. Hopefully I’ll write a more positive one in the future. I’d love to hear your feedback; What do you think needs to be fixed first; What are your opinions on some of the stuff I talked about; What do you think I should write about next?
*Aim-Bot: a program that focuses the player’s aim. Sometimes it doesn’t require manual input while most require you to at least pull the trigger. These bots also remove the recoil.
**ESP; stands for Extra Sensory Perception. This program allows the user to see where the enemy is. This means they can see you behind walls and, sometimes, see your health.
***Whales; people who spend exorbitant amounts of money. Usually used in casinos as a term for wealthy gamblers. Not to be confused with the derogatory term for an overweight individual.
submitted by ZeroGKills to RogueCompany [link] [comments]

I have an idea for a Las Vegas hotel replacing the Casino with a giant arcade.

Seriously, Las Vegas is one of the closest big cities to the Hoover Dam. In fact, the Hoover Dam basically built Las Vegas. So I was thinking "what if a family wants to go see the Hoover Dam or any of the museums in Las Vegas, but don't want to go to a hotel with a casino?" or "What if someone knows they have a severe gambling addiction and knows that they would lose of their money if they went to a hotel with a casino?" Essentially, I was thinking, "What if someone wants to go to Las Vegas, but not to gamble?" Seriously, Las Vegas has Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum and one of the Madame Tussauds Wax Museums. So many museums are all around Las Vegas, some of which are great for families. And of course that proximity to the Hoover Dam. So I thought, "why not replace the Casino with an Arcade?" So maybe theme the entire hotel around video games? Have consoles and games be rentable for periods of time, including retro consoles like the NES, the Nintendo 64, the Sega Genesis, etc. Then, have the game companies create hotel-exclusive stuff like skins and stuff like that, which, if you log in to the console with your home account, gives you that hotel-exclusive stuff as kind of a virtual souvenir. It would work as video games have had location exclusive stuff for a long time (think about those times when video games had people go to stores in order to receive rewards). The consoles with the accounts would be specially designed that after the person is done, the accounts will be logged out and removed from the console. There will also be computers in each room to allow for people to use their Steam/other accounts and/or to plan out their day. Overall, it will be mostly for families, for those who want to go see the museums of Las Vegas without gambling, and/or for those who want to see the Hoover Dam.
So, what do you think? Is my idea feasible?
submitted by 806mtson to LasVegas [link] [comments]

[krimewave] The Born Loser <2021-01-31>

Metadata manipulation is Vegas is dangerous; especially when metagaming relies on accurate metadata for trending bet predictions and odds to be properly calculated.
Runners meet the Johnson at the Casino Grande online Mahjong Table #12.
Runners make their way to Vegas courtesy of ZDT's cessna, landing in searchlight and getting their comped room at the Planet Horizon as well as a limo ride from the airport. VIP services checks them in, and ZDT and Aurora proceed to search the fuck out of everything they can, getting a little background on the Johnson while ZDT foments a plan.
Bubblegum and Aegean take turns on the casino floor attempting to surveil the Johnson, with Bubblegum sitting a few hands of poker to realize that he's dealing, yet again, with another person Dream Pacted by the Fae - a Jarl possessing the man spends all night up gambling while he toils his days away in his hotel room remoting in to work. ZDT decides to frame him for corporate collusion with a rival entity while the team agrees to the plan.
ZDT hacks the NEONet foundation, grabbing some project data linked to Gerber, escaping the foundation after a daring series of hacks and receiving some secondary host code from Aurora, who vacates the host after getting chased for encryption-cracking while helping ZDT get into the foundation.
Back in the hotel room, they decide to kick it in Vegas for a couple days, doing the touristy stuff like feeding the lions during the virtual Siegfried and Roy show with a Krime T-Shirt Cannon and generally fucking around till their edge comes back.
Two days later, ZDT and Aurora get on the hacks, putting all the copied compromised data into gerber's comms, masquerading them to forward the files to Horizon and copying the transcript log of the transfer, and then Aurora anonymously calls NEONet for the tip-off. Not even an hour later, Herbert is checking out of his year-and-a-half long room at the PH, forced to return to chilly boston as his bosses start screaming over his corporate defection. Nasty guest evicted!
A CFD-ridden, dream-pacted executive may be an interesting threat during the Boston Lockdown...
Johnson covered room & board as part of negotiations.
submitted by coy-coyote to NeonAAR [link] [comments]

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Fruits4Real Casino Free Bonuses
Play 60 free spins without deposit at Fruits4Real Casino! This only a begining of good news that awaiting you here! Next, get a 125% bonus and loads of free spins on fruit machines!
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Fruits4Real Casino Review

If you like to squeeze as much as you can out of any new casino experience, our expert reviewers think you’ll love Fruits4Real casino, which embraces its designer’s passion for classic slot machines.
You’ll also appreciate the mantra at the very basis of the Fruits4Real operation. It states that the best online gaming sites include at least one weekly free spins or bonus offer, loads of the best games, a 100% responsible and fair experience, and fast and safe deposits and withdrawals. Fruits4Real has it all.
You’ll be able to claim a generous bonus and some free spins when you make your first deposit, and this is just part of an appealing welcome package. You can also take advantage of regular weekly and monthly promotions and offers.
Bonuses are mainly designed with slots lovers in mind, and you’ll be able to use them to spin hundreds of online slots from top software providers like Pragmatic Play, Endorphina, and Amatic. There’s also a table games section where you can enjoy European and American roulette, as well as many cards games such as blackjack, poker, and three-card rummy.
You’ll have the choice of playing slots and games on your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also use live chat and email support on all platforms. You’ll even be able to access helpful tips on responsible gambling.
Any withdrawal requests you make will be paid after a 24-hour pending period. You’ll also feel safe at Fruit4Real online casino, as our reviewers found that all financial transactions are processed using the same level of security as recognized banking institutions. These measures have earned this Dialinvest International N.V.-owned and operated casino a Curacao e-gaming license.
Keep reading our Fruits4Real casino review for in-depth information about bonuses, top slots, how to play on mobile, support, and banking.
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Get Fruity With Your Welcome Bonus

When you sign up at Fruits4Real casino, you can claim an impressive welcome package comprising multiple welcome bonuses and free spins offers, provided you’re aged 18+.
You’ll find these bonuses are ideal for spinning a range of super slots, and you may also use bonus funds to play some table games. Naturally, before withdrawing any winnings from bonuses, you will need to complete the standard playthrough requirements.
Looking to enjoy all the latest welcome offers at Fruits4Real casino? Our review team suggests you stay updated by checking out the promotions page, where you can find information on new promos and their terms and conditions.

Keep Your Eye on the Calendar

If you're planning to stick around after using your welcome bonus, you'll be pleased to know that our review of Fruits4Real online casino revealed that you can claim a fun free spins bonus on the first day of each new month.
You should also check out the news section on a regular basis, as this is where you’ll find out about all the weekly bonuses and free spins offers. You’ll even be able to read reviews of great new games that Fruits4Real casino has recently added to its slots section.
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Spin a Few Fruit-Themed Slots

Our review team discovered a dedicated fruit slots section at Fruits4Real casino, offering you the chance to play over 90 games that use a variety of the world’s most popular fruit prize symbols. You can also spin over 300 video slots and participate in 30+ progressive jackpots. You’ll find a good choice of software providers too, including the exciting slots maker Stakelogic.
You could try to win a progressive jackpot in the Scrooge slot by Leander Games, which is based on the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Watch Candle wilds randomly light up completely wild columns in the base game and on every free spin you trigger.
You can then tuck into the Festive Feast feature, in which you can win up to 45x your total bet by picking Christmas-themed prizes out of turkeys. You could even be celebrating in style if you bag the Celebration Jackpot.
If you love three-reel slots, spin the Fruit Mania Deluxe classic slot into action. This game features melons, plums, oranges, and diamonds among its fruity icons. The diamond and lotto symbols on these reels will offer you even juicier prizes.
Three diamond symbols trigger up to nine bonus games, while three lotto symbols launch a pick-me feature in which you can choose one of the three lotto tickets to reveal a cash prize. There’s a 50/50 gamble feature included, where you can side with one of two Las Vegas showgirls and double your money if you choose correctly.
If you believe Bigfoot exists, you’ll definitely want to try a few spins of the Yak, Yeti and Roll slot by Betsoft. Every win activates the Yak, Yeti and Roll Bonus Trail, and this where your snowmobile will set you off on a journey to collect rewards such as free spins, multipliers, and cash prizes.
This slot also features Yeti wilds and high-paying Eskimo scatter symbols. If a win isn’t big as big as you’d like it to be, there’s a gamble feature in which you can stake either all or half of any win to try and double your money.
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Play at Fruits4Real on Mobile

Our review experts reckon the Fruits4Real mobile casino is the ideal way to enjoy gaming on the go. You'll find the site is optimized for all the latest Android smartphones and iPhones, as well as tablets and iPads. That means you won’t have to download an app or any additional software to play here.
You can sign up to Fruits4Real casino on your mobile. If you’ve already created an account on your desktop or laptop, you’ll be able log in using the same username and password. The casino’s mobile platform will give you access to lots of thrilling games, including the chance to spin sensational mobile slots from Betsoft Gaming into action.
You’ll find you can access all the welcome bonuses, free spins, and regular promotions from your mobile phone too. You also have the facility to make deposits and withdrawals, as well as use the live chat and email support features offered at Fruits4Real.

Access Quick and Easy Support

If you find anything that’s stopping you getting the maximum enjoyment out of Fruits4Real casino, don’t hesitate to get in touch with their customer support team. There’s the live chat or email option via your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also look them up and contact them on Facebook and Twitter.
Help is available seven days a week from 07.00 to 03.00 (CET), and our review team found the Fruits4Real casino support agents to be friendly and knowledgeable. All our questions were dealt with quickly and professionally, and we were pleased with the answers they provided.
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How to Fund Your Fruits4Real Account

You’ll find that you can deposit funds at Fruits4Real casino using a variety of payments methods, some of which are only available in certain countries. You can make your deposits and withdrawals using the e-wallet Skrill, popular credit cards, prepaid cards, and Bitcoin.
The maximum amount you can deposit is €1,000, while the maximum withdrawal limit is set at €5,000 per 24 hours and €25,000 per month. Our reviewers are pleased to report that Fruits4Real casino will not charge any transaction fees if you live in one of the SEPA countries.
When you request a withdrawal, your winnings will remain pending for 24 hours. During this period, you will have the right to reverse your payment and continue playing with your funds. After the pending period has lapsed, payments to EU accounts will be completed in 1-2 days, with non-EU accounts being credited within 3-5 days.
Once you have requested a withdrawal, Fruits4Real will immediately ask you to complete its mandatory identity verification checks. You can prove your identity by sending photocopies of a valid form of photo ID, a recent utility bill, and evidence of ownership of your chosen payment method.

Time to Get Real

The team behind this review were impressed by Fruits4Real casino and are confident that you’ll relish the chance to experience everything it has to offer.
You can claim a welcome package as well as weekly promotions and offers, and you can use these bonuses and free spins to play lots of great slots. Secure and fast banking and advice about responsible gambling also means you can have a good time knowing you’re in a safe and fair online environment.
So, if you want to enjoy an excellent all-round online casino experience, it’s time to sign up to Fruits4Real and squeeze as much as you can out of your welcome bonuses and free spins.
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

ZigZag777 Casino 20 no deposit free spins and 200% bonus

ZigZag777 Casino 20 no deposit free spins and 200% bonus
Here comes ZigZag777 Casino with a no deposit bonus! Register now and receive 20 free spins no deposit needed! And, claim 200% up to 1000 euro on your very first deposit. Additionally, enjoy 100 free spins on new slot games. Good luck!
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ZigZag777 Casino Review

Zig Zag 777 is an online casino which is owned and operated by Joc Solutions Limited. The website's parent company are based in Gibraltar, while the website is fully licensed in the Caribbean island of Curacao. The license is also held by its parent company there, which is Joc Solutions. The site uses software which is provided by Microgaming – who are an international online casino developer company that creates leading online casino games and websites. As a result of this partnership, players are guaranteed an outstanding experience on the site – should they decide to register.
The website is available in either English, Polish, Swedish or Russian – whilst the customer service support team can be contacted in either English, Polish or Russian.

Honesty the Best Policy

The website cares strongly about providing a fair and honest experience for its players on all their games. They have guaranteed this on their site via hiring an independent company to use the Random Number Generator (RNG) software on all the websites' games. This renowned piece of programming is widely used by a variety of online casino companies to test their games for being unpredictable.
The RNG simulates 300,000,000 (three hundred million) plays of all the sites games to guarantee that there aren’t any irregular results and the chances of each outcome is as fair as the game simulates. Therefore, there is as much chance of players winning on online casino games as they are if they were playing the same game in a real-life casino. It’s no surprise that all the site’s games passed this test, and they continue to be regularly checked to ensure players on ZigZag777 Casino are treated with respect.
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Faqs Are a Good Start

As is expected with online casinos, sometimes players come across hiccups in their experience. Should this happen, players are advised to contact the customer service team or visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. The languages the team can be contacted in, as mentioned, is English, Polish and Russian.
Considering the site is available in Swedish and there isn’t a chance for players to contact the team in that language is disappointing, especially for the Swedish players. Those that do try and contact the team can do it via email, telephone or a live chat option – all the details of which are shared on the Zig Zag 777 website.
The FAQ page, though, is a good starting point for anyone who may be dealing with issues. However, this page doesn’t offer much in detailed answers, instead, answering generic issues such as how to resolve the problem of losing a password or how do players log out. These issues are hardly serious and it’s frustrating that these are the ‘common’ questions players apparently ask. Something tells us that is not strictly true.
Therefore, players are likely to have to contact the team to have their problems resolved. Ah well, they respond in less than 5 minutes to all queries… apparently.
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Popular Choice

With the website getting its slot games from Microgaming – it’s no surprise that there are some of the most popular games available on ZigZag777 Casino. In fact, just looking through the sites dedicated most popular section shows household names including Stardust, Game of Thrones, Giant Riches, and Tale of Egypt to name but a few.
Most of these games can be enjoyed in demo mode as well – so players can test their themes and in-play rules out to see whether it is the right game for them. Overall, there’s no doubt Zig Zag 777’s array of slot games will appeal to its players.

What About the Classics?

Despite the fewer options when compared to the slot games, those that enjoy table games on online casino will have everything they could ask for on the Zig Zag 777 website.
The site has given a dedicated section of their page to the genre of games and players will notice household titles including Roulette, Blackjack, and Poker featuring prominently in the list. There is also the category of ‘casual games’ on the page where players can enjoy even more card games! There’s guaranteed to be something for everyone in terms of the site’s casino games selection.
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Zig Zag Security

The ZigZag777 Casino cares a lot about its players’ security on the site, and that’s why it uses state of the art software to prevent players’ private information from being illegally accessed. The software they use is SSL and it is widely used by online casino companies.
Players’ credit card numbers, bank account details, and even names and addresses will be protected by the software that effectively acts as a barrier and ensures the information is only transferred between an internet browser and server – nowhere else.
On top of this, players will notice many of the payment methods which are available to use on the site. Companies such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and Paysafecard are all international companies that can be trusted when completing deposits and withdrawals on the site. Players can relax knowing their information and details are kept safe and secure thanks to the measures ZigZag777 Casino has made.

Three Promotions

There are currently three promotions that are live on the Zig Zag 777 promotions page currently – starting off with a welcome bonus which is outstanding. Once players have made their first deposit on the site, they’ll be eligible to have the amount doubled up to the value of €200! Wager €200 and the player will have €400 to spend on the great selection of games – even though they only spent half of that money! Now that is a welcome that isn’t going to be forgotten any time soon.
Other deals that are currently live on the site include a weekly reward, where those that have lost on the site will be given 15% cashback. Now that’s a nice safety net for those that aren’t fortunate one week. The other is a weekend reload bonus where players can claim 40% up to the value of €1,000 once they’ve made their first stake on either Saturday or Sunday. Now that’s a weekend celebration!
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submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

This Week GTA Online

This Week GTA Online
Podium Vehicle : Vapid Peyote Custom
Slamtruck is now available ($1,310,000)

2x GTA$ & RP on
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  • Bunker Adversary Modes
  • Diamond Casino Adversary Modes
  • Missile Base Adversary Modes
Double Bunker Research Speed
Log in unlock: Vapid Aged Tee

Vapid Aged Tee
40% Off on
  • Bunkers
  • APC ($1,855,350 - $1,395,000)
  • Caracara ($1,065,000)
  • Caracara 4x4 ($525,000)
  • GB200 ($564,000)
30% Off on Bunker Renovations
25% Off on Winky ($825,000 - $618,750)

Premium Race: Cutting Coroners
Time Trial: LSIA
RC Time Trial: La Fuente Blanca
Prime Gaming Rewards: -
  • Free Kosatka Sonar Station
  • GTA$200K
  • 80% Off on Osiris ($390,000)
  • 70% Off PR4 ($1,054,500)
submitted by officialgamingfun to u/officialgamingfun [link] [comments]

FortuneJack 50 Gratis Spins + 6 Bitcoins Bonus + 250 Free Spins

FortuneJack 50 Gratis Spins + 6 Bitcoins Bonus + 250 Free Spins

FortuneJack No Deposit Bonus
Visit our FortuneJack Casino Review and collect 50 Gratis Spins on sign-up! Enjoy our exclusive no-deposit and no-wager bonus after you have verified your mobile number. Plus, get 250 free spins and 6 BTC free cash in welcome offer.
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About FortuneJack Crypto Casino

Bitcoin casinos have become increasingly popular recently, particularly in markets where online gambling transactions aren’t always easy to process. Many sites that once only used traditional banking methods now offer the cryptocurrency as an additional option, while others have developed their entire casinos around the digital currency, going so far as to place all bets in Bitcoin (BTC).
One of the more prominent sites in that latter category is FortuneJack. This Internet casino is fully devoted to being played in BTC, from the time you deposit to the time you cash out. There are bonuses that use the currency, and all of your gameplay will be done in it as well, meaning you never need to use any of your sensitive financial information to play here. Back that up with a solid selection of games, and you have a very solid option in this emerging area of online gaming.
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FortuneJack Payments

In what is a fairly unique design decision, FortuneJack doesn’t use any standardly-issued currencies at all in its banking system. That means that you cannot deposit or withdraw in dollars, euros, pounds, or anything else that you might be storing in your bank account.
So how can you play? The site uses a variety of different cryptocurrencies to power its games, and you can do both your deposits and withdrawals in any of these. You can also use the exchange interface to – as the name would suggest – exchange between any of a number of popular digital coins. The complete list of supported virtual currencies includes:
  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Dogecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Zcash
  • Dash
  • Bitcoin crash
  • Monero
One of the great things about this system is that it allows you to make withdrawals instantly, without the delays seen at most casino sites. One potential drawback is that it can be tricky to get started if you’ve never purchased a cryptocurrency before; however, the site does provide a convenient link to Indacoin, which provides a quick and simple way to purchase Bitcoin.
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FortuneJack Games

Often, sites that are a bit quirky and offer something unique come up a little short when it comes to game selection. However, that’s not the case at FortuneJack, as the operator has partnered with several major software developers in order to put together a robust selection of titles for players to choose from. You’ll see games from Betsoft, Endorphina and others here, along with some truly different options that aren’t popularly offered throughout the industry.
Let’s start with slots. If you’re familiar with Betsoft, you know that their 3D slots are some of the most popular games in the online casino industry thanks to their outstanding graphics and interactive bonus features. These games are augmented by a number of other games from other providers, including a Bitcoin-themed title known as Satoshi Secret. Some of the most popular machines include:
  • Greedy Goblins
  • Rock Star
  • Mega Gems
  • Mr. Vegas
  • Mamma Mia!
  • Blast! Boom! Bang!
  • 4 of a King
  • Fairy Tale
  • The Ninja
  • Pachamama
When it comes to table games, you’ll find plenty of common choices like roulette and blackjack variants. But where FortuneJack really shines is in its selection of live dealer games. These tables are presented to players over a live video stream, where you can watch a real human dealer use actual casino equipment to determine the results of each bet. It’s the closest you can get to playing at a real resort on your computer. This site has one of the biggest selection of live dealer games we’ve seen yet, including the following choices:
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat
  • Sic Bo
  • Dragon Tiger
Other games include keno, bingo, a dice game, and a binary trading option for those looking to mix the Forex currency trading market with their casino play.
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FortuneJack Promotions

FortuneJack offers players a 100% matching bonus on their first deposit. Given the theme here, it’s only natural that the maximum bonus amount is expressed in cryptocurrency: in this case, it is 3 BTC. This bonus is fully cashable and carries a wagering requirement of 40 times the initial deposit amount. Various games will clear this promotion at different rates: while live games contribute just 5% of each bet, keno counts for 100% of each wager you make, with most other options falling somewhere in between.
Overall, the terms and conditions of this promotion are rather fair. While you’ll void the bonus if you try to cash out before you’ve cleared it entirely, you’ll still be allowed to keep all of your winnings to that point. In addition, you’ll have as long as you want to finish clearing this reward – there is no time limit for you to work around.
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Thanks to their instant play software package, there is no need to download anything to play at FortuneJack. Instead, you’ll simply need to log into your account on their website, and you’ll have instant access to all of the games in their collection. The only thing you may wish to do is ensure that your web browser of choice is up to date; beyond that, you should have little problem playing regardless of the operating system or other software you are running. We should note, however, that there is no dedicated support for mobile gaming here; while it’s possible that you might get parts of the casino running properly on a tablet or phone, there are no guarantees of that at this time.
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Overall Impressions

On the whole, we have been very impressed by FortuneJack. This site handles the Bitcoin gaming experience better than just about any we’ve seen, and the fact that many other digital currencies are also accepted here is a wonderful touch. The game selection and promotions are also great, meaning that for players who want to gamble with cryptocurrencies, this might just be the best option out there.
Still, this isn’t a site for everyone. The lack of traditional banking options may make this site confusing or inconvenient for some players, and we’d like to see them add mobile-optimized options at some point. If you’re looking for a classic online casino, other sites may be more up your alley. But if you’re ready to venture into the world of BTC gaming, FortuneJack is a great place to get started.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino Review & Bonuses
Create your account at Wild Tornado Casino and get exclusive welcome bonuses. First off, enjoy 25 free spins on registration! Next, get 100 free spins and 100% up to 1000 EUR on first deposit! Keep playing and depositing to qualify for further free cash and extra spins!
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About Wild Tornado Casino

The Wild Tornado Theme

Wild Tornado has a unique and colourful theme, but it’s also one that may seem familiar to you. As it happens, the Wild Tornado Casino layout is the same one used at Gunsbet Casino, which we have also reviewed here at Coinbuzz.
However, that really just covers the layout, including the placement of the menu options, the sidebar, the main graphics, games, and well, pretty much everything except for the finer details. The good news is that it’s still unique enough to work, with a theme that revolves around strong winds, manic bunny rabbits, and other eccentric visuals.
Like all good online casinos, the Wild Tornado theme runs much deeper than a few basic visuals. It’s something that you will see throughout the casino and something that also influences the promotions and the VIP Program, all of which we will cover in this Wild Tornado review.

Wild Tornado Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus is one of the smallest we have seen on Direx online casinos. This includes the 2 BTC offered by KatsuBet Casino and the 4 BTCs available at CryptoWild. Even the smallest casinos tend to go all-out where their Bitcoin casino bonuses are concerned.
However, at Wild Tornado, players are limited to just $100. This comes in the form of a 100% Matched Deposit Bonus, with a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. You will also get a bundle of 100 Free Spins and these are released as batches of 20 over 5 days.
The second issue we have with this bonus is that it has a wagering requirement of 40x and this needs to be cleared in just 2 days. That’s not too difficult if you’re a high roller, but what about the players risking just $0.10 or $0.20 per spin? In fact, even if you do like to throw your money around, you’ll still need to spend some time on these requirements as there is a maximum bet of $1.
Other bonuses are available at Wild Tornado and these are offered to loyal players. At the time of writing, these offers are available every Monday, Saturday, and Sunday, and they include Free Spins, Reload offers, and Cashback. Check the Wild Tornado promotions page for more information and make sure you read the Terms and Conditions before you agree to anything.
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Loyalty Bonus

While the Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus isn’t very generous or rewarding, the Loyalty Scheme definitely is.
There are three versions of this bonus and they all offer something a little different. You can choose to be part of the Tornado, Lightning, or Storm level, and the one you choose will dictate whether you get weekly cashback, weekly cashback and comp points, or Free Spins.
There is no ideal option, but if you’re a small stake player, we recommend sticking with the Storm option and the Free Spin bonuses that goes along with it. For medium stake players, opt for Tornado. For high rollers, the Lightning may provide the best bonuses, as it offers much higher cash back rewards when you make it to the latter stages.
Visit the Wild Tornado VIP Program page to see a full list of loyalty prizes and options. Bear in mind that in addition to the cashback and spins listed here, you will also be offered additional Reload offers, Free Spins, and other prizes as you advance through the program.

Wild Tornado Casino Software and Games

The average online casino has around 500 to 1,000 real money slots and many have fewer than 100 table games. It’s a decent-sized collection and one that will appeal to most types of players, but once you’ve played at multiple casinos like this, you start seeing the same games time after time and it gets old fast.
At Wild Tornado, you have a lot more variety to explore. This top-rated crypto casino has over 3,000 real money slots and a massive 1,000 table games.
We’re not sure that we’ve ever seen a large collection of table games. In fact, we’re not even sure why you would ever need that many table games. But variety is good, and we’re not complaining.
These titles are provided by a host of highly-rated online casino developers, including a few player favourites like Yggdrasil Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Big Time Gaming, and Microgaming.
Wild Tornado also has a specific section for BTC Games. You can find the link for this section in the website’s footer, where it highlights games such as Geisha, Spin and Spell, Undying Passion, Donut Rush, and Signs of Fortune.
If you’re one of those players who has seen it all and you’re always looking for something new, we recommend sticking with the New Games section. This is where you’ll find all the latest slots by the casino’s 20+ developers. There is also a section for “Hot Games”, but as is often the case, these are just the games that the casino wants to highlight at that particular moment.
It’s like the Specials menu at a restaurant. They want you to think that the options are there because they are popular and/or special, but in reality, it’s just the stuff that earns the restaurant the most money.


  • Vast Selection of Games
  • Great Slots and Table Games
  • Top Support Options
  • Fast Withdrawals
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Wild Tornado Casino Payment Options

In recent years, there has been a trend towards charging fees for casino deposits. Casinos encourage players to use options like Bitcoin by charging a fee of between 1% and 3% for everything else, including Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and Neteller.
Thankfully, there are no such issues with Wild Tornado.
The minimum deposit here is just €20, or the equivalent in your chosen currency, and like most Direx casinos, the maximum is fixed at €4,000. Also just like most Direx casinos, there is no maximum when you use Bitcoins. In fact, the site accepts payments through CoinsPaid, which is one of the easiest and fastest way to fund your account with Bitcoins.
Most methods require you to withdraw a minimum of €50, and Bitcoin is fixed to 0.001 BTC. This is very large and will no doubt be off-putting for traditional currency users, especially when you consider that the casino is geared up to appeal to small stake players. It’s even worse if you use iDebit, Bank Transfers or Instadebit, as the minimum withdrawals for these methods are fixed at €500.
On the plus side, while bank transfer withdrawals typically incur a fee, there is no such issue with Wild Tornado.

Everything Else

In the unlikely event that you have an issue with Wild Tornado, look for the “Complaints” link in the website footer. This will direct you to a contact form where you can vent about any issues you have with the site and its features. If this doesn’t work out for you and you have a genuine complaint, you can take it to a third-party website, as Wild Tornado typically makes an effort to respond to comments made on other sites (see below).
The Wild Tornado site can be displayed in 15 different languages, but 5 of these are different variations of English. These include Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian English. They all have their own unique quirks and spellings, and this makes the differences worthwhile, if not a little redundant.
Other languages include Spanish, Polish, French, German, and Russian, while currency options include Canadian Dollars, Euros, Russian Rubles, and Australian Dollars.
Wild Tornado is tightly regulated, incredibly secure, and uses advanced auditing features to ensure it is fair. All games have built-in RTPs and house edges and you can see these by clicking the little menu icon in the top corner. The same gamescreen that shows the payout info will also show you the game’s rules, paylines, features, and everything else you need to know.
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Wild Tornado Casino Mobile Support

Wild Tornado is very mobile friendly and uses instant play technology, which means you can play through your browser and don’t need to download an app. Some players still like to play downloadable casinos and mobile apps, but we feel that the majority are leaning towards instant play. It’s quicker, easier, and you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues because of your chosen operating system or device.
Just make sure you’re using a popular web browser and a device or computer that was made in the last ten years, and you should be good to go. When playing on mobile, you should also secure your device using a passcode or fingerprint/face and log out of the casino when you finish.
As long as you protect your device and play using a secure Wi-Fi connection, there should be no risks and no issues.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Get to Know the Basic of IDN Bola

If you would really want to earn big money from your online slot machine, then I suggest that you try out the benefits that come with playing IDN Bola. In order for you to earn more, you will need to know how to get the top rewards that come with winning this slot machine. Playing slot machine games with real money can give you high winnings, but it can also cost you more than you expect. This is why many people have turned to playing slot machine games online and earning virtual money. Now, let us move on to learn about the advantages of playing online and the advantages of IDN Bola.
IDN Bola offers some of the most exciting slot machine games in the market today. With this online casino, you will be able to find hundreds of slot games that allow you to play for free. However, there are some internet slot games that require you to have some amount of funds in your account before you start playing. When you play these internet slot games, you will find that they usually offer high payouts, and they can be played right in the comfort of your home.
The trick that goes along with winning here is learning the art of identifying and memorizing the symbols of the ini codes. These symbols will help you identify which ini combination will result to a jackpot prize. There are many symbols that you will encounter when you play these games and they will look like numbers, letters or the symbols of animals such as tigers, horses and donkeys. For example, if the jackpot prize is worth twenty dollars, then you can expect to see the jackpot prize icon on the right side of the screen.
If you want to play a game of IDN Bola without spending any money, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. Once you have these two things, then you can log into this online casino and start searching for available games. In this game, players are required to place their bets after they choose the number or letter they want to place their bet with. The game results will determine whether your bet was successful or not.
Most of the time, this game also has the symbol of yang and yang. These are the two principles that exist in the world of traditional poker. There are many people who believe that by looking at the symbols on the screen, you can easily know which cards are good or bad. Through this, they say that you will be able to win more often than when you play traditional poker online.
One of the great things about this IDN Bola game is that it features the best types of card that are available in the world of traditional card games. Many people say that looking at the cards, the user can easily tell which one is good or not. You may also check out some reviews about the popular IDN Bola game in order to see how other players from different parts of the world fare in terms of enjoying it. It is a good idea to do some research so you will know what cards are commonly played with this casino game.
submitted by yejircrt to IDNBola101 [link] [comments]

THIS WEEK GTA ONLINE ( 7Th JAN 2021 to 14th JAN 2021 02:00 IST)

THIS WEEK GTA ONLINE ( 7Th JAN 2021 to 14th JAN 2021 02:00 IST)
Podium vehicle: Paragon R
Weevil is now available for purchase
3x GTA$ & RP on Air Races & Motor Wars
2x GTA$ & RP on Air Freight Cargo
Log in unlock - Güffy Double Logo Forwards Cap
Steal loot during Cayo Perico Heist to unlock Bigness Faces Sweater

30% Off Hangars (+Renovations)
40% Off on Cyclone ($1,134,000), Visione ($1,350,000), Havok ($1,380,540 - $1,038,000), Valkyrie ($2,274,300 - $1,710,000)
25% Off on Alkonost ($3,262,500 - $2,446,875), Stealth Annihilator ($2,902,500 - $2,176,875)

Prime Gaming Rewards:
Free Kosatka Sonar Station
35% Off Kurtz 31 Patrol Boat ($1,920,750 - $1,440,562)
35% Off Longfin ($1,381,250 - $1,035,937)
25% Off Weaponized Dinghy ($1,387,500)

Premium Race: Muscle In
Time Trial: Casino
RC Time Trial: Cypress Flats
submitted by officialgamingfun to u/officialgamingfun [link] [comments]

Playing Online Slots at the Daftar Joker123 and A Gambler's paradise

Daftar Joker123 is a great online casino offering a whole new set of exciting games for the avid players. Players get drawn to Daftar Joker123 due to the fact that the games here offer many other attractions apart from gambling, such as strategic thinking and card strategies. Players are often drawn to this online casino because of the variety of games offered here at attractive rates, which cannot be offered by land-based casinos. The players also find this online casino an ideal place from where they can earn money from a variety of betting options.
In this online casino, one can enjoy playing various popular games such as Craps, Keno, Slots, Keno Plus etc. Amongst the various online slots games, the most popular in the category of online games is the craps game. There are several benefits of playing craps at data joker123 including the fact that one is able to earn money while playing this game and without having to leave his/her seat. Another important feature of craps is that one can earn money even while someone else is wagering on the outcome of the game. This is one of the main reasons why the game of craps has become so popular.
Amongst the slot games offered at daftar joker123, the most popular slots game is the one called ini agen joker. This is a special jackpot slot with a minimum bet of $1 that offers an astounding reward of approximately two thousand dollars, upon winning. This may seem extremely huge amount but it is not at all a surprise considering that the jackpot prize is based on the number of bets that were made in the ini slot games during the course of a single game.
Apart from the regular jackpot, there are other attractive features of the ini slot game. These include the bonus rounds. In these bonus rounds, players are given a free re-spin on their original slot machine that allows them to try their luck on different slot machines that are featured in the bonus rounds. This is one of the main reasons why players love playing online slots because they are given the opportunity to win great prizes.
The game of craps is also offered at the altar joker123 anda bisa bermain game slot machine. This is another version of the regular slot machine wherein players need not make use of any coins in order to play. All that is required here is that players must make use of their debit or credit card in order to activate the parable of the machine in order to bet on any of the three attractions that are available in the machine. The slot reels come with a colorful background that is patterned after a casino. This colorful background will attract customers and this is the reason why the slot machine was initially designed in such a manner.
This is just one of the exciting ini that is available in the online casino when it comes to choosing the best casino games. In addition to that, it is recommended that players explore the site thoroughly before making any decision regarding the choice of gambling sites. You can get more information regarding the ini by browsing through the online casino reviews. This is considered to be the most trusted way of gaining knowledge about the particular casino you wish to join. In case you wish to have more information, then you can log onto the site and read more about the ins and the daftar joker123 and a bisebihdari game slot.
submitted by jifeci to Joker123DaftarJackpot [link] [comments]

Countering the Pro Credit Card Propaganda

Warning: Rant below. I felt the need to vent after seeing another pro-credit card hot take.
If you have been around this subreddit for any amount of time you will often come across people explaining how they are very financially savvy and recommend getting a credit card for a number of seemingly great reasons. I would argue that this is a really irresponsible, because it is just not true.
Credit cards are nowhere near as great as they are touted to be, in any category. And this misrepresentation of them causes real world damage to financially vulnerable people and families everyday.

"Credit cards help build your credit score!"
This is not a valid reason to get a credit card. In New Zealand the only credit score that matters is a bad one. There is no need to have had previous loans to secure lending, especially when getting a home loan. If you show good financial habits with your account logs, and you have the necessary income and deposit you will get approved. In fact, just having a credit card can greatly reduce the amount they will lend you, even if you have a zero balance, because you have an open line of credit.

I am protected from fraud, and insured when I go overseas!
Any debit card has the exact same fraud protection, and when you do go overseas, travel insurance is easy to purchase and often a one click purchase when buying a plane ticket. It is not expensive at all.

The points! I get so many points! If I didn't have my card I would never have been bought XYZ
No matter how hard the banks try to convince you, your reward points are nowhere near equal to cash. Reward points can expire. Reward points are not legal currency. Reward points can only be spent at certain merchants, which are high margin and more expensive than other merchants which are not entered into a reward affiliation. Reward points cannot be used to pay many bills such as your rent or mortgage.

But if I spend X amount I will break even and get free points!
Reward points are most certainly NOT FREE.
In order to maintain a points yielding credit card you must pay fees. The more points you earn per dollar you spend, the higher the fee. This means that all things being equal, you will ALWAYS be down in cash equal to at least the credit card fee if nothing else. Even if you 'break even' and spent 100 bucks on the fee, and made 100 dollars in points, you are zero REAL dollars better off, you have exchanged $100 for 100 points of limited utility.
You cannot invest points in stocks, or put it in your Kiwisaver. You can't use them to help with your house deposit. You can't even spend it wherever you want.
You should really think of points like, someone getting you a gift card for Christmas. Everybody knows that cash is superior than an equivalent value gift card, but the damn gift card companies have made grandma think that cash is not as loving as a gift card.

The other thing to remember is you are not only paying for the card annually, you pay per transaction.
But not everywhere charges a surcharge! I only use my card when there is no extra surcharge!
You might not always be aware of it, but you actually still pay to use the card. Have a look at Noel Leeming vs PB tech. Noel Leeming charges no extra to use a credit card, so I guess it doesn't cost you any money to get your points? Wrong. Noel Leeming pays the credit card service charge, but they pass it to you in the price of the product because they have beefier margins than the cheaper places to buy identical products. If you are not familiar with, get familiar real quick before you buy another item at Noels, JB or Harvey Norman.
PB Tech charges a service charge for credit cards payments directly, and you will notice if you take two items at their listed price PB will be lower than Noel Leeming, 9 times out of 10. Right now Google Nest mini for example, $85.43 at PB and 89.99 at Noel Leeming. That is a 5% difference in price, and that's how your credit card surcharge is hidden.
I know there are die hard credit card users out there. You truly believe you have cracked it. That the banker goes home every night and complains to her husband about how badly you owned them today. "If they could just miss one payment!" she pleads "then we might make some damn money out of them!".
The system is not setup that way, the bank will always profit in the end, they do their best to hide that from you so you think you are winning. They are smarter than you, they are like casinos in that regard. You can't beat statistics.
In any case, all I would ask is please stop being an unpaid credit card advocate. It is no skin off your nose. You don't get a commission, or a kick back. It doesn't get you a better price or into heaven the more people you convert. And you most certainly aren't helping others with pro credit card advice.
To "win" with a credit card takes a lot of things going right, and realistically a good amount of cognitive work.
For every person that "does well" with a credit card, there are many people that are completely ruined financially due to their monthly credit card bill. Some of those people would have gotten their first credit card because they have heard anecdotes from people about the free points, the great rewards. They remembered hearing about the awesome credit building power that a credit card unlocks. Even if you think that is true for yourself, I think we can all agree that people who aren't very financially aware will more than likely get no benefit from a card, and in some cases be much worse off because of it.
TLDR: Please don't contribute to someone else's decision to get a credit card. Please enjoy your 'very valuable' points in private and don't recommended highly dangerous financial products to people when you don't know anything about their financial circumstance or ability.
submitted by GraphiteOxide to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]

Update Notes: December 11, 2020

December 11, 2020 Update

It's time for holiday festivities! In addition, there are big changes to Elite and Boss monsters in this update. There are also revisions to the Ice Magic and Deer skills. And, of course, various other things as well. Read on for more info.

Ri-Shin Celebration

The holidays are upon us! While Alharth doesn't celebrate Christmas, it does celebrate Ri-Shin Day, and New Years' Day. Townsfolk who are your Friends will offer you gifts when you speak with them. (Make sure to have your favorite combat skills active in case they give you a piece of randomly-generated gear!)
There's also a Ri-Shin festival waiting to happen in each city and township in the land, but they will need your help getting their trees assembled. Look for townsfolk in festive red Ri-Shin hats to get started.
This year, there's also a new way for the community to work together. This is an experiment -- we've never tried anything like this before. You'll receive an introductory quest for this part of the event after you've assembled a few Ri-Shin trees. (If you're a Druid, you'll be briefed immediately upon login.)

High-Level Elite/Boss Changes

As mentioned in the last patch's notes, we're working on making high-level combat take longer. This will eventually include both solo and group combat, but we're focusing on group combat right now. Some of the big-picture details are in flux a bit as we experiment and see what's going to work (e.g. "how many Elites is a tank supposed to be able to handle at once?" answer: "we're not sure yet").
We've been improving the "tanky skills" in preparation for these longer fights, but it's been hard to get good tanking data because most high-level Elite monsters simply haven't needed a tank: a group of players could blast them to death in seconds. So it's time to make Elites live longer and see what happens!
In this update, Elite/Boss monsters have a lot more health and armor, and Bosses deal less damage. We'll be watching your feedback (and our combat data logs) to try to figure out where to go from here. We may need to temporarily revert these changes, reduce them, increase them, or add more systems into the mix to address specific problems.
Bosses (but not Elites) also deal less base damage than before. The actual amount varies by boss-tier and the bosses' personal stats, so it's hard to generalize, but at level 80 an "average boss" deals about 25% less base damage.
Both Elites and Bosses deal less damage with their Rage attacks, also. The median reduction in rage-bonus-damage is about a 40%, but again it's hard to generalize too much.
Here's some more details about the implementation.

Elite/Boss Loot Changes

We've also added some additional rewards for killing Elites/Bosses. When you loot an Elite, you'll now automatically "find some Councils" on the corpse. The amount is based on the monster's level, with some random variance. Bosses also drop extra money in the form of Council Coinpurses. (And bosses with curses drop more money sacks.) Finally, the most deadly tiers of bosses have a higher chance to drop high-rarity gear.
(These quick generalized changes were made because we didn't want to revise every monster's custom loot table just yet. But hey, maybe it's fun enough to remain permanent. Let us know what you think after you've had some time to try it out.)

Ice Magic Changes

Ice Magic is supposed to be a versatile wizarding toolkit: it can provide exceptional crowd control, potent survival tools, and decent damage, depending on which abilities you use. Its crowd-control abilities were already top-tier, so we've focused on other aspects of the skill in this update. There's a few nerfs and a lot of buffs.
Fire Magic Over-synergy
The biggest nerf to Ice Magic is actually a change to a Fire Magic treasure mod:
We realized this mod was overpowered shortly after it was introduced, but it was a "let's wait and see if this is actually a serious problem" scenario. A lot of accidentally-overpowered treasure turns out to be fine, and sometimes an accident like that can really make everything "click" and help define a skill. But not this time. It was hamstringing our ability to make Ice Magic more powerful on its own, so it had to be reduced to a more reasonable level. (And it's still probably the most powerful cross-skill synergy mod in the game.)
Cryogenic Freeze
Cryogenic Freeze needs to take its rightful place in the Ice Magic survival toolbox. It has TREMENDOUS mitigation, and it's intended to be something of a "freebie" for Ice Mages: it's useful without needing to invest lots of treasure mods into it. The only cost is that you have to make room for it on your ability bar. (And treasure makes it more versatile and useful.) Of course, Cryogenic Freeze has the extreme down-side that you are completely frozen and cannot move. But now instead of a forced 10-second lockdown, you can control the duration precisely.
Ice Armor, Ice Veins, and Shardblast
Ice Armor has been buffed up a bit. We've also worked to make Ice Veins and Shardblast more useful. You can now use either one to reset Ice Armor's timer, allowing you to immediately put your armor back on. Which, in turn, allows you to take advantage of Ice Armor's healing mods again!
This "Ice Armor loop" technique can be very powerful but requires a lot of treasure mods to reach full potential. It's also possible to use Ice Armor in a more passive role, and there are mods to support that style also (such as the ones that boost Cold damage).
Cold Sphere Changes
Cold Sphere's old Rage attack (at high level) was a 10-second root. This was too much of a good thing and it's now a 5-second root at all levels.
We've tried to make Cold Sphere useful in two different scenarios: for Ice Mages who are using a different skill as their primary damage source, they can invest in Cold Sphere mods to get a bit of extra damage on the side (plus its innate root is always handy).
For players who ARE using Ice Magic as their primary damage-dealer, Cold Sphere's damage-boosting mods are often not worth using, but there's a new mod that gives it a Cold-vulnerability debuff. This makes Cold Sphere an interesting (but not mandatory) option for any Ice Mage.
Other Ice Magic Changes
Added a bit more damage overall. Nerfed one of Frostbite's mods, but don't be misled: it's still an extraordinarily good debuff. (And it will only become more powerful as combat duration increases! In fact, we may need to tone it down some more later.)
One-Tier Mods Changed\*
You may notice a couple of asterisks above. Those are treasure mods that previously only had one "tier" of effect. The revised versions add more tiers to each mod, allowing the mods to become slightly more powerful at high level. This resulted in a slight quirk: pre-existing items with these mods are still stored as having the first tier of the mod. This means even high-level items will have the lowest-tier version of these mods.
This isn't really a huge deal in terms of potency, but if you want to fix it, you can Transmute the mod off the item and then Transmute it back on -- it will be the appropriate tier when it's re-added. (And this month, Transmutation is cheap for the Ice Magic and Deer skills.)

Deer Changes

The earliest animal forms were all experimental designs, and Deer was originally the prototypical "off-tank" skill. Then we decided that off-tanks weren't useful in a game without raids, so Deer was revised in a few other directions. But the most recent revision made Deer fairly tanky again, so let's build on that. Here's a fresh idea: what if Deer was like an "off-tank"?
In old-school MMO terminology, an off-tank can act as a tank for an elite enemy (or multiple solo enemies), but may have trouble tanking some bosses -- although dedicated healers can help there. What makes them unique, though, is an ability to take over aggro for anyone... including a tank! (Hence the name "off-tank", because they can pull monsters off the tank.)
We'll try to give Deer that ability and see what it's like. There's new treasure that gives you a new sidebar ability "Feign Injury", which "temp taunts" a target. Temp taunting works like regular taunting, except it decays at a rate of 20% per second. So a temp taunt of +10,000 would be 10,000 Taunt at first, then a second later would be recalculated as 8,000, then a second later as 6,400, etc. So this ability should help Deer get aggro from anyone, anywhere... at least for a few seconds.
An off-tank should also have solid taunting and survivability, and deal decent damage. So that's what we'll try to do here. In addition, the Deer skill has always had incredible mobility (which is what makes them an interesting off-tank), and we want to keep that too.
Rethinking Deer Pet
Deer players can summon an ally deer to aid them. Previously these deer had an innate 300% taunt multiplier and were intended to be sort-of off-tanks themselves, sharing tanking duties with the player deer. We recently gave these summoned deer the benefits of our experimental genetics system, which could randomly give these pets incredible health and armor. Better for tanking! But yet... at high level, a well-equipped player deer can easily out-taunt and out-tank a pet deer. This just feels like an unwieldy design.
We've dropped the idea that these pets are tanks, and focused them on damage. They no longer have an innate taunt bonus or souped-up genetics. However, they have higher base damage, and the pet's taunting-related treasure effects have been changed into a damage boost.
There are also new treasure mods that summon additional deer for a few seconds at a time. This makes for a fun solo build, although it's somewhat mod-intensive and also pretty chaotic. But a fun kind of chaotic! (For those who don't want chaos, we've also bumped up Deer's more traditional murder methods.)
It's useful to know that every attack your pet deer makes is considered a "deer kick". This is relevant for one specific treasure mod:
This mod is unchanged, except that it no longer stacks more than four times: twice for each piece of equipment it can show up on. (That's *not* a limit of 4 stacks of damage, it's 4 stacks of the debuff that applies the damage!) Also, we've reworded the effect to clarify that pet deer can trigger the damage.
Removed treasure mods
We've tried hard to avoid breaking existing equipment by repurposing obsolete Deer effects with new ones. However, in one place this was impossible. A head-slot mod was removed without any replacement. If you had this mod on a piece of head gear, that item has become "Legacy", meaning it will stop working after a month. You can fix this by using a Transmutation table to remove the mod off of your helm, or you can speak to the Legacy Golem in Serbule to receive a randomly-generated replacement item. (Transmutation of Deer treasure is much cheaper this month, to help you adjust to these changes.)
Specific Deer Changes

Live Event Token Prize Changes

We've revised some of Riston's special prizes so that they use abilities instead of items. For those that have already purchased a Vendor Fox in a Box or the Small Box of Space, the summoning item in your inventory has been converted to a skill book that will teach you the new ability. This skill book can only be used once, so use caution if you must transfer this skill book to another character on your account. Also with this change, you will have to purchase these items per character now if you wish to have it on more than one character on your account.
Other important notes:
As time goes by, we will slowly be adding more and more items, abilities and services to the game that will require Live Event Tokens. For this update, we have added a new 50 token prize! Find Riston in the Red Wing Casino to check it out!

Other Changes In This Update

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