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Video and rules on How to Play Street Dice: A Simplified Craps Game

I make some board game/gaming videos for my youtube channel and just loaded up the following video. Thought some here would enjoy if you like to play craps:
And here are the Rules:
1) Roll dice to see who goes first, usually highest first.
2) Each player puts their ante into the pot.
3) A point is obtained for rolling a 7 or 11.
4) Penalties are paid for rolling a 2, 3, or 12 (craps).
5) Two points wins the pot, given the second point survives the challenge round (see Rule 9).
6) Rolling a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 (the numbers) is inconsequential, nothing happens, except when rolling doubles (See Rule 8: Rolling doubles, gives a re-roll).
7) The penalty for rolling a 2 or a 12 is to match the ante into the pot. The penalty for rolling a 3 is to put half the ante into the pot.
8) Rolling doubles, gives a re-roll. Rolling three doubles in a row eliminates the player from that game.
9) When a player acquires the second point, the game continues for one more round. If any of the other players roll a 7 or 11 they do not receive a point. Their 7 or 11 is used to cancel the second point of the player set to win the game. If a player’s second point gets cancelled, the dice go back to the player that the point got cancelled from and the game continues, i.e., the only way to win the pot is to acquire two points and be able to keep the second point through this last round challenge.
Hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
Peace, and happy gaming.
submitted by salvia_d to boardgames [link] [comments]

Video and rules for How to Play Street Dice: A Simplified Craps Game

I make some board game and gambling videos for my youtube channel and just loaded the following video up. Thought some here would enjoy if you like to play craps:
And here are the Rules:
1) Roll dice to see who goes first, usually highest first.
2) Each player puts their ante into the pot.
3) A point is obtained for rolling a 7 or 11.
4) Penalties are paid for rolling a 2, 3, or 12 (craps).
5) Two points wins the pot, given the second point survives the challenge round (see Rule 9).
6) Rolling a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 (the numbers) is inconsequential, nothing happens, except when rolling doubles (See Rule 8: Rolling doubles, gives a re-roll).
7) The penalty for rolling a 2 or a 12 is to match the ante into the pot. The penalty for rolling a 3 is to put half the ante into the pot.
8) Rolling doubles, gives a re-roll. Rolling three doubles in a row eliminates the player from that game.
9) When a player acquires the second point, the game continues for one more round. If any of the other players roll a 7 or 11 they do not receive a point. Their 7 or 11 is used to cancel the second point of the player set to win the game. If a player’s second point gets cancelled, the dice go back to the player that the point got cancelled from and the game continues, i.e., the only way to win the pot is to acquire two points and be able to keep the second point through this last round challenge.
Hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
Peace, and happy gaming.
submitted by salvia_d to gambling [link] [comments]

What are the rules for craps? (The dice game)

I've watched games of craps go on and the rules are still foreign to me. How do you play?
submitted by Rivitkore to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

Does anyone happen to know of a statistical model for the standard game of craps?

I've got a friend who thinks they have a "winning system" (based on some random craps app).
I'd like to do some monte carlo simulations while formalizing his "rules". I'll share results if I can find a good model that can be plugged into a spreadsheet.
Honestly, I know absolutely nothing about craps. I'm open to any books on the subject in the event that there's not probability model available.
submitted by NoSiteForOldUsers to Craps [link] [comments]

FIRE. What it's like, how to get there.

1What retiring early is like

It's fucking great.
I wake up happy, I do pretty much whatever I want during the day, I go to sleep happy.
I indulge my limited passions and hobbies, I plunge down fascinating rabbit holes of knowledge, I bugger off to places for months at a time (harder with Brexit, you xenophobic malcontents), I spend time with people I want to. I feel smug.
I don't have an alarm waking me up, I don't need to take any shit off anyone, I don't burn 90 mins a day on a loud bus screeching stop announcements at 90db in my ear.
In the summer I sometimes pop over to the local greenery, have a pint and meal, read a book, soak up the sun. Great stuff.
My phone is always on silent. It can wait.
People occasionally ask me “what I do all day”. If your imagination is so limited, living in such an incredible time, with so much at your fingertips, that the question even crosses your mind, then carry on working and bitching about it, you don't know how to be happy.
“Scipio used to say that he was never less idle than when he had nothing to do “ - Cicero, On Duties.

2How to get there

2.1Difficulty modes

2.1.1Easy mode: Get free university education, get a good job, buy a cheap house

Not too difficult if you were born in 1972. Easy mode is now disabled in the UK. Maybe available in foreign versions of the game, such as in Greece or Denmark.

2.1.2Medium mode: Don't have kids

I swear to god, I have been pretty lucky not to accidentally father a crotch goblin, and believe me, little Goocho often vetoed my brain. Use contraceptives. Notice how all the shit hole countries don't give women control over their reproduction.
If I had foolishly crapped out a kid, I would have had to work another 10 years at least I reckon. Ugh.
Borrow kids to play with them, and return when they start crying.

2.1.3Hard mode: Have kids

Look, if you are spending 100k or whatever to raise a kid I don't know what to tell you, at least you got laid eh?
I hope you enjoy working like I didn't. Seriously, if you have a job you like, great stuff, things will be much easier for you. The impetus to leave it won't be so great. The point of all this is to be happy after all!

2.2Control your costs

Filling your house full of nonsense is consumerism at it's worst.
I practice a kind of minimalism. So I don't own a freezer, a cooker or a dish washing machine. Guess what? They will never need repairing or replacing! But I do own an amazing OLED tv, a solid speaker system, loads of films and books. Minimalism is a whole other subject, and attracts the mentally ill who take it to extremes. Spend money on a decent mattress you fools.
Subscriptions are death by a thousand cuts, and will weigh you down. However Netflix and Amazon Prime are great. Shades of grey.
Screw charities, charity workers get paid salaries and you are supposed to give for free? Nope. Begging scum. “it is only the price of a coffee”, bitch please, I pay 10p a cup for my lovely coffee.
Pay your taxes. Don't be a leech on society.
Live in a small house.
Aldi is great.
If you don't get married, you can't get ruinously divorced, .
Insurance is generally a scam, if you are drunkenly fucking up so regularly than you need your phone insured, sort your life out.
You really need that car? Hmmm. If you are driving to the supermarket and paying for the gym, you are an idiot. Those two cancel each other out.
Only unhappy people play the lottery.
Buy a decent phone for £200, pay £5 a month for service. You think iFruit users will look down upon you? Comparison is the thief of joy.
DIY accomplishments are mentally rewarding, great exercise and cheap – or you can throw money at a problem to make it go away, this is the point of money after all, we sell and buy time with it. Before I buy anything big, I ask myself, is this worth x days sitting in an office for​?
Spend your money how you like, I am not your mum.
Enjoy what you have.

2.3Plan a little

Write down (don't guess) how much you spend a month over a couple of years.
For investments, assume inflation cancels out general increase in non distributing equity value. This is all a rough guessing game anyway, don't pretend it isn't.
I think there are two ways to look at when you can stop working:

2.3.1Cash drawdown per month until death

If you assume you are going to die around 85 (actuarial tables available online), divide your cash + private pension wealth + state pension amount will pay you until age 85 by the number of months left to live, this tells you how much you can spend a month before you die. Sounds like enough? Investment appreciation means you might have more than that.

2.3.2Cash dividends per month

You have a lumpsum of wealth. Flexible uk pension rules means you no longer need to take the annuity gamble. 4% returns a year seems conservatively doable. Can you live on that? Means you die with a load of cash. Stash it in your silk lined coffin.

2.4Play it safe, but not too safe

Assume laws and taxes will change. Don't count too much on that state pension.
If the NHS falls ill itself, you might need some cash to go private. Good luck getting that hip surgery in the next 12 months post covid!
If the stock market takes a 10% dump, you must still sleep soundly. Don't live too close to the edge.
Assume and hope your parents will spend all their wealth on themselves, having a happy end of life in an old folks home. Points off as a human being for relying on your parent snuffing it for free money.
What if your body conks out and you start shitting yourself and have to pay 4k a month to be served Dickensian gruel in a nursing home? Trust in the societal safety net? Work another 5 years just in case? Keep a cyanide pill by the bed? Sell your house I guess? I'm rolling the dice on this one. Maybe dancing in VR and these 50 degree Victorian terrace stairs will keep me fit (or kill me).

2.5Personal Story

Went to Uni, got a Computering degree, got a job I liked, autistic-ally worked at it, got paid lots of money, bought a house at 26 for 48k, parents threw in 10k to get rid of me, paid off the mortgage in 30 months.
After 8 years in said job, started to dislike it, took 6 months off work. Worked another 2 years before I got made redundant, 15k for doing nothing? Yes please!
Worked about half the time from age 32 to 46 as Contractor scum, in jobs I generally disliked or eventually hated. Had 2-3 years between jobs. Snatching retirement chunks from the future. I figured, why leave retirement until I am too old to enjoy it? Took around 3 months to get a new job each time, I didn't care, I loved not working!
Played casino blackjack for a couple of years for ~8 hours a week, made £12k. Shuffling machines have stopped all that now, was bored of it anyway.
Decided at 40 I had better get a pension, threw money at it when working.
So at 46, when I walked out on the pathetic management at my last gig (FIS Birmingham, you see when you are retired, you really don't have to give a shit!), I had worked for a total of ~15 years, thoroughly enjoyed not working and was sick of working.
At 47 I realised maybe I don't actually need another job? Started paying real attention to my finances.
At 48, I have 110k cash & 140k pension = 250k. 4% a year dividends = 10k a year. I can live happily on that.
£800 a month is enough. I spent £350 a month in December and January, had a great time. Will get a PS5 when available, boiler is bound to break eventually. It all evens out.
My state pension fortells a sickly £117 per week. Meh. Forgive me for not factoring that in too much. Who knows where I will be in 20 years? Hopefully sleeping in late without an alarm clock.
submitted by Shoddy-Software6567 to LeanFireUK [link] [comments]

Navy-isms Part 2


To piggyback off my last post, I took a round turn on the Navy jargon with all the gouge provided. Thanks to all who participated in the first round. I also learned that apparently almost everyone in /navy is a damn bubblehead.
There were a lot of moving parts, and this project was like drinking out of a fire hose. But once I doubled down and got to making the sausage, I learned that similar efforts have been made from enterprising sailors since at least the 1780s, and probably even before that. It seems our efforts continue a hallowed tradition. During my research, I skimmed current initiatives and many of those in the past. I included a bibliography of my resources in addition to using the definitions provided by the commenters who were kind enough to provide them, but all definitions are by no means definitive. Please correct my incorrect terms as well as supply them for the ones I have labeled "Need definition." You are also welcome to provide new Navy-isms (with definitions please!) Even though this has been done before, not all of the lists are up-to-date or cover all the terms listed below, and our modern subreddit is a great way to crowd source this project.
I hereby submit this list and call upon the great mods of navy to allow the results of OUR collective sweat equity to dwell in the sidebar for future sailors reference. It can be a living document for all that have served, are currently serving, and those that will join long after we've all gotten the fuck out.
Fair winds and following seas, shipmates...
DEFINITIONS AS OF 22 JAN 2021 Definitions
1 man ballast party Extremely fat shipmate
24WWGHE “24 weeks wasted. Go home, Ensign!”
45/45 45 days restriction, 45 days busted down in rank
6 and 6 Full workday = working from midnight to 6 pm
72 3 day weekend
96 4 day weekend
99 Everyone; see ALCON
ACK Acknowledge; typically used in chat
A-gang Auxiliary division of Engineering department
Airframer Someone who works on or with the planes/helos
ALCON All concerned
All conditions normal A report made from a watch stander declaring there’s nothing wrong, or at least you’ll just have to take their word for it
All elbows and assholes Everyone
A lot of moving parts There’s a lot of stuff happening at the same time (implication is to not fuck it up)
Angle-irons A construction material consisting of pieces of steel with an L-shaped cross-section, able to be bolted together.
As Fragged As planned
Ass hat An idiot
ATFQ Answer the Fucking Question (or Full Question if someone in authority asks
AUX Tank Auxiliary tank
Bagged nasty Disgusting bags lunches
Bag the watch Relieve some late or screw them somehow.
BallGazer The taunting moniker given to one who has recently gazed upon balls, usually when the owner of the balls displays his thumb and index finger forming a circle over the balls.
Balls Midnight (0000 looks like balls)
Balls to X watch Midnight to x watch
Battle Buddy Person you stay with; often appointed or mandated
Battle rhythm Daily routine
Beat a dead horse Drive the point home
Beef Stroke-me-off Beef stroganoff
Been in since breakfast /newtothenavy
Behoove It is in your best interest of not getting yelled at
Belay my last Said over the net, especially 1MC when you fuck up an announcement
Belt-fed cock: A shitty situation that just keeps going
Beno-be Need definition
Bent shit can As a replacement for someone incapable
Binder warfare Coming to the realization that your main job in the navy is building and maintaining binders and admin; see CYA
Birds Aircraft, usually helicopters
Blue falcon Buddy fucker / throwing someone under the bus
Blue nose Sailor that has crossed the Arctic Circle and participated in ceremony
BLUF Basic line up front; usually at the top of emails, often is not basic
Boat Boo A sailor’s girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors.
Boat chucks Need definition
Boat hot/ Ship 9/ Deployment 8, etc Rating attractiveness with a caveat
Boats A term usually given to the senior Boatswain Mate on ship
BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
Boondockers A boot you wear on ship
Boot/Booters New to the Navy
Boots on the ground People out there doing things
Bremerlo A certain female dwelling in vicinity of Bremerton; see Grotopotmous
Brick Old fashioned communications device
Broom Closet Where you store all the cleaning supplies, usually small.
Brownies Brown short shorts
Bubblehead Submariner
Bug Juice Sugary kool-aid type drink served in mess
Bull Senior Ensign in Wardroom
Bunkie Monkey Need definition
Burn a flick Watch a movie
Burning holes in the sky Wasting gas flying around
Bust me on the surface “Sir, i am disregarding your stupid orders for crew/my safety and when we survive despite your efforts you can take me to mast.”
Butter bar Ensign
Butt shark Brown noser, suck-up
Cage Keep under wraps, or decrease visibility of something; “We have to cage expectations”
Can’t swing a dead cat without hitting x There is a lot of something and it’s pretty easy to find
Capture it in a slide Stop talking or writing and put it in a powerpoint slide so we can "understand" it or at least make it look like we are doing something.
Checks with charted water Need definition
Check valve A shipmate who makes a food or drink run and doesn't ask anyone else if they want anything. This is especially true if they're getting a delivery order and it would have been easy to just order more food. Fucking check valve.
Cheese dicking In a sentence: “If you’re cheese dicking it stop, get help from someone who knows"
Chicken wheels Chicken-like substance served on mess deck
Chief of the Broach Chief of the watch controls ballast and trim when at sea, a poor or inexperienced one will cause us to Broach when approaching the surface for comms or something, so he is known as Chief of the Broach.
Chit A form usually submitted up through the chain of command allowing you to do something
Chocks out Ready to go; see pull/pulling chocks
Cinderella Liberty Liberty expires as midnight
CIP / cip Come in please
Civvies Civilian clothes
Clamp down Tighten or get ahold of typically an out of hand situation
Cleaning party Group put together to clean something
Clear as mud? “Is it clear?” Usually said after confusing explanation but implying that there should not be any more questions and that you should just shut up and go do what you’re told
Clear your Baffles Also Sweep your baffles: Term used to describe the turning of the sub to allow sonar to look at the area behind boat that would be shielded by the sub itself. We would normally give nubs on the boat a broom and ask them to sweep the baffles.
COB Chief of the Boat, aka CMC
COBRA Chief of the Boat, Reactor Aft. Senior enlisted Nuke on a sub, aka EDMC
Cock and cake “They’re serving cock and cake on the mess decks and are fresh out of cake”
Cock holster Mouth
Code Brown Need definition
Coner (Submarine Service) A submarine crewman who is not part of the engineering department (slang for Nuke below), especially Torpedomen
Cover down Fill in; we need someone to cover down since SN Timmy has COVID
Cowlings The removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.
Crayon eaters Marines
Crocodile closest to the canoe The most relevant near-term problem related to a situation
Crutch gear Need definition
Cupcaking To flirt with or get together with someone else at the command
CYA Cover your ass
Dan Dinq Ass Nub. Someone who is not qualified. Dept. Skittle is a disparaging term for anyone who wears a flight deck jersey.
Death Pillows Ravioli
Deckplate leadership Talking to sailors, making oneself be seen; typically Chiefs brag about it
Deep Six Get rid of something
Dependa A dependent, typically implying a lazy, overweight spouse who does not work
Dick broom Mustache
Dick skinners Hands
Diggit As in that diggit is at it again, doing preemptive maintenance. Or a diggit tool being a multi tool.
DINQ (Pronounced "Dink") Acronym for Delinquent In Qualifications. Ex: "That shitbird is dinq on ship's quals!"
Dirtbag A lazy and almost useless sailor. Produces substandard work-usually creating extra work for his shipmates. Accompanied by a bad attitude and desire to leave service ASAP.
Divers working aloft Something ridiculous happening
Divisional / Wardroom gentleman At the end of someone’s tour when they start shedding duties like a snake shedding its skin and begins to no longer have a job at the command
Dog and pony show All of the ridiculous things a command usually does to impress a visiting dignitary or put on some ceremony
Doghouse In trouble
Donkey Dick Term used for many nozzle shaped implements
Don’t give up the ship Phrase said by John Paul Jones, to not give up the ship
DOTM Destroyer of all things mechanical
Double down Work harder at a task; usually implying there is a time crunch
Double headed dragon Whenever you get so fucked up you throw up on your dick while your taking a shit
Drinking out of a fire hose Lots of information presented, usually via PowerPoint by unenthusiastic school
Drive-by Un-announced check in from leadership; usually with negative or frustrating timing and/or consequences.
Drop your cocks and grab your socks Get ready to do something
Dunnage Anything used in the shipping industry to brace and protect the freight being transported. Dunnage includes, but is not limited to, empty cardboard boxes, inflated shipping pillows, lengths of wood, pallets, styrofoam, bubble wrap, etc.
Duty Head Roll the Dice Returning from liberty in a foreign port)
Easy day Some task will be simple to carry out
ECF Error Carried Forward
Every swinging dick Every person
Fan room counseling Counseling in a hidden place, implying that there was some physical aspect to rectify a sailor who has been bad
FCF Need definition
FIGMO Fuck it, got my orders
Fish Submarine warfare insignia / Also a torpedo
Fishbowling To put alcohol into a fishbowl, color it with food coloring, and drink it with bendy straws
FOD God Foreign object damage god
Food for freedom Getting kicked out for being out of body standards
Food run Go off the ship or command to grab food for yourself or a group, sometimes the duty section
Force Multiplier Be the person that
Four Meal Fatty fr when we did 18 hr days)
Fried fish shoes Need definition
Fru-fru coffee Nice coffee; some of that gourmet shit
FUBAR Fucked up beyond all recognition
FUBIJAR Fuck U buddy I’m just a reservist.
Fuck A word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun, often simultaneously. Indeed it can be its own sentence to a properly motivated sailor.
Fucked up as a football bat You don’t use a bat for football, so that means something or someone is fucked up AND useless
Fuck fuck games Stupid games that are not contributing to getting the job done so you can go home
Fucktard An idiot
Full speed ahead Did something without thinking; throwing caution to the wind
FYSA For your situational awareness
GA Go ahead ; used in short hand in chat
Gaggle/gigglefuck Unformed group going from place to place Struggle Snuggle-sleeping where you can between endless drill sets, usually in a pile.
Galley Cafeteria
Gear adrift Loose or unsecured gear or equipment. Also a less-than-flattering assessment of a sailor "Seaman Jones is gear adrift!"
Geedunk Candy, snacks, or a place that sells either
Get Hot To do hard work or exercise.
Get your knee pads ready You messed up or did something stupid, prepare to have to do ridiculous things to get out the bind you are in.
Goat locker Lounge or galley for the exclusive use of Chiefs
Goat Locker Working Party A group working that's not actually achieving anything
Go Fasters Tennis or running shoes meant for working out
Go get me a BT punch Need definition
Going sad Claiming or actually having depression or suicidal ideation and thereby leaving duty station
Gonna be a bad day If you do something stupid “It’s gonna be a bad day for everyone.”
Good deal Falling down those stairs will hurt but you might break your leg and skip a deployment, that's a good deal
Good idea fairy Those wonderful folks filled with ideas, creating work for the rest of us
Good to go Ready
Go to GQ Go to general quarters; all hands on deck
Greenies Little green shorts
Greenside Marine corps
Grey space Period of time between evolutions where nothing is planned
Gronk it Down Need definition
Grotopotamus The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Similar to a Bremerloe
Guacaflauge Term fo the current Green Type III Camouflage uniforms
Gundeck /Gundecking To fudge maintenance or qualifications
Hamster Chicken Cordon Bleu - A baked breaded piece of chicken with ham and cheese in the middle
Hardpack The coveted ice cream that is scooped out of its container, I.e. not soft serve
Hatch Door on ship
Haze gray and underway Navy ship going out to sea
Head Restroom
Heave out and trice up Wake up
Helmet fire When a pilot becomes so task saturated in the cockpit that he loses the big picture and situational awareness (SA). Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results.
Hhotter than two squirrels fuckin in a wool sock! It is very hot outside
High and to the right Over-react
High Speed High performing
High speed low drag High performing and efficient
Hinge O-4 / LCDR
Hip pocket class Need definition
Hit the deckplates Walking around and getting to know sailors; preached by chiefs mess
Hollywood shower Long shower
Hookin and jabbin Fighting
HOOYAH Navy’s take on Oorah / Hoo-ah;
Horizontal time machine Bed / rack
Hot-ass - (noun for anything and everything) Some (noun) is great
Hot racking Multiple people sharing
Hot Runner When you're two weeks ahead on your quals
However comma A phrase said by uncreative leaders attempting to emphasize a point while addressing a crowd of disinterested sailors
Hurry up and wait A cross-service saying poking fun at the fact that we are always rushing to then commence a long period of waiting before beginning any evolution
Hydro that blouse when that shirt button is holding on for dear life to stay on due to wearers weight
IAW In accordance with
IBM Instant Bosun Mate
If you’re not early, you’re late Be early, because we start on time and are not going to wait
I had it you got it Said during rushed watch turnover wher
It gets better after ORSE There is always another ORSE (Operational Reactor Safeguard Examination) coming, hence it never gets better.
IYAOYAS If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit
Jam Dive Buddy That special friend you designate as "emotional" support when your submarine is headed the way of the Thresher. Also just an acronym for shorthand.
J-dial Internal communication system identifier on ships
Jesus Nut Slang term for the main rotor retaining nut or mast nut, which holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters. The related slang term Jesus pin refers to the lock pin used to secure the retaining nut.
Joe / Joe Navy A highly motivated member of the service who has “drank the kool aid”
Joe Schmuckatelli a reference to any person from Chief
Joker Idiot, someone who doesn’t take things seriously
JORG Junior officer requiring guidance: Ensign designated by wardroom as the bottom of the ensigns. JORG is in charge of events and wardroom shenanigans and carrying on “tradition”
Keelhaul A punishment inflicted for various offences in the Dutch Navy. It is performed by plunging the delinquent repeatedly under the ship's bottom on one side, and hoisting him up on the other, after having passed under the keel. Not currently in practice, hopefully.
Keep steady strain Keep up the hard work
Keep the plates spinning Keep juggling a lot of different projects and things that are going on
Khaki Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them.
Khaki Fucker Someone who sucks up to khaki leadership
Knee-knockers A knee-knocker refers to the bottom portion of a watertight door’s frame. They are notorious for causing shin injuries. The drunken sailor’s worst enemy.
Knife hands A term to describe a flattened hand pointed at someone, either done seriously or ironically
Knock the high dust off Pay special attention to something, dig deep
Knock the rust off Get back to doing something after not doing it for a while
Knuckle-dragger Mechanic
LDI Liberty dependant item
Leaders Typically addressed to a group of sailors or khaki in an email; see 99 or ALCON.
Level cake When the cooks make a sheet cake that's 1/2" thick on one side and 4" on the other, and try to level it out with frosting Hollywood shower: shower that lasts longer than necessary, usually not done by the people that desperately need them
Liberty call, Liberty call The most sweet words you’ll ever hear after pulling into port; If you aren’t on duty, you can leave the ship
Like a monkey fuckin a coconut! Someone is messing something up
Line Flight Line
Line Rats Sailors who get around the flight line
Living document A document that is in draft and is expected to continue requiring updates
Living the dream A phrase said when asked how you are doing. Response following usually is: “Nightmares are dreams too” then everyone reflects on how deeply they are indoctrinated
Long pole in the tent The person doing all the work for everyone; also implying that you are not sharing the workload well enough
Maintenance Bible COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2
Maintenance by the book, with the book open Don’t fuck up this maintenance
Make a hole Move out of the way
Making sausage The arduous small steps in a larger process to actually accomplish a bigger project
Manned up/manned and ready Everyone is ready at where they are supposed to be to begin some evolution
MARF Make A Rove, Fucktard. What the duty chief tells the rover when he comes up for tour or smoke and the rover "just" came back from a rove and is hanging out in the pood shack every damn time
Marking turns for nowhere Not pulling into port anytime
Max blast Full capacity
Mech A mechanic
Mechanical agitation Smack the shit out of something with a hammer, mallet, or wrench until you get it loose, free, or make it work. You can't say, "Oh yeah, I just walloped it with a big-ass hammer." But you can say, "Liberally applied mechanical agitation to free the stuck valve." See percussive maintenance.
Melting kids to the sidewalk Blowing stuff up / dropping bombs; see warheads on foreheads
Mid-Rats Food served out at sea at midnight for the off-going watch team
Milk truck Someone who made/makes a bunch of noise on a submarine, threatening stealth
Missing gear Missing something, may have been stolen
MITRN Maybe in the Russian Navy
Monkey's Paw/fist A type of knot, so named because it looks somewhat like a small bunched fist/paw.
Monkey dick An idiot or dumbass
Monkey Shit Thick, white packing material used in a feeble attempt to seal openings between bulkheads where cables run through.
MOTO Master of the Obvious, Moto could also be short for motivated
ABA Answer by accident
Muscle fucked Need definition (FOR the record, I searched this one on google. I don’t think the videos that came up were what this phrase is referring to…
NAMP Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
Nastygram A email sent from your higher headquarters or other command telling you that you messed up
NAVY Never again volunteer yourself = lessons for life
Navy Gravy Navy coffee
Next time check the pub instead of your rectal database, shipmate! Someone gave you bad gouge
Night ops Operations at night; doing something in a clandestine way
NNMBM Navy Needs More Bosun's Mates (ie, you're a fucking idiot)
No liberty Can’t go out in town
NonQual Also known as a Dinq Ass bitch
Nooner A nap taken during lunch
NUB Non Useful Body
Nug it out Spend the time to do something that is time consuming
Nuke it To overthink an easy task
Nut to butt Get a close as possible; usually in marching formation
OBNOB Only black nuke onboard
Offline / talk offline Said during meetings to have a separate discussion outside the current situation. Said by either those who do not want their idiocy observed by others, OR they are considerate enough to not subject everyone else to the pointless conversation
Old dirt Unique and different from “new dirt”
Once over dust, twice over rust Said when painting; implying that sometimes its best to just paint over stuff
One is NONE You can’t do something alone
Out-fucking-standing Great, but usually said with heavy sarcasm
Outlook leadership Leading from the front, utilizing the finest Microsoft Office tech
Outside your Swim lane / wheelhouse An area that is not in your job description; “this task is outside your swimlane, BMC”
Oxygen Thief An idiot, literally stealing oxygen
Paper chiefs/ensigns/assholes Gummed Reinforcements (office supplies)
Part-time sailor SSBN sailors
Peanut butter shot A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus.
Pecker Checker Corpsman
Percussive maintenance Conduct maintenance by hitting something
PERGA PERGA / Permission Granted
Phantom shitter An unidentified fugitive who shits in places they should not
Phone Bitch Someone whose sole job it is to carry or talk on the phone
Piggyback To add to what someone else said. “To piggyback off of what the Captain said….”
Playing switchem with donuts See Switchem: Where one would stack donuts on the soiled thumb to chew on.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes You get hurt or get in trouble doing something that was dumb and people told you not to do
Point of Fuck UpPOFU "Sir, as depicted in this image is the battle groups POFU."
Pollywog / Wog Someone who has not yet participated in a “Crossing of the line” ceremony
Poopy Suit Coveralls
Pop smoke Make people aware of a bad situation / call for help
Port and starboard watch bill 6 hours on 6 hours off work indefinitely
Pot of money Where something is funded from
Problem with a capital P Big problem
Promulgate Put out information
Provide bodies Offer up a group of sailors who work for you to do a task
Pubs As in publications
Pukes Any group you have to deal with who isn't crew. i.e. Squadron pukes.
Pulling chocks Get ready to leave or leave
PUMA Possibly the ugliest man aboard
Push these racks outboard Boot camp reference prior to exercising the living crap out of your group
Putting out fires The act of taking care of problems
Rack back Go to bed
Rack city Beds / go to bed
Rack out Go to sleep
Rack to the future Go to bed to pass the time
Rattles like two skeletons fucking in a garbage can Something is loud
Read means dead If you see red, that is bad
Redline You cannot cross this line, or you are prohibited from doing something
Refreshment Technician Engine room watchstander. Sometimes called reactor technician
Rhinos Jets
Riders / Fucking Riders People who are TAD to a ship or aircraft and do absolutely nothing useful except take up space and get in line first
Ring knocker One of our illustrious Academy Graduates
Roach Coach The snack or lunch truck that stops by the pier.
ROAD Program Retired on Active Duty
Roast beast Pejorative term for the roast beef served
Rock fight “Navy cooks could fuck up a rock fight.”
Roger up Provide a response/provide a response that you are going to do something
Rolling out Leaving
RTFM Read the Fucking/Full Manual
Sailor-proof or Sailor-proofing Make something so hard to fuck up that even sailors cant fuck it up
Same shit, different day Phrase said by those who have long since lost their sense of self on their way to reaching that 20 year mark
SAT and UNSAT Satisfactory and unsatisfactory; terms to des
Saved rounds Additional comments; said at the end of a meeting “any saved rounds?”
Say again Please repeat what you just said
Schoolhouse The place where you go to “learn” skills from powerpoint and a bored instructor
Scooby snacks Snacks
Scuttlebutt A water fountain on a ship; also means gossip
Sea and Anchor Detail The all hands evolution required to get underway and go out to sea (as well as anchor.
Sea Dad/Daddy/mom/Pup A mentomentee
Sea lawyer Someone who cites, recites and interprets manuals, regulations and rule, usually to their own benefit or to prove someone wrong
Seaman/Fireman/_man Schmuckatelli /Timmy A random or average sailor (implication is that they’re new to the navy and kind of an idiot)
Sea Pussy A yeoman or personnelman - akin to a secretary - does clerical work
Sea sniffer Need definition
Secure for sea /but ironically and unironically) Make sure stuff is tied down so that it doesn’t move when the ship is bouncing around at sea
Semper gumby Remain flexible
Send it Do it
Send up to the old man Send something up to the Captain
Set Yoke on her To set Yoke
Shady Shit Stuff that is probably not legal
Shaft alley dive team People who do the work in the bilges
Shaft to aft The engineering spaces
Shellback The salty sailor who has crossed the line and is no longer a slimy polywog
Shillelagh Make fast Skivey waver Signalman
Shipmate / Shipmaaaaate A term to describe all fellow sailors: Said both ironically and un-ironically. Ship, shipmate, self!
Shitbag AKA Sierra Bravo; Usually not put together shipmate, or one who does stuff that constantly screws over others and doesn’t care about their own actions
Shitmate Shipmate + Shit
Shit on a shingle Darnit
Shitrats Pejorative term for midrats
Shitshow Describing something that was messed up
Shitwhack/Fuckwhack Same as shitload/fuckload
Shoot a red star cluster Let people know you need help
Shooting from the hip Guessing
Short As in short timer
Shotgun blast Send out information or an email to a lot of people unexpectedly
Sick call commando Someone who “gets sick” a lot
Sick call warrior Same as sick call commando
Sidebar A legal term used to describe the need to not subject everyone else to a conversation that is happening that does not concern the wider group
Silence on the net Shut up and stop talking on the radios; Also used as “I’m hearing silence on the net” as in no one is responding
Skate / skater Someone who’s trying to avoid work
Skim the wave tops Only talk about the important points
Slobbering geek IT, or anyone trying to be an IT
Sloppy Hoes Pejorative name for sloppy joes
SMAG Simple minded ass grabber. Superior mechanic, almost Godlike. And another that’s probably not allowed here. Certain type of Nuke (Engineering Lab Tech).
Smokin and jokin/ coking and joking Joking around; typically used in reference of a bunch of people who are not working when they should be
Smoking lamp Where you can smoke onboard the ship. When the smoking lamp is lit, you are allowed to smoke.
Smoothie Nuke ET. Short for smooth crotch. Refers to the lack of any defined features in the “crotchal region”
SNAFU Situation Normal All Fucked Up
SNOB Shortest (least time left) nuke on board)
Sound the alarm Make others aware of a situation
Soup sandwich Someone or something that is a complete mess/completely fucked up
Soup to nuts Beginning to end
Spearhead Initiate, lead
Standby to standby / Stand the fuck by Standby because you’re in trouble and whatever leader just said this is so angry they can’t think of a punishment just yet
Struggle snuggle Sleeping where you can between endless drillsets, usually in a pile.
Strut Gear Landing gear
Stump the chump Asking questions that are so specific and ridiculous, you’re not even sure if the person asking them knows; tactic employed by assholes sitting on qualifications boards
Sucked their way to the top/ EP Did or is perceived as having done special things to make rank or qualifications / eval
Sucking Ghost Dick Vaping
Suck start a mossberg Kill oneself
Sun of a gun Damnit
Super Secret squirrel The weirdos who do anything Information warfare related
Swabs Mops
Sweat equity The value of hard work
Sweepers Daily required cleaning of the ship
Switchem When you are sucking one thumb, and the other is up your ass. Then someone yells SWITCHEM and you switch the thumbs
Tacticool Term used for someone who is decked out in gear but kind of looks like a dweeb
Take a round turn Double check and work harder at something
TBI True but irrelevant
THE Academy THE United States Naval Academy
The balls Any watch that goes through midnight (0000)
The love shack Whichever room on the ship that has the most people shacking up caught in it)
The pit The engine room
The rev The watch in which reveille is called
The Sandbox What happens in the sandbox, stays in the sandbox)
The squeaky wheel gets the grease The most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention.
Throat End/Beginning of the taxiway
Tie up loose ends Take care of the little unfinished tasks
Time in the rack is time off the boat Sleeping allows you to forget you’re on deployment
Toilet lasagna When a toilet doesn’t flush and someone shits in it, then someone lays a layer of TP to not look at it, the some shots on the TP. Repeat.
Too easy / Easy day The task ahead will be not difficult
Tool Bitch Someone who can't really help you fix something you are working on or anything else for that matter. So to make them feel like they are worth anything at all you allow them to get you the tools you need for the job.
Topsider Those fortunate souls who do not work in Engineering
Tracking Are you following? Often said by leadership needing while giving speeches to gauge or increase engagement of those poor souls that have to listen to their incessant blabbering
Triangle fish Fish served in galley
Tricare-atops People who marry servicemembers for the “amazing” healthcare; see Dependa
Trip to the fanroom Take care of something by physical means
Trust yet verify Trust that someone is doing something you asked them to do, but it’s best to double check and ensure they actually did it
Turning dead dinosaurs into noise Burning gas
Turnover (for watch) To leave your post only when properly relieved
Twidget Nuke ET
Two Five Stay Alive 2.5 GPA average often required to graduate certain school houses
Up on the governor Need definition
Ustafish The name for any submarine in your past "back on ustafish we would..."
Very well An official response to being informed of something
Vitamin M Motrin
Voluntold You were volunteetold to do something
Vulcan death watch Some brutal combination of six and four hour watches. These tend to be very grueling periods, hence the “death watches” part of the name
Waffle stomp Take a shit in the shower and then attempt to stomp it down the drain to cover your tracks.
Walking Aux tank Need definition
Walking on cans Need Definition
Warheads on foreheads The act of bombing something, or anything involved in the process
Wash Rack Need definition
Wattages on cottages Same meaning as Warheads on Foreheads
Weekend warrior Reservist
Wheels Nickname for a Quartermaster, usually given to senior QM onboard
Who’s who in the zoo A description of who people are
Wilco Will comply
Wire-biter Electricians
Word on the deckplates Gossip
Working party A group of sailors assigned to carry out a large task
Written in blood The rules to do or not do something are because somebody got hurt or died doing what you are not supposed to do
Your shit better be in one sock and not dripping Something chief says about your accuracy with things
Zarf A cup holder
Zoomies Radiation / also a term for members of the Air Force


In addition to the definitions provided from comments, I used Wikipedia, regular google searches, and Urban Dictionary. Also referred to the below resources that I recommend checking out if you are looking for a definition not covered in this /navy post.
Source Information
Goat Locker Navy Slang General Navy slang terms; pretty thorough resource. Check this one out before you go to the others.
Quarterdeck If you’re looking for more standardized definitions like, ‘bow’ or what a ‘keel’
Wiktionary Glossary of Military Slang General Military Slang from all over the world and different services
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Slang Pretty definitive comprehensive list of internet-compiled Navy slang
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Unit Nicknames Navy unit nicknames; this page is not well loved, but there are still some good definitions in here
2015 Business Insider article on Navy terms Pretty generic article regarding Navy terms, like 'Muster'
Jalopnik article on USN Submarine Article with a few good terms from the sub community
Dictionary of Naval Abbreviations (DICNAVAB) by Bill Wedertz (Apparently the writer of The Bluejackets’ Manual) I didn't actually get my hands on a copy, but it is a printed hardcopy version of this from years past.
submitted by HOOYAH_SHIPMATE to navy [link] [comments]

Burger Beard's Misadventures in the Game Group (Part 1; The Fifteen Minute Rage Quit)

Hear ye, hear ye!
I've been watching lots of ReddX (Seriously one of the best Reddit Readers out there. For realsies. It's scientifically proven. Google it!) and listening to all this ghoulish parade of hat-tipping, Cheeto-gorging, milady'ing crimes against humanity has stirred up memories.
Dark memories...
I come forth to submit for the approval of the Redditors, this tale of an unusual specimen of Neckbeardicus Harumphus, of the order Condescendicus.
Fifteen years ago, I was still in one of our nation's fine institutions of higher learning and I had sought out friends interested in tabletop roleplaying games as something to do on the side while throwing the money I'd earned in 4-H into a big bonfire called 'college'... I mean... pursuing a degree in Ancient History.
I got introduced to a larger group of gamers and we got along famously, each of them as nutty as me and most of us are friends to this very day!
Dramatis Personae:
Burger Beard: The star of these chronicles! So-named because he shares a first name with two other guys and we came up with job-related prefixes to differentiate. Burger Beard worked at a cheeseburger stand in the kitchen. Unlike many Neckbeards, BurgBeard showers regularly, has an aroma no more offensive than your average twenty-something of questionable BMI and shaved around his goatee. Most of the time. He enjoys a full head of hair that's high enough in volume and length that he ponytails it. Nay, dear reader, this Neckbeard's foulness is a sickness of the *spirit*. Every single time he opens his mouth, he speaks with nods, slowly and enunciating, as if he's talking to the mentally handicapped. All the damn time. Condescension oozes from his every pore. Imagine if Bill Lumberg from Office Space had a greasy little baby with Burke from Aliens and you'll get some idea as to how this manchild conducts his speech.
Zucca: OP, master of ceremonies and the guy who hosted most of the games because my family's house was nice and big. Bystander for most of these chronicles.
Badasstovich: The lanky ladies man with more rage than his body knew what to do with. He takes no crap from anyone and in spite of putting on the trappings of dickhood, he's a true pal. Prefers spellcasters in D&D Pathfinder, Tech Priests in Warhammer 40k and is a proper spotlight addict.
Wrangler: So named because his job, unchanged for years, chiefly involves corralling wild shopping carts out in the Parking Plains and taking them back home. Awkward, anxious and shares a first name with Burger Beard, to his deep and unmitigated displeasure.
Radio: Radio operator on the army, takes even less BS than Badasstovich. True bro. Not present for most of these chronicles.
Dragon: Nicest man in the universe, Japanese descended gamer nerd, works at a home improvement store and has two sons. Always makes support characters in the games we play.
Ninetails: So named because of her kitsune fixation. Weaboo of the First Degree and missing half her teeth. Dragon's wife and resident gamer mama.
Slumzy: Former best buddy who later had himself one moment of horrible neckbeardism that damn near overshadowed everything Burger Beard ever did. But at the time, a true bro and live-in assistant to Dragon and Ninetails.
Turtle: INTERNATIONAL MAN OF ACTION! (Sarcasm self-check: Complete!) Neckbeard of the Greasicus sub-genus. Sarcastically referred to as the International Man of Action because he will waddle to my big easy chair, nest in it and fall asleep, waking only to roll dice and mumble responses to questions. So named because he looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trying to cosplay Dwight Schrute, from 'The Office'. His head is stooped forward, his bell jutted out, his chest sunken and he has a mop of greasy black hair on his trapezoid-shaped head, like someone tried to paint the top of an egg with squiggly black sharpie lines. His Neckbeardism shall be chronicled later... He is Burger Beard's BFF and worshipped the ground Burger Beard walked on. It was long speculated that he and Burger Beard were an item, but further observation revealed it was less that they were lovers and more a... master and beloved pet kind of situation. And no, not sexually. Not that we'd judge. I mean to say that Turtle acts like Burger Beard's watchdog.
Jitters: Decent dude, terrible hygiene, the worst Game Master to live. Shivers at all times like a neurotic Chihuahua. Never lived down putting a Big Red Button in a game he ran that didn't move the plot along but TPK'd us. I mean, you've *gotta* push the big red button... what did he expect?
Bluto: Perpetual Special Guest Star. Always a listener, never a player. Neckbeard extraordinaire. The Toilet Slayer. He Who Melts in Direct Sunlight. A sense of humor as foul as his BO.
Ogre: The other guy who hosts all games. Big as a whale, generous as a jolly leprechaun, kept a clean house and runs a tight character when gaming.
The Stage: My family's former forever home was a beautiful Spanish Mission style ranch home on the farm I grew up on. The Dining Room, containing a gigantic wooden table was where I hosted games whenever it was my turn. A huge set of windows look out to the miles of farmland and the mountains beyond and when you step outside, with so few lights, you can see the stars with much clarity!
The troupe is ready and the stage is set...
Tale, The First: The Fifteen Minute Rage Quit
My house had all hands present and the game was BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth. An Anime RPG based loosely on GURPS, Generic Universal Role Playing System) that Badasstovich was running, based on the graphic novel 'Gold Digger'.
I was sitting near Badasstovich and the huge table at my place accommodated everyone with ease.
Badasstovich prefers to sit at the head of the table when he's running game and Burger Beard prefers the other end so he can roll dice far from Badasstovich's watchful eye.
The particulars are lost to time, but Badasstovich became cheesed with Burger Beard's seemingly supernatural luck, rolling max damage and perfect hits.
"I think you're full of shit, Burger." Badasstovich sneered after Burger Beard rolled his fifth natural twenty of the night.
Burger Beard smiles like the cat who got the cream. "I'm using my good dice." He smugly informed us.
"Come on, Burger Beard... at least let us SEE what you roll." Ninetails complained.
"That's fair, yeah? Just let us verify." Dragon cheerfully said.
Jitters adjusted his glasses and looked anxiously between Burger Beard and Badasstovich, looking like he's about to burst into tears from sheer pre-confrontation panic.
And Wrangler grabs his head in typical dramatic fashion, gritting his teeth.
Burger Beard scowls, but rolls for damage, dropping three eight-sided dice and swiping them up before Ninetails, sitting near him, can see.
"Hey, I saw two ones!" Ninetails piped up.
"Nah, those were... uh... sevens!" Burger Beard exclaims, eyes wide.
"Hold up... THREE D-8's?!" Dragon exclaims. "You're using your bare fists!"
"Well yeah, I'm a brawler! My strength modifier is plus-three, so I get to roll three eight-sided!" Burger Beard says in his trademarked 'I'm Smarter Than You' condescension.
"That. Is. SO. NOT!!!... how this works!" Slumzy bellows, looking disgusted. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Burger Beard scowls. "I didn't cheat! You're saying I'm cheating!"
"Look, just roll one six-sided, dude." I cut in. "The rules say that unless you've got the requisite talent, you can't do it."
"I've totally got the Talent!" Burger Beard bellows, maintaining eye contact while his hand "sneakily" writes on his character sheet...
"Hey Zucca, pass me his character sheet." Badasstovich scowls.
I glance at Burger Beard and give a sheepish grin, rubbing my forefinger, middle finger and thumb. "Well, you heard the man..." I say.
Burger Beard looks back and forth between me and Badasstovich and he gives a dramatic flourish of his hands. "If you don't trust me, then I'm LEAVING!" He exclaims, then begins to turn off his laptop.
His laptop, which at the time was so old that it requires a plug-in wifi antenna, was so frail that it could not be abruptly turned off...
... in other words, he couldn't just slam it shut and make a proper angry exit.
He sat there.
For fifteen minutes.
While his clunker of a laptop shut down, he sat there, arms crossed, ducking his head behind the screen.
Bluto, his impatience showing, shattered the awkward silence with all the grace of an inebriated hippopotamus on ice. "Keep playing the freaking game, dude!"
Badasstovich cleared his throat and looked towards Wrangler. "So uh.... your tu-"
"RRRRRRRGH..... Grrragrglrgh...!" Burger Beard interjected, making gutteral noises, as if his testicles were being fed into a garbage disposal...
"Well, I'll just attack the-" Wrangler begins.
"HRRRNNGGGH... BLRGLRHRGHLMURGLE!" Burger Beard lets out what I can only describe as a Humpback Whale's mating call.
Above water, that is.
So it went, with Burger Beard unleashing the Song of his People every time someone tried to talk, escalating in volume until they were sufficiently drowned out.
Ten minutes after the flash point, he finally closes up the laptop with a dramatic "HARUMPH!"
He stands up to his full height, a towering five feet and two inches, and stomps his way out the front door, slamming the heavy carved wood behind him..!!!
... and then walks back in, looking around.
Dead silence ensues.
"Uh... where are my keys.......?" He finally asks.
"Your jacket." I say, pointing to his Macross jacket he'd left.
"Oh." He retrieves it and shuffles out the door, Turtle waddling behind him and mumbling soothing reassurances, quietly closing it this time,
There's a pregnant pause as the thoroughly bamboozled table exchanged glances.
"Did he just take fifteen goddamn minutes to rage quit?" Slumzy murmured.
"I do believe he did." I chime in, snorting in laughter.
So shattered was our immersion that we spent the rest of the night playing Citadels and Munchkin.
And that, dear reader, is merely the tip of the iceberg. An appetizer to prepare you for the Feast of Fail that is to come in ensuing chapters of this saga.
Join me next time, where I tell the second entry in this shameful story: The Rules Lawyer vs. Burger Beard's liberal interpretations!
submitted by Zucca101 to talesofneckbeards [link] [comments]

DM Refuses to Give Descriptions, Party Quits 1st Session

Hello CritCrab, I recently told some friends about my first experience with D&D, and they said I should present it to the Crab Council for your judgment. It's a bit of a long story, but I tried to only include the important details. I’m a long-time player and DM of D&D, but this wasn’t almost the case. For your consideration, I would like to present my first and almost last time playing D&D. This happened almost 13 years ago, but I still remember it vividly.
Before we begin, I should probably showcase the cast. The names have been changed for obvious reasons.
Gabe: The DM and the source of the party’s ire, two grades ahead of me. It was my first time meeting him, and he came off as very knowledgeable.
Aiden: The DM’s younger cousin, the friend that invited me during theatre class, and an upper-classman. He had payed an elven bard. He had a bubbly personality and was prone to using laughter to lessen tension.
Duncan: Another friend and theatre classmate of mine, but also grade ahead of me. He had played a human fighter. He was a jokester kind of guy, always trying to be the comic relief, but when he was upset or displeased, he didn’t care who knew it.
Me: A naive kid trying to fit in. A new player to TRPGs whom was very excited to try. I had played a half-elf paladin.

The DM had an idea for running a 3.5 campaign heavily inspired by the world of Eberron. He took great care to talk about the cooler aspects of the campaign, such as artificers, lightning rails, and airships. I was excited to see all of these things, though I openly told the DM that I was nervous and wanted to fit in. He said it was alright to make a simplistic character, and that he wasn’t going to punish me for being new, then delegated the more experienced players to help me actually roll stats and learn the rules.
Aiden and Duncan had the task to “babysit” me (Gabe’s words not mine), all the while going through the regular character creation guff. The DM also tasked them to make sure I didn’t cheat, and they watched me roll my stats. I didn’t think much of it, because I just had assumed they had some newbie cheat before and didn’t want a repeat. I told them I wanted to play a Paladin, but they told me I’d better hope for some good rolls then.
I rolled my stats, and they were excellent. Better than I could ever have hoped to roll again. After racial modifiers, I had FIVE ability scores at 18, as well as a 16. We only rolled three d6’s six times, and down the list.
Duncan and Aiden were shocked. They both started texting Gabe about the rolls and the “newbie’s luck”. I was excited because, well, I was under the belief that since my scores were high, this would somehow make the game more fun.
Gabe met back up with us, saw my character sheet, and immediately asked the players if I had cheated. Duncan and Aiden both confirmed that I didn’t fudge any dice and they weren’t trying to help me cheat either. Then Gabe decided to take matters into his own hands.
“Your character immediately ascends into god-hood after being born,” Gabe said as he snatched my character sheet, “Roll a new character.” I was pretty heart-broken, not just because the DM had effectively killed my character before we even started playing, but because I was trying my hardest to make a compelling character regardless of rolls. Aiden and Duncan protested, saying it was pretty harsh to a new player, but Gabe was being stubborn. As to avoid conflict, I agreed to re-roll.
I re-rolled my stats and they were less exciting: lots of 10’s and 12’s. Again, stats didn’t matter to me then nor do they now, but with the juxtaposed excitement of the other players, it had felt like I was punished for doing well. But I didn’t complain, I re-rolled my character, decided to still be a paladin, and carried on.
The next week we were set to play, and I was still excited for the game. I was really sold on the world of Eberron, or at least the world Gabe had promised us. I would look at the Player’s Handbook at lunch when I would hang out with the guys, to make sure I knew what I would do on my turns, and Aiden, Duncan, and even Gabe would give me pointers on how to play my class. I patiently waited for the day and was mystified by the lore in the book.

Then came the actual day of the game. We each had a free period and met up in the vacant cafeteria to play. For the first time, I saw the screen unfolded, the books placed out, and all of our character sheets were hastily scrounged from our backpacks. We started by introducing our characters before any setting happened, so we all said who we were playing and added a bit of flavor. When we were done, Gabe was ready to set the scene.
As an important note, we were supposed to use theater of the mind. No board, no minis, just descriptions.
“You’re in a tundra,” Gabe dictated, “What do you do?”
A hush fell over the players. For a good, long while, no one said anything (which I now know is because there wasn’t anything to say), so I decided to pipe up. I asked if there was a town nearby. Nope. I asked if there were any landmarks I could see. Nope. I asked if there was a map we could consult. Nope. There were not trees, animals, people, settlements, or anything but the three of us standing in the snow beneath a cloudless sky. Duncan asks how we got there and he was met with a shrug. Duncan was visibly upset by this and Aiden started his nervous laughing.
Not knowing what to do, and trying to keep the game going, I devised a plan. I had assumed that if the terrain was so cold, assuming we were on an Earth-like planet, we must be either very far north or south. So by using the sun (which I could see), we would walk South; if it got colder, we turn around and go North. I didn’t know if this was the right way of handling it, but Duncan and Aiden liked it and followed suit.
So the DM says we walk South and then asks, “Now what?” I ask for a description, and I’m not given one. I tell him we are to march South until we’re given a description of something – anything else.
“A yeti approaches you,” Gabe said, “And it looks like it’s ready for a fight.”
“What?” said Duncan, “From where? I thought we were in an icy place with nothing else in it.”
We don’t roll initiative, which Duncan is quick to question why, and again we are asked what we’re going to do. I say my character would attack it with his longsword, which the DM has me roll. I crit, deal damage, and find out that my damage was not enough to kill it. I remember Duncan and Gabe arguing about something akin to Challenge Rating; I didn’t understand at the time, but I knew from RPG video games when an enemy was too difficult for the party’s level. So when Gabe asked me what I do next (because the rest of the party wasn’t asked to do anything), I said my character runs.
“I don’t know,” I said, “South, I guess.”
He describes that the only thing I can see is a large hole in the ground to escape to, with a 30 foot drop to the bottom. I ask if I can tie a rope, and Gabe says if I try to do that, the Yeti will attack me first and Aiden warns me that a single hit from a yeti would kill any of our characters. I ask for any other descriptions and are given none. So, seeing no other options, I tell Gabe my character jumps in the hole. I fumble an acrobatics check, my character drops to 1 HP, and breaks his leg, reducing his movement speed to 0.
He then says it’s the Yeti’s turn, who uses his turn to rip off Duncan’s fighter’s arm. No attack roll, or damage roll for that matter, it just happens. He says it’s then Aiden’s turn, in which Aiden replies, “What am I supposed to do?” Gabe then declares that it’s my turn, and I ask what I can do with a broken leg.
“Nothing,” Gabe says, “Do you end your turn?” I agree, but even with my naivety, I could tell this was bull-crap. Aiden and Duncan weren’t saying anything, their mouths agape with shock, holding their breaths like this was all a joke and the campaign would really start in a moment. I just remember Duncan was starting to get really irritated.
“It’s the Yeti’s turn again and he’s going to attack the Paladin,” said Gabe, “He’s gonna do the smart thing and move to the front of the cave.”
“What cave,” yells Duncan, “You didn’t describe any cave!” Gabe defends himself saying there wouldn’t be a hole in the ground without there also being a cave-mouth connected to it. The yeti moves an undetermined amount away from the one-armed fighter, to the front of this cave, and to me. He then proceeds to kill my character.
Again, no rolls, no damage, my Paladin’s just dead now.
Gabe hands me the PHB and a new character sheet and tells me to make a new character. In the meantime, he tells Duncan his character’s now dead from blood-loss and asks Aiden what he does for his turn. Aiden is still shocked and doesn’t respond, so Gabe ends his turn for him. He says that the yeti has run within 10 feet of him, so his character starts running. Where to? Well Aiden says he want to run South because nothing else has been described so far.
“A portal opens up in front of you,” Gabe says, “What do you do?”
“I guess I jump in the portal!” Aiden was still laughing because he could see the anger welling up inside Duncan, who made it very clear that half of our period has been used already.
“You’re at a beach and the yeti follows through the portal,” Gabe says, “What do you do?”
“I ask the Yeti why he’s chasing me,” Aiden says in an incredulous tone.
“I don’t know,” said the inexplicable Yeti. Gabe describes that the Yeti walks back through the portal, leaving two members of the party dead and the bard now stuck on the nondescript sands of wherever a beach may be.
Duncan had had enough and the worst parts of him began to show. As he stood up and, in a grandiose display, he ripped his character sheet in half and stormed off, leaving Gabe, Aiden, and I at the table. I still remember hearing Aiden trying to stifle his nervous laugh and seeing Gabe’s look of confusion and defeat. He had felt that he really tried, I suppose.
I politely returned both character sheets and the book and thanked them for the experience. I told Gabe that D&D just wasn’t for me, but I appreciated being included. We never met up for another session, but we still hung out at lunch and our free period, even if it was Gabe and I. We remained friends for a long time, but we all silently agreed that D&D would be a sore topic from here on out and never brought it up again.

Fast forward two years. I’m now a junior, Gabe has graduated, Duncan and Aiden are also about to graduate, and I have a new group of nerd friends my same grade. I had been hanging out with them for a while, and for the first time, one of them says they want to run D&D. They ask me if I’m interested and I decline. They’re curious, as they say it sounds like I would like it if I tried it. I tell them I have tried it, and recount this story to them.
“Oh,” one said, “You need to play with us.”
I put my new set of prejudices for the game aside and tried it again, and I had a blast. In fact, my new group has been playing D&D for a decade now and we are loving 5th edition in all its simplified glory.
I guess the moral of the story is that D&D is only as fun as the people you play with, and some friends aren't fun to be around when TRPGs get involved.
TL;DR: Friend invites me to first ever D&D group, DM doesn’t provide descriptions or a story, kills two of us, and almost turned me off of the game forever.
submitted by Taerocker to CritCrab [link] [comments]

People in position of authority, you have been lied to.

Everybody knows the system is rigged. Everybody knows the dice are loaded. Most players in that game are rolling the dice with their fingers crossed. Not everybody can explain it the way I can, but most people in Canada and I bet most people in the US know that peace is a lie, and the system of money and jobs mean war and jungle and betrayal and abuse of the poor for the amusement and comfort of the rich. Which is not Democratic.
Most people don't understand as much as I do, but almost everybody knows the basics.
The establishment is not Democratic. If you haven't read my posts, everyone in position of authority should read what I wrote about the system of rules, laws, protocols(We are already ruled by an AI) that we, as a society, are using to drive ourselves, and the one about The Deep State. No I am not pro Q. Or Trump. They are undermining the whole situation. The deep state exists. But its not what they say it is. They are not trying to fix it.
Trump and Q have willingly or unwillingly helped the Deep State to avoid serious focus and rebellion. Trump and Q have been talking about draining the swamp, and then acting "crazy", or seemingly crazy, and dragged the nation into a nightmare, nightmare in which the swamp doesn't get drained, and then on top of that, it starts raining covid, and somehow the rain never stops.
Human beings, like many lifeforms, are known to behave in accordance with associations. if someone gets badly beaten by a stick , and many times, that stick is gonna become a feaconcern trigger. Not just the beatings themselves will provoke fear. The stick itself as well. Association of stick with beating.
Right now, people are associating "Draining the swamp" with lies, craziness, nightmare year, attacks on the capitol, etc...
"Drain the swamp ? We tried that in 2020. It was a disaster. Let's not try that again." And give the swamp an easy win.
Most politicians and top leaders, including President and Prime Minister, are puppets. You know it, we know it, the rest of the world knows it. Everybody knows it. Stop pretending for the sake of image. We all know its corrupted. Don't lie in our face.
Everybody knows.
The question left is : Why are you guys, people in position of authority, still enforcing, protecting, and avenging this crap ?
Our society is a car, and we are driving it into a wall. Oh, and it's on fire. We need to hit the brakes and get the hell out.
Democracy is a beautiful dream, but it is still just a dream. We still need to build it. We need you to stop letting this game rule and ruin our countries. You guys need to stand up for Democracy. And build a better system. Anything else is bound to fail at this point.
If you let Biden take over and maintain the current machine... this could be the end of society's fighting chance. Trump didn't burn America. He just added flames here and there. It's part of the show. And if people in position of authority sit back and enjoy the show, slavery will take over humanity, not Democracy.
The economy is crashed. The rich is already getting more powerful, and the powerful getting richer. Now is time to act. Now. Not after the economy program comes back online. Now. If we let the system end the pandemic "normally" and restart the economy, the rich will have won.
But, also... the population will be wary of this crap and crave stability. When that happens, it might be too late for the authorities to genuinely act in the name of True Democracy, while having the support of the population.
You guys need to fight. And I'm a middle-aged genius who is not scared easily, but I am genuinely affraid that our time is ticking.
Democracy can still happen. But we need to act now. Now.
Don't let politicians restart the economy and the slavery that comes with it. Reprogram the system of rules. And money. It is urgent. The car is on fire.
Your duty is to fight evil. You signed up for this.
submitted by Bottomline511 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

A Psionic Manifesto

Psionics in 5E has been one of the most controversial parts of it's design history. The Mystic/Psion as an attempt was generally seen as too complicated, some people don't feel like psionics is needed in 5E and even the people who liked psionics have felt the eventual compromise we have (so far) is comparatively underwhelming. I've been pretty vocal on this in prior conversations here and elsewhere on the internet, so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring. I will say ahead of time that I have made a proof of concept that is on Dmsguild and is free (more on that later).
Why bother with Psionics?
1) Whilst Psionics are somewhat hard to pin down in a definitive way, they definitely fit an aesthetic niche not well represented as is in game. Psionic power tends to be associated with fantasy that meets sci-fi (or related tropes) in some way and could be considered "non-technological science magic". Mental power is obviously the heart of it, but it's role helps give certain settings or themes the correct feel to them. Dark Sun, whilst not Sci-fi, borrows heavily from Conan which itself has lovecraftian routes. Likewise, in a sci-fi setting a wizard can feel out of place in a way that a psion doesn't.
2) Mechanical differences are important. Whilst I am big on reflavouring, a concept needs mechanical support to really make it shine. Any INT caster could be an "artificer", but merely flavouring a wizard as an artificer or relegating it to one subclass of the wizard doesn't make building to the concept as satisfying. Likewise, when done badly it somewhat harms the concept, with the Alchemist feeling so unsatisfying in part because the actual potion creating mechanics don't work very well.
3) Alternate magic systems can be fun. It's easy to take for granted given the monopoly traditional magic has in D&D, but sometimes alternate systems just gel better with people.
What went wrong with the Mystic?
Before I get into this, I want to make it clear that this is not a jab at WOTC or their design team. Making an RPG is difficult and nobody is perfect. I bring this up mainly as a way to discuss how I believe a lot of the feedback they got was flawed as a result of some flawed design.
1) The Mystic and all it's variants were hugely overcomplicated. Not only did you need to learn an entirely new magic system, but they also produced a large list of talents and disciplines which were locked to certain subclasses. Separating magic into different classes is one thing, but spells generally are not class specific and said restrictions don't exist within a single class. For context, it would be like if a Conjuration Wizard could ONLY use conjuration magic.
2) The Mystic had waaaaay too much shoved into one subclass. They tried to essentially shove multiple different class concepts into each subclass as if each subclass was a class in it's own right. The Soul Knife in said UA's was essentially a standalone psionic martial class trying to fit within a dedicated caster class and doing so poorly. A good comparison might be if "Ranger" was a subclass of Wizard.
Why isn't Tasha sufficient?
In short, it's super limited. As is, our representation for it are spells (which are of course still mechanically spells), the Aberrant Mind (which is probably the best fit but still ultimately plays as a sorcerer) and of course our two psionic subclasses.
I actually really quite like the subclasses. The Psi-dice mechanic I have found feels satisfying, making the powers feel like I am using magic in a non-spellcasting way. Where they are limited is in their nature as standalone subclasses. If you want to further vary your powers by multiclassing the two, you run into the official ruling that has psi-dice as a separate resource to each subclass. As a result, whilst you do get some variety with your powers in each subclass, it's very much a tease of what could be and (unless said ruling changes) actually limits any future psionics by making them incompatible with said psionic subclasses.
So what crap have I produced?
Before I go on, I want to make something clear. THIS IS NOT BALANCED. I would certainly love feedback to make it more balanced and I intend to make further versions, but that's not why I started this project. When I design stuff, I tend to aim towards something being overpowered because it's much easier to scale something back compared to the other way around. I have done some playtesting and it has been fine thus far, but I want to make it clear that you shouldn't read it expecting it to be as such. This is instead designed as a proof of concept for the system from which to further develop. This is a summary of what I've done.
1) The central resource is the psi-dice. You use it for powers just as the psionic subclasses do. You interact with powers either by spending psi-dice, or by changing the size (in a simpler fashion than the psi-dice size change that we got pre-tasha). Most importantly, the disciplines do not require a psi-dice from a specific source, making a psi-warrior dip into this class more viable.
2) Talents are gone. Talents functioned exactly the same as cantrips which was not exactly necessary. Some of the Talent powers have been incorporated into Disciplines.
3) Disciplines have been maintained, but they are not a collection of powers. Essentially each discipline behaves like the Psionic Power subclass feature. A psion learns multiple disciplines over their career but has less of them than a caster has spells. This is to ensure that you only need learn a small number of disciplines rather than memorise a hefty list. A single discipline could be viewed as a cantrip, spell and metamagic rolled in one.
4) Subclasses have been entirely replaced. The 3 in place instead are there to represent different interactions with the core mechanics. The Wilder is a psion who is self taught, archetypical of the reckless powered psychic that has options to boost their powers usually at a cost. The Erudite is the most wizardly of the 3, being able to change out their known disciplines at the end of a long rest and is meant for players who want the full range of the psionic experience. The Synergist is a nod to the alien nature of sci-fi psionics (hive minds etc) and is oriented towards party utility.
Planned future updates
1) Balancing of course. I am a constantly tired father of 2 young children, so I am definitely missing some glaring issues in what would already understandably be a challenging task. Any help here is appreciated.
2) I have actually written another class not in this release, the Battlemind. It's a "half psion" in the same way that the paladin is a divine half caster and the Eldritch Knight is an arcane quarter caster. I decided not to put it in this release because I want to improve the system and balancing further before I then introduce further balancing issues.
That's all folks. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy (and please don't be too mean if you don't =p)
submitted by CountPeter to dndnext [link] [comments]

Playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age - Part 5

Right, we left off after just arriving at Naribwe. Seems like this is where the fortune teller that informs me of where the Djinn are, so I'm very excited about that - and also to see what this town has in store!
-Off to the weapon and armor shop first: the shopkeepers think and talk about the fortune teller, saying that offering weapons and armor can let us find 'rare artifacts' and see 'the monsters (a weapon) faced'. Sadly, the only thing I actually buy is the Psynergy Rod for Sheba - everything else isn't worth it, imo.
-Seems like some gems dropped from the sky that are making monsters stronger and that the leader of the Kibombo, the witch doctor, is looking for them. And... I guess I was wrong. Seems like Magma Rock's the next rock we're gonna go to - it was name-dropped and everything.
-Oooh, a warrior passed by earlier that claimed he came from an island in the middle of the sea? Idk who that is, tbh. Probably Piers?
-Well, I'm getting a reading from the fortune teller. It's probably not Psynergy, since he didn't seem to detect the Mind Read. I set down Jenna's Hypnos' Sword, and it told me about enemies over the mountains and meeting disaster if I move to strike them? Setting down Felix' Ixion Mail tells me that to the north, inside the sacred cavern, the one I seek awaits. No idea what that is either, but what's a fortune teller without cryptic prophetic riddles but a sham? I set down an Elixir for kicks, because the item lady told me that the fortune teller doesn't use that stuff, but he actually told me that inside a sacred icon, I'll get an item by listening to the voices. I kind of want to try putting more stuff, but I don't want to waste all my money.
-Seems like the Kibombo weren't always as warlike as they are now; they only became like this after the previous leader passed away. An older man talks and thinks about a secret passage across the pass that the Kibombo don't know about... so I'll probably have to use that.
-I use Whirlwind to clear the way to the ladder: above, there's a random rock surrounded by pillars. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I tried Move, Tremor and Pound before Reveal, but the Unicorn Ring's mine for my troubles! Not quite sure how useful it is, though; its defense stat isn't better than my current equipment's and its 'use' effect doesn't seem all too useful.
-Just noticed that area is walled off. Did we just break into someone's backyard and steal a family memento? Because is so, then, uh... whoops.
-The innkeeper's husband mentions a river to the west, so that's another landmark to remember. I think that's it with Naribwe, though: it's pretty small, even if the information I've gotten here is definitely something to keep in mind. Out to adventure! I do wonder how Kraden's taking the fact that someone can literally read the future.
-The trip to the northwest only leads to the river blocking our progress, so back to the trodden path it is.
-Northern Mountains... welp, looks like the prophecy's gonna come true sooner than I expected. Let's see what the Kibombo over the mountains have in store for us.
-Seems like there's a ceremony in progress that must not be interrupted, and security's tight because of someone (Piers?) sneaking by and knocking some guards out. I smell a stealth mission... and it stinks. Going to the left doesn't work due to the pillar on top of the platform, I can't use Frost on the pillar, and running up to the guard will probably trigger an event that'll kick me right out, so nothing to do but go to the right.
-...Huh. There's normal encounters in here. This won't get annoying at all. The Pixie's faster than Jenna, which is annoying, and deals a large chunk of damage to the party with its Wind Slash, which is worrying.
-Another encounter after I climb up and push the pillar that was blocking the way on the left: it's another Pixie with a Wild Gorilla friend. I find out that Sheba can one-shot the Pixie with Storm Ray, which is nice, and the gorilla's easy to mop up after that.
-Oh, boy, another guard. I sneak up behind the crate and push it while he's not facing it (though I do wonder how they don't hear the thing literally scraping against the ground) in order to climb up the vine. I ignore the chest for now and go all the way to the right, but the only thing there is a pillar I can push down for a shortcut.
-...Damn, that sliding down thing's seriously camouflaging against the cliff. I drop down it and push the crate down and to the left so that I can climb back up. The Disk Axe's a nice power boost for Felix, too. Going down the stairs is tantamount to the suicide equivalent of getting caught, so I go up a screen using the cliff on the right instead. I wonder if I can Mind Read these guards.
-Hmm. There's no border on that cliff edge, and the guard stands right below it... my Hitman senses are tingling. Time to cause some somehow-non-fatal blunt force trauma to the cranium.
-...Oh, he's just trapped there. Somehow, I am overwhelmed by a bigger sense of disappointment than the one my parents have whenever they see me. I do feel bad for the guy if he's claustrophobic, though, but... hey, Power Bread.
-There's a dog... which is probably not a good thing, since I'm guessing it's the guards' and it's gonna try and sniff me out. I could trap it in the screen above with the pillar to get the chest, but then I'll have to leave the screen, I think? Or I could trap it below, but miss the chest... or I could squish it. I go for getting the chest first and then going back a screen. It's... a Tear Stone. Says it's forgeable. There's a forging system in this game? Neat.
-Going down and going back up, I have mercy on the guard and don't trap him in the crate, and I box the dog in the lower area this time.
-...What the shit, I just got caught by someone I didn't even see. Let's try this again.
-Oh, I see, there's a guard at the veeeeeeery top of my screen on the left. I'll try hugging the right wall when trying to pass through, then. There's a cavern on the left... but it's empty except for a Smoke Bomb on the box. Yay. I don't think I've used a single one of my Smoke and Sleep Bombs yet.
-...Ah, shit, the dog's back out. I try Move and Pound on the box that's oh-so-surreptitiously marked with a bone icon, but nothing, and the dog rats me out. Let's try this again. Goddamnit.
-At least Felix gets to Level 17 while getting back to where we were. Still not over getting kicked out over a freaking Smoke Bomb. Anyways, this time I use Whirlwind on the foliage on the right and go on through to a cave.
-Aaaaah, seeing Sheba one-shot two Pixies with Storm Ray is just... *chef's kiss*
-Gotta say, the Assassin enemy did not age well into current times. Jenna seems to like murdering somewhat-problematic humanoid monsters though, because she levels up to 17.
-Ugh, I see a Jupiter Djinni... but I don't think I can get it just yet - at least, not until the guards are gone. Judging by a puddle I see while going down the stairs, I probably need Piers to get to it anyways.
-Right before leaving the mountains, a new enemy shows up: the Dirge, that doesn't get to do anything before eating lightning. And we're out of the mountains!
-oh god I think I got stuck
-Okay, no, never mind, thank fuck I haven't saved since Naribwe like a dumbass. I thought I'd gotten stuck between the left-most part of the mountains and the river, but no, I was able to squeeze through after a bit.
-...The screen's getting dark. Moving to the left makes it go light again, so after some confusion I think that it's an in-game thing? Weird. Approaching what I'm assuming is the Kibombo's home, and... wow, what's that vaguely humanoid... thing I see in the world map sprite?
-Kibombo. You know, I didn't think that Kibombo was their actual city's name, but cool. Lots of drums and beats in the theme, which makes sense since they're doing a ritual or something. Hopefully this section isn't too racist, haha...
-Seems like all the stores and houses are closed atm. I find some Lucky Pepper and the party decides to leave it behind due to not having enough space in the inventory, but I say "fuck that" and give the Power Bread from earlier to Sheba. The Lucky Pepper goes to Felix because his luck is still pretty crap and he's the protag. I still don't know what Luck even does, btw.
-A lady beside the Lucky Pepper urn talks and thinks about the Great Gabomba opening its mouth to recognize Akafubu's strength. You know, he could just place a hot plate of pizza or something; I'm sure anyone would be down to eat that. Maybe some without cheese if the Great Gabomba's a vegan.
-The inn being closed is... hmmmmmmmmm. I also wonder why literally none of the citizens are worried an obvious stranger is wandering around the town during a very important sacred ritual while the guards are on high alert. Talking to them more, it seems like Akafubu's tried to be recognized before quite a few times. He also changed after the previous witch doctor died, and he's now using a new gem. Might be one of those that fell from the sky (are they talking about Psynergy Stones? Don't remember them ever dropping from the sky though) that made the monsters stronger that someone in Naribwe mentioned.
-...Oh, oh - right, the lady's thoughts tell me that he's using the Black Orb. Makes sense.
-Right, uh, seems like the Great Gabomba, whatever that is (the humanoid thing, or an actual living animal maybe?), opens its mouth when it's pleased with the offering and has red eyes and spits out fire when it's not. Also, Akafubu's an ass, as if literally raiding a town didn't tell us that. Also, a man says that he's confident that Akafubu will succeed but thinks that he probably won't after so many failures, heh. Someone's thinking about climbing the posts, so... time to get some splinters.
-Aha, found a Lash rope! ...Aaaaand accidentally left Kibombo while getting to it. Getting back in and actually climbing up the cliff, I find the priest from the unspecified-totally-not-representative-of-the-Western-Christian-church experiencing some culture shock. It's nice that the revival option's still available, but having the opportunity to heal in an inn or something akin to that would be really appreciated.
-...Well, I have no Frost to get to the other side by jumping, so I guess I can climb the vine down and see how that goes? Seems like Akafubu's got his own angsty reasons to be the way he is. I do have to admit, though, that I'm a bit lost as to what to do now. Let's experiment.
-...Aaaaaah, okay - I actually jumped onto the roof of the house. Okay. Sweet. Time to go up.
-Ugh, only Kraden coming out cannot mean a good thing. Ever. Also... okay, I think the Great Gabomba is that big humanoid statue from earlier. I can't see us stealing the Black Orb without first fighting the entirety of Akafubu's guards, but... let's see how it goes.
-Oh, shit, it's Piers! Hey, Piers! Hey! The girls get a bit mad at him, and Piers does the whole aloof routine ("Exactly when did I ask you for your help?", oh boy) before being told by Akafubu to shut up. You know, they could at least put a few bushes on the edge of the cliff to at least give everyone some cover and an excuse for not being spotted.
-Seems like Akafubu's got Psynergy, huh. Is that Lift from the first game? Gabomba opens its eyes but then goes back to snooze, which doesn't bode well for Akafubu's success.
-Piers angsts a bit, but Felix helps him out by using Move. Gotta say, the most inspirational line so far in the game has been Piers saying "?!?" because that's literally me, like, 30% of the time. Dunderhead Piers only notices now that we're Adepts even after being mind-probed by Sheba at least three or four times, and Jenna somehow doesn't know that he was an Adept even after we watched him freeze the puddle back in Madra. Seems like everyone in Lemuria (that's... where he comes from, right?) is an Adept, a la Vale and Garoh.
-Oh, god, Babi? I remember that guy - I remember him being kind of an asshole. Surprised Sheba hasn't gotten angry or anything, because iirc he was the guy that imprisoned her? I think it was so that the people of Lalivero worked on the Babi Lighthouse he was trying to build or something? It's been a while.
-Wait, Babi sent Kraden to Vale? But he was already a pretty well-established figure in Vale in the first game, iirc? Well, I don't think he was there during the beginning part where Isaac and Garet get their asses kicked by Saturos and Menardi, but still. Plot-twist! Might explain why Kraden's the way he is too, heheh. And Babi turns out to be a thief that stole a ship... wow. So the ship Isaac, Garet, Ivan and Mia (and wow, it's been a while since I've typed out Mia's name) are sailing on right now that was given to them by Babi via Iodem was actually the one he stole from Lemuria... I see. Also, typo: Kraden says ("same Babi who know leads the people of Tolbi")
-Seems like he wanted to get back to Lemuria, though - but it's pretty difficult, according to Piers. He also says that only Adepts can use the Black Orbs, so that makes sense. He then tries to leave to get the orb... but Kraden, of all people, stops him. Ugh, I can't believe I partially owe Kraden for getting Piers in our party - hell, his motives are half-for a practical tyrant and half-100% selfish. Jenna and Sheba are a bit more level-headed, and... PIERS JOINED THE PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
-All right, first off it really sucks that I can't buy any equipment for him atm. I give him the Storm Brand Felix had lying on his inventory, but I don't have anything else.
-...Ahaha, I spoke too soon regarding the mono-elemental classes. 5 Mercury and 2 Venus does not lead to a very well-balanced party, so... yeah, Felix is still stuck as a Tamer. I haven't had Jenna as her mono-elemental class since literally Kandorean Temple or wherever it was where you first got the Mysterious Card, so I'm very excited to see what she can do now.
-Looking at Piers... holy shit, his health is obscene. His Attack and Defense are pretty good too, and his Luck seems high? His PP's far from bad either. He's slow, though, which kinda sucks - but still, four characters are definitely better than three. With a new friend and two new Djinn by our side, we press on forwards!
-Well, using Scoop on the conspicious marking lead to a staircase, and the other four to four arrows pointing at the center. Reveal doesn't seem to do anything, though, so I decide to go down the stairs.
-...Huh, I'm inside the Gabomba statue? It seemed smaller than this outside, but this is pretty cool, actually. Wonder if I can mess with Akafubu somehow inside here? Maybe influence the statue opening its eyes or not? I walk around some wind turbines (windmills? gears? fans?) and fight some monsters, one of which is a Salamander - it probably felt betrayed that I'd even considered abandoning the Tamer class, haha. The two fans lock us in, and we go up into a maze.
-Treasure chest's a Mimic, oh joy. Jenna seems to have the exact same Psynergy she had all the way back, which is disappointing, but she can steal lay down the pain... except even after she gets boosted damage by type effectiveness and with an Impact, Piers' Diamond Dust does more damage than her Fume. Huh. The Mimic dies without any casualties other than my certainty that making Jenna mono-elemental again was a good idea. The other chest has a Bone Armlet, which promptly goes on Sheba. Going up!
-Seems like Lash's gonna be used quite a bit. The Salamander's Fire Breath takes out nearly half of Sheba's total HP, oh boy. I see a Venus Djinni upstairs, but I can't quite get to it at the moment due to all the gears. Felix levels up to 18, and I'm pretty sure that this team is gonna stomp Isaac's if they ever meet because I'm not quite sure that my Golden Sun party was even double this level at the endgame. I forget you can jump gaps for a moment because durrrrrrr, but I remember eventually and go through all the gears - which you can ride on, neat! Nothing to do but go upstairs again, I think.
-...Oh, wow, this is a lot of gears. Nothing I can do upstairs, so let's go to the left. Jenna gets a new spell upon reaching Level 18, which gives me hope. Who knows, maybe she won't go back to Pierrot just yet.
-Well. Thanks for that tip, rat. Wouldn't have known what to do otherwise. Nothing on the left, I think, so I follow what it does, and go to the right. Doesn't seem like I can go back, though.
-Doomsayers are... kinda puny. Bone Fighters, too. And Spirits. Jenna's new spell is damn good, though, and Sheba learns Tornado as she gets to Level 18, so all is well. The left route after going down a few staircases only has an Elixir (yayyyy), so I go down the right and pound the right side of the gear. ...Buuuut I can't reach the left. Was I supposed to have pounded that thing beforehand? Welp.
-ugh Sheba why are you more fragile than my grandma's chinaaaaa
-Jesus fucking Christ, the moment I let a Doomsayer get a single attack off it manages to deal a huge chunk of damage to Felix, Jenna and Sheba. Nevermind not puny don't hurt me please I beg
-It's at this point that I decide "screw it, Sour's effect as a Djinni sucks and the Tamer class sucks" and decide to have Felix be a Knight with 2 Venus Djinni. Way more convenient access to Cure, for one.
-oh my god I literally could do the exact same route I did to get here but backwards, why didn't I think of that before coming back up? I also forgot that you can literally jump across one-tile gaps, goddamnit. Eventually, though, I manage to pound the other pillar... let's see what I can do now.
-Oh, everything's rotating backwards now? I see.
-Bone Fighters have used Undead Sword 5 times so far, and 5/5 have been on Felix, who loses atbout 15 hitpoints. Why?
-Goddamn, Jenna and Sheba's magic can fuck shit up. Piers gets to level 19 after they Tornado some Doomsayers' ashes off into the abyss.
-I go back down to see if I can reach the Djinni now, but no dice, it seems. Though the fact that there's only one big red gear spinning into the abyss rather than two like above is a bit odd. Might as well try and ride them and see what happens - I'll try the right one from the floor above the Djinni first.
-...Goddamnit, Felix, you couldn't have aimed juuuuust a little to the side or above, huh. Welp, seems like dropping down the right one did squat. Time to backtrack. Thinking about it, this must be the Djinni the fortune teller was talking about. Pretty sure this Great Gabomba counts as a sacred cavern. Felix levels up to 19 while I backtrack.
-Down the left gear we go... and there we are. The Djinni isn't coming without a fight, as usual, and a battle ensues. You know, I remember Djinn fleeing way more in the first game, so I'm glad that they removed/cut down on that here. Jenna levels up to 19 after the Djinni gets taken down in a couple of turns, and Felix adds Steel's power to his arsenal. Time to lash out of that space, and since I can't actually ride on the red gear on this floor, it's time to go... upstairs twice, I'm guessing?
-All right, we can pass through the turbines/windmill things/whatever now, and upstairs, there's... a mini-Gabomba statue? Interacting with it or the machine opposite it doesn't do anything, so I guess it's time to head on upstairs again. Jeez, this Great Gabomba statue is tall.
-Oh, hey, a story cutscene. We're behind the Gabomba's eyes now, which is kinda sorta freaky. Well, seems like the wires inside the statue's head have gone all flipped out - though to be honest I'm pretty curious how it manages to detect gems and activate that circuit thing in the first place. Psynergy sensors? Piers and Jenna sympathize over their mutual dislike of Akafubu, Kraden has a good idea for once, and it's time to get to work. Puzzle time.
-Welp, first time didn't go so well, but I think I've got the solution. Hopefully there isn't a limited number of tries before Akafubu gives up and we get a game over.
-Right, I get the solution the second try and spend the rest of the time running around to give a chance for Piers to recover his PP after so much Pounding ( Akafubu finally tries again.
-holy FUCK
-shit I did not need that close up at 3 am
-oh my god the tongue I'm dyinggggggggggg. I'm gonna have nightmares about this
-um. Okay, Akafubu gets all uppity and whatever and decides to enter the statue. Boss battle time? The heroes watch the Black Orb leisurely roll along the groove like it's a freaking bowling ball in the gutter and don't move a single muscle to try and nab it before it disappears. Cutscene incompetence... what a drug.
-Anyways, Akafubu gets in and Jenna drags him over to the circuit room before his head can explode from all the braggadocio. Everyone catches up, and Akafubu says he might be able to retrieve the orb. I fully don't expect him to give it up without a fight, but everyone else claims otherwise so, sure. We go down a long hallway to... an elevator, okay. Reminds me of a reverse Sinnoh Pokemon League - down instead of up.
-We try to interact with the Black Orb only to suddenly get creepy-ass music and a telepathic message from the statue. He gets a sweet new touch to his outfit, and the guy's so ecstatic that he runs out of there before even getting the final prize. That's on him for not knowing the basic rule of RPGs - never ever leave a room until you've fully explored every nook and cranny! The statue even calls him a "hasty fool", which is about the most eloquently-put a roast could be given. The chest flies up and away before we can even nab it, which... well, too bad.
-Eyyyy, Kraden's greed and self-interest strikes again (I swear I don't even plan on being an ass to him, it just slips out), and technically I guess we could try and claim that power before the witch doctor, but I'm not too sure if it'd go over well. The statue tells us about five times that we tell Akafubu that he's an immature man-child that'll never be ready to mature and will forever languish as an irrelevant nothing unless he gets his shit together, which is... kinda harsh.
-And with those parting words and a new staircase unlocked, we finally get the Black Crystal back! After a quick timeskip, Akafubu continues acting like an immature man-child that'll never be ready to mature and will forever languish as an irrelevant nothing. Shame. Let's see how he progresses throughout the game.
-Well, I think that's enough for today. Quite a lot was done - we finally got our Mercury Adept, after all, which means that we could probably revisit quite a few areas and nab some items! Everyone's Level 19 except for Sheba's who's Level 18, and everyone's in their mono-elemental classes. Right now I have 3 Djinn of each element except Mercury: I've got 5 Mercury Djinn, damn. The Gabombo Statue was pretty interesting, but god I also struggled with Lumpa (I think that's what it was called?) quite a bit so I guess it makes sense that the mountains weren't exactly a walk in the park. Surprised there was no boss fight most of all, actually.
Stealth missions in non-stealth games are just... man.
submitted by quiter2812 to GoldenSun [link] [comments]

Curse of Strahd with an unexplained ending.

I've been listening to a few of these stories on YouTube through CritCrab, and wanted to share my experience of a Curse of Strahd Campaign my housemate ran earlier this year.
I played in this campaign as a pretty well min-maxxed Paladin. The GM actually suggested we should try to min-max our builds, and we were all experienced enough players to know that he intended to make it a challenging campaign.
Most of the campaign went really well; NPC's were fun to talk to, PC's worked well together, the plot was engaging and well presented, and I made a ton of notes along the way (which I don't normally do), and the GM had put a tremendous amount of effort in to running it... but near the end it was clear the GM was getting a bit bored and was rushing it, which was a shame because he'd been doing really well for the most part.
He railroaded us a little bit when we explored the final castle, and we ended up going straight down to the crypt rather than exploring properly (though to be fair, that was kind of our plan anyway despite the loose-ends of a few sub-plots being upstairs)... and that's when things went really South really quick. He blocked me, rules-lawyered me, and changed rules to suit himself at every opportunity, and left me literally unable to do anything in the final showdown with Strahd except take full dash action after full dash action in a vain attempt to engage him. I stopped paying too much attention to the game at this point because it was becoming clear I wasn't being allowed to be particularly effective.
Now don't get me wrong, I realised that a level 10 Pally in full-plate with a +1 shield and the Sunsword is a *big* threat to Strahd, so I expected to be targeted by Strahd (I'd statted my Pally with the idea of engaging and tanking a boss whilst others do damage), but it was the way in which the GM did it that made it clear there was something meta going on outside of the game. The GM actually seemed to be revelling in making my evening as crap as possible.
Eventually one of my party members managed to railroad Strahd in my direction, dice were rolled, pieces were moved on the map, it was my turn and I finally had a chance to catch up to him. I noticeably put my phone down, sat up in my chair, and started visibly paying more attention to what was going on... at which point the GM retconned what just happened (citing Strahd's legendary actions) rendering it null and void, and I was back to chasing Strahd around the map again.
I pretty much just mentally checked out at that point. I went for a toilet break, went and chatted with another player's girlfriend in the kitchen, and any time it was my turn I just shouted "full dash move towards Strahd" and carried on chatting. I was actually sorely tempted to disappear out the back door and just go home, except that I'd promised lifts to some of the other players (including my housemate) and I figured that was a massive dick-move.
Eventually Strahd was vanquished, everyone else had a great time and encouraged the GM to run something else at a later date, and I just kept quiet and vowed to myself never to play in one of his games again.
The weird thing about all this is I get on with my housemate. There was no suggestion of animosity before or since, although I think he knows I straight up didn't have a good time because he didn't ask me about how I thought it went after the game like he usually did... in fact he's not spoken a word to me about that evening since. I know the other players enjoyed their evening and I haven't brought it up myself, so it's just going to be one of life's mysteries as to what brought on his attitude shift towards me that night.
submitted by MinisterofHeresy to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

Give me an undeserving bad grade on a project... Enjoy my final exam

Note im on mobile so excuse any formatting issues or weird words. I am using voice to text
I was sitting around listening to stories on YouTube from malicious compliance and a story from my high school years seemed that it might fit. Note that this was over 10 years ago.
I was in grade 11 and I was taking a class that had basic web design. At the beginning of the year things were fine. Until about Midway where the teacher seemed to be going through some personal issues and would Mark us even more harshly than before. I was usually getting straight 85% to 90% and now i am barley getting 60%. I even asked my fellow classmates if they thought I deserve that grade and no one agreed.
So we're getting close to Summer and our final exam was coming up (worth 30% of our final grade). And the project we had to do was to create a company and sell a board game. He handed out his check list of things that are needed and added at the bottom that 'if we can play the game in class with others he would give us extra Points. Me being a teenager at the time decided it's time for some malicious compliance.
I spent two weeks meticulously putting this website together ( I think we were using Adobe Dreamweaver at the time). I had a big flashy intro that I made in Flash and I even had the website in different languages (wasn't asked but i added it for flair)
The game I decided to make.for this was very unique I called it 'are you board yet'. Inside this game was a single board with 10 spaces, two sorry tokens, and a single dice. The object of the game was if you can roll the same number 10 times in a row you get a point the first one to 10 points wins. However if you can't you lose a point and go back down to the bottom.
So around this time I got sick and I had to miss about two to three weeks of school. This means I had to miss the presentation date. However I had gotten a doctor's note and a note from the hospital stating that I had to miss due to illness. All my other classes allowed me to make up the exams and I had to give my presentation to the teacher. So I stand up in front of the empty class and I start giving my presentation and all things are going well. At the end of it he says thank you for your time and starts to walk me out. I say hold on teacher according to your rules we must play a game if I want extra marks. You could see the 'oh crap look in his eyes. Note that the teacher put that in there because he wanted it to be played with other students but since there was no other students left in the class he was forced to play it with me. I sat there for a good 45 minutes (he didnt wanna stop and i wasn't gonna stop him) playing this game, none of us being able to score a point. Frustrated he turns to me and says 'I'll give you bonus marks if you just say we completed the game'. I agreed and went my way. About two weeks later we go back in to get our final marks and see how he did. To my shock and smile I had received 105% on the exam
I like to believe he stopped being so grouchy with his markings afterwards.
submitted by jemas3289 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

Preston Bolden-found murdered near railroad tracks in San Antonio, Texas on May 8, 1953-Closed Case Under the Civil Rights Division Emmett Till Act

21 year old Preston Bolden's body was found near railroad tracks in the vicinity of 419 Nolan near the 600 block of North Walnut Street in San Antonio, Texas on May 8, 1953 around 6:00 a.m. Preston's body was found by [name redacted in the Department of Justice's closing memorandum] who was walking along the railroad tracks that morning and saw Preston's body laying between the tracks with his head pointing west and wearing a shoe only on his right foot. Thinking Preston was asleep at first, [name redacted] tried to wake Preston but then noticed he was dead so [name redacted] used a neighbor's phone to call the police. The memorandum noted that [Name redacted] was not acquainted with Preston.
Two officers [both names redacted] arrived at the scene and filed a report. They found Preston without a hat and on his back near the Southern Pacific Railway tracks. Preston's left two-tone brown and white shoe was missing and his shirt was pulled up. The officers noted that Preston had been struck in the front of the head as his face was covered with blood. They found a pair of dice and $2.30 in cash in Preston's pockets which led them to believe robbery was not the motive. Other witnesses in the area reported hearing an argument in the area but an investigation later showed that the participants in the argument were in no way related to the circumstances surrounding Preston's death. Another officer, whose name was redacted, reported that he saw an old model Plymouth with a canvas top near the railroad tracks around 3:30 a.m.
Justice of the Peace M.D. Buck Jones ruled that the cause of death was "murder at the hands of some person or persons unknown.” According to the police report, Dr. G.D. Boyd said Preston's neck was broken at the third vertebra and an autopsy found that Bolden’s spine was severed at the base of the skull by a blunt instrument. The autopsy also noted that Preston died at about 2:30 that morning.
1953 San Antonio Investigation:
The San Antonio Police Department along with the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office investigated Preston's murder. Several witnesses who were acquainted with Preston told police that Preston, nicknamed Mullins, was in the company of friends the night before and was gambling with them. Their description of the night before are summarized below but contains a number of redactions:
Interview No. 1: On the evening of May 7, an acquaintance, whose name was redacted, saw Preston being followed by several men who were asking him for money. The acquaintance believed Preston had won a craps game which is why the men were asking to borrow money. There was an ongoing conversation which the acquaintance joined where one of the men in the group suggested that another group member [name redacted] should ask Preston for money since Preston liked this man more than the others in the group. This group member, following the group's wishes, asked Preston to honor one of the other men's request for money; Preston suggested that the group member lend the 50 cents requested and Preston would repay the group member once he obtained change. The group eventually all stopped at Four Hour Cleaners where Preston pulled out a wad of money and straightened up the bills on the store's counter. Preston then gave his money to the group member so he could get change. The acquaintance then saw Preston get into someone's Dodge and drive north on Chestnut Street which is the last time the acquaintance saw Preston.
Interview No. 2: [Name redacted] was with the acquaintance in Account No. 1 when he saw Preston and a group of men on the street. Preston was in the lead followed by two men [both names redacted] who were asking him for money. [Name redacted] heard the men say they had been in a craps game and Preston had "broke the other two." Acquaintance No. 1 left [name redacted] to join the group. [Name redacted] then watched the group walk to the Four Hour Cleaners after which he did not see Preston again.
Interview No. 3: [Name redacted] was a woman who knew Preston for approximately a year. On the evening of May 7, she was asleep at home but was woken up by noise outside her home. She saw a group of men shooting dice outside and recognized Preston and five others plus two soldiers in uniform. She told the group to not gamble there or else she would call the police. After the game ended, she spoke to Preston who told her not to call the police because he "had broke the rest of the fellows and he pulled out a big handful of bills." She thought there were at least several hundred dollars in his hand. She then saw him go down the street with others and never saw him again. She learned of Preston's death the following morning.
Interview No. 4: [Name redacted] told investigators that Preston came to his shop, Four Hours Cleaners, around 6:15 to 6:30 the night before. 2 men [both names redacted] followed Preston to the doorstep of the cleaners and one of the men grabbed Preston by the wrist and tried to force Preston to go with him, saying “Come on man.” When one of the men tried to stop the other from forcing Preston to go, the other man then said "you have everything you need and you don’t want anybody else to make anything.” The two men then left Preston and Preston came inside the cleaners where he told [name redacted] that the others wanted his money but he "wasn't going to be fooled into letting them have his money." Preston wanted to buy a shirt and pants from [Name redacted]'s business but he did not have enough money partly because he owed his lawyer money. Preston then asked one of the men in his group for a ride so he could get some money that was owed to him. After 15 minutes, Preston returned to the cleaners but looked like he had had a “shot of something” because he was falling asleep. Preston did not buy the pants he originally wanted to purchase but picked up his dry cleaning. Preston stepped outside as the business was closing and [name redacted] alerted one of the men in Preston's group to look after him. Preston was then observed standing in the middle of the sidewalk but sound asleep. [Name redacted] closed his shop for the night and then drove home. He did not see Preston again.
Interview No. 5: Another acquaintance of Preston's, whose name was redacted, told investigators that between 4:30-5:00 p.m., he observed Preston and a group of men shoot dice in the kitchen of the E. Commerce Bar and Café for about one and a half hours. One of the men broke even but another lost $14 by the time the game ended. Some time after, [name redacted] saw Preston and others walk towards Chestnut Street so he followed them so he could play dice as well. After 5 minutes, the woman in Interview No. 3, yelled at the men to quit playing or she would call police. [Name redacted] determined he lost $3 as Preston walked away from the game. [Name redacted] then saw Preston standing alone at a taxi stand on E. Commerce Street and did not see him again afterwards.
According to the police report, the men interviewed were booked on a vagrancy hold and one was scheduled to take a polygraph test. Due to the number of redactions, it is hard to determine which men were booked or scheduled for the polygraph test. No further information was provided about the results of the polygraph test or any further developments about the investigation.
2009 Federal Investigation:
In 2009, the FBI initiated a review of Carrie's death pursuant to the Department of Justice's Cold Case Initiative and the Emmett Till Civil Rights Crime Act of 2007. The initiative sought to investigate violations of criminal civil rights statutes that occurred no later than December 31, 1969 and resulted in death. As part of its investigation, the FBI looked at contemporary newspaper articles concerning Preston's murder along with records from the Homicide Unit of the San Antonio Police Department. The FBI also contacted the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office, the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety but none of the agencies had any records on Preston. The FBI also posted public notices on the internet and other media seeking witnesses as well as relatives but no one has responded.
Four newspaper articles from the San Antonio Express provided information not reflected in police reports. Police Lieutenant W.J. Robitsch theorized that Preston had been beaten somewhere else and then transported in a car to the railroad tracks, where his body was dumped on the ground. According to one article, an “old model car” had been parked at approximately the spot where the body was found at about 3:30 a.m., and tire marks were observed near the body. Two of the articles referred to Preston as a part-time narcotics informer for the police. One article says the police arrested an unnamed suspect within an hour after Preston's body was found. The suspect reportedly heard Preston giving information to Lieutenant Robitsch.
Another article quotes Police Chief Joe Hester who said that Preston operated an “unusual racket” in that he sold keys to “gullible and amorous servicemen that would supposedly unlock doors behind which eager women were waiting." Chief Hester said the keys were “junk" and theorized that one of Preston's “suckers tracked him down” and murdered him. Police Lieutenant [name redacted] noted in one of the articles that other than the broken neck, there were no other marks on Preston.
The FBI located the former Police Lieutenant whose name was redacted but he was unable to recall Preston's murder. The FBI determined that Lieutenant Robitsch died in 1986. It is unclear if the FBI was able to find Chief Hester or interview him.
The Department of Justice closed Preston's case as there was insufficient evidence to establish that Preston's death was a racially-motivated homicide. Accordingly, the FBI declined to investigate further.
Preston's murder remains unsolved.
Department of Justice: Preston Bolden-Notice to Close File
Digital Journal: November 19, 2009-FBI Continues to Probe Civil Rights-Era Racial Murders
I came across the Department of Justice’s cold case initiative (Emmett Till Civil Rights Act) while reading an article discussing journalists’ efforts to install a billboard on an Arkansas highway aimed at solving the 1954 lynching of Isadore Banks. The Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice launched a website (linked above) to make information about the department’s investigation of cold cases from the Civil Rights Era more accessible to the public. As a result of the initiative, the Department of Justice has prosecuted and convicted Edgar Ray Killen for the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi (the "Mississippi Burning" case); he is the eighth defendant convicted. The Department has also been able to charge and convict perpetrators of the 1963 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama and secured a life sentence for James Ford Seale for the kidnapping and murder of two teenagers in Franklin County, Mississippi in 1964.
Unfortunately, many cases which were submitted to the Department of Justice remain unsolved due to the passage of time resulting in evidentiary and legal barriers. In each case that is not prosecutable, the Department of Justice wrote a closing memorandum explaining the investigative steps taken and the basis for their conclusion. To date, the Department of Justice has uploaded 115 closing memos. I hope to be able to post on all of the closed cases as I share in the belief with the Department of Justice that “these stories should be told [as] there is value in a public reckoning with the history of racial violence and the complicity of government officials.”
Other posts from the Department of Justice's Cold Case Initiative:
1. Isadore Banks-unsolved murder in Marion, Arkansas-June 1954
2. Willie Joe Sanford-unsolved murder in Hawkinsville, Georgia-March 1957
3. Ann Thomas-unsolved murder in San Antonio, Texas-April 1969
4. Thad Christian-murdered on August 30, 1965 in Central City, Alabama
5. Silas Caston-killed on March 1, 1964 by a Hinds County Sheriff’s Office Deputy in Jackson, Mississippi
6. Clifford "Clifton" Walker-unsolved murder in Woodville, Mississippi-February 1964
7. Jasper Greenwood- his badly decomposed body was found in Vicksburg, Mississippi in June 1964
8. Mattie Greene- killed in a bomb explosion in Ringgold, Georgia on May 19, 1960
9. Samuel O'Quinn-unsolved murder in Centreville, Mississippi-August 1959
10. Ladislado Ureste-unsolved murder in San Antonio, Texas-April 1953
11. Carrie Brumfield-unsolved murder in Franklinton, Louisiana-September 1967
submitted by trifletruffles to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Respect Cosmo and Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)

Cosmo and Wanda are the magical Fairy God Parents of the 10 year old kid Timmy Turner. They exist mainly to grant his every wish.
Magic/Reality Warping
Portal Creation
Causality Manipulation
Time Manipulation
Time Travel
Mind Manipulation/Memory Manipulation
Empathic Manipulation/Morality Manipulation
Illusion Creation, Perception/Fear Manipulation
Biological Manipulation
Age Manipulation
Energy Projection/Manipulation/Deconstruction
Explosion Manipulation
Forcefield Creation
Martial Arts/Acrobatics
Size Manipulation
Power Nullification
Power Bestowal
Data/Technological/Information/Text Manipulation
Soul Manipulation
Sound Manipulation
Life Manipulation
Spatial Manipulation
Body Puppetry/Damage Transfer
Dream Manipulation
Magma Manipulation
Water Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Fire Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Ice Manipulation
Plant Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Weather Manipulation
Status Effect Inducement
Statistics Amplification/Empowerment
Statistical Reduction
Physical/Conceptual/Gravity Manipulation
Disease Manipulation
Hair Manipulation
Attack Reflection
Probability Manipulation
Mathematics Manipulation
Matter Manipulation
Sleep Inducement
Immersion/Subjective Reality
Law Manipulation
Existence Erasure
Cloth Manipulation
Death Manipulation
Inorganic Physiology
Vector Manipulation
Adaptation/Reactive Evolution
Anti Feats
"Hey Timmy! I'm Cosmo! I'm Wanda! And we're your Fairly Godparents!"
submitted by Unhappy_Veterinarian to WhoWouldWinWorkshop [link] [comments]

crap dice game rules video

How to Play Craps for Beginners - YouTube Craps - YouTube How to bet on dice in Crap Game Hollywood Dice (Any 7 and C&E) How to Play Craps - Casino Craps Rules - YouTube How To Play Craps - YouTube Craps: How to Play and How to Win - Part 1 - with Casino ...

Dice were brought to the New World by explorers and settlers and the game evolved and changed somewhat from that played in sophisticated French casinos. In New Orleans in 1813, Bernard de Mandeville adapted Hazard into the game of Private Craps which ultimately became quite popular on Mississippi River Boats and in gambling halls across the country. There was a slight problem with Private Simplified Craps. In this game a player puts up his wager against the banker, rolls two dice, and simply wins if he throws either 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 or 12 and loses if Craps Rules for Shooting Dice. The player must use only one hand when throwing the dice. Do not hold the dice under the table. Keep them in the line of sight of dealers and other players. The dice must hit the wall on the other side of the table when throwing the dice. Craps Rules may look complex to the uneducated eye. Here we simplify the three dice game and teach you how to play Craps properly. Visit CT10 for info. The shooter's first roll of the dice is known as the come-out roll and he wins if he throws 7 or 11 (known as a natural) and loses if he throws a 2, 3, or 12 (known as craps). Any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) is known as the shooter's point and the shooter continues to roll the dice until he either rolls his point number again or he rolls a 7. If the shooter rolls his point number before a 7, he wins. If the shooter rolls a 7 before his point number, he loses. Once the round is The rules of craps dealers. In online casino Craps, you’ll have one dealer at the table. The dealer will be responsible for collecting the dice, loading the throwing arm, and placing the marker. Since the dealer in Craps only assists the game, much like a roulette dealer, there are no specific rules they have to adhere to. They simply follow the Craps rules as the game progresses. Most casinos will require that the shooter place a bet before making this roll on either the pass line or the don’t pass line. If the combined value of the two dice on a come-out roll equals 2, 3, or 12, then this is “crapping out” and the round is over. Players will lose pass line bets and win don’t pass bets. Damaged dice produce unpredictable outcomes, and unlike the players, casinos are not betting their financial fortunes on chance. The stickman inspects the dice after each use, the dice usually being retired after eight hours of gameplay. Rules for Dice Handling. Certain rules also govern the way dice are handled at a casino craps table. The stickman presents a selection of dice–usually five–from which the player selects two. The stickman then retrieves the unselected dice with the stick We've collected the rules to many classic dice and card games, and most don't require anything more than a few dice or a deck of cards. Dice Games. Bunco. A dice game and social activity for large groups. Number of players: 8 or more Equipment required: Six or more 6-sided dice; Pencils and paper. Beetle. A simple but creative dice game of rolling and drawing. Number of players: 2 or more Dice games are criminally under-appreciated. Shooting dice, also known as street craps, is a slightly simplified version of traditional Casino Craps, and is a classic hustle. You can also learn to play Mexican drinking dice, Farkle, and other games that only require you to know a few rules and get a few dice in a cup.

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How to Play Craps for Beginners - YouTube

How to bet on dice in Crap Game castro vegas. Loading... Unsubscribe from castro vegas? ... THE 20 WINNING RULES OF CRAPS - A UNIQUE STRATEGY FOR CRAPS - Duration: 9:48. $5 Yo 177,812 views. 9:48 ... THE 20 WINNING RULES OF CRAPS - A UNIQUE STRATEGY FOR CRAPS by $5 Yo. 9:48 [Private video] Dice Control: Grip Basics by koganinja777. 11:37. Craps Dice Control: How To Throw The Dice by Dangerous ... This is a video walkthrough on how the game of craps is played. In the video I go over what you will see on a normal craps table, the odds, and basic termino... How to Play Craps is a beginner craps video I made with my son. This was his very first time playing craps and he had a lot of good questions. Hopefully as y... "Crap Game" by Richard Pryor, from his stand-up album- "Craps". all the basics behind how to play craps. From being the shooter to placing bets and their payoffs, these visual instruct... How to play craps and how to win is explained by casino gambling expert, Steve Bourie, in this first part of a three-part series. Topics covered include: how... Hollywood Dice/Any 7 and C&E. HOW TO ROLL 35+ TIMES! - Live Craps Game #39 - Palms Casino, Las Vegas, NV - Inside the Casino - Duration: 22:41. Inside the Casino 125,026 views

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