Can you grow a Cocoa tree in Florida? - Answers

can cacao trees grow in florida

can cacao trees grow in florida - win

Plant Based Supplements & their benifits

Note: I am still editing this post*

⚠ Contaminated products warning ⚠

The country of China in known to import herbs & other products into the United States Of America & other countries that are contaminated with chemical toxins & or heavy metals with absolute disregard of human health & safety. For this reason it is best to avoid all herbal supplements grown or packaged in china even if they are certified organic. Even some products(toys) sold for children that are sourced from China have been found to be highly toxic. These products should not be accepted into your home or into your body.

⚠ Prescription Medication Warning: ⚠

Make sure that If you are taking any prescription medications to check with your docter to see if any of the herbs you take or are considering taking could interact with your prescription medications.

Buying certified organic products

It is best to buy all these herbs with organic certification to reduce your exposure to pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. Look for the certification seal on products as well as the name of the group who has certified it as organic & confirm that the group that certified it is legitimate.

Plant Based Supplements:

This is a list of some plant based supplements made from fruit, vegetables, herbs, seeds, barks & roots.
These supplements listed are anti-inflammatory.

Hormonal Support Supplements:


Ashwaganda Root:

Ashwaganda is a root that contains withanaloids that:

Where to purchase:

It can be purchased online & in local stores. It is easier to find & to purchase from online retailers.

Forms of use:

It can be purchased in the form of capsules, a powder or a alcohol / glycerin tincher extract.

Recommend dosage:

Take it daily for 2 to 4 weeks at 1/3 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then take a break for 1 -2 weeks. Then repeat. Best used 3 times a day, 1/3 TsP once in the morning, 1/3 TsP afternoon, 1/3 TsP one dose at night.
Start small when starting to consume ashwaganda at about 1/3 of a teaspoon of ashwaganda powder in glass of water or mixed into raw honey or in a smoothie.

Maca Root:

Maca root powder is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes. It has been claimed to help you gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance. Also, some animal studies indicate that it enhances endurance performance


Heart & Circulation supplements:


Hawthorne berry:

Hawthorne berry strengthens the heart!
Hawthorne berry may help people with heart failure
Good for the heart & circulation

Raw Cacao: ( Raw Chocolate )

⚠ Cacao is a natural stimulant, because it contains caffine & theobromine. So if you are trying to avoid all stimulants then avoid this supplement. ⚠
Cacao is the raw unroasted form of Cocoa. Raw chocolate or cacao grows as a fruit on a tree in a pod & that contains large seeds/ beans inside its hard outer shell.
The seeds are used to make cacao nibs & powder. Cacao is made into cocoa through a process of aklilization & roasting.
  • Cacao is a food that is rich in the mineral magnesium.
  • The human body uses magnesium to preform 300 different tasks.
  • Supports heart health , blood circulation & Improves mood
  • May help Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Thyroid Support Supplements:


Kelp powder or capsules:

Iodine is a trace element required for the synthesis and function of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) thyroid hormones.
Kelp Contains iodine to support proper function of the thyroid gland. Foods that contain selenium also support the thyroid gland. Kelp contains both selenium & iodine.
Sea kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium.

Recommend dosage:

the FDA-recommended dosage for daily intake of iodine is 225 μg. One gram of powdered kelp contains approximately 200 μg of iodine.

Brazil nuts:

Eating Brazil nuts may reduce inflammation, support brain function, and improve your thyroid function and heart health.
Brazil nuts are and rich in healthy fats, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E.

Recommend dosage:

1 or 2 whole brazil nuts is equal to almost %100 of your daily value of selenium. Don't over consume selenium rich foods.

Whole Body Nutritional Support


Spirulina powder:

Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It also has essential amino acids. Protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.
Spirulina is so concentrated in vital nutrients that the human body needs that it is being used in africa to restore the health of people who are experiencing malnourishment.
Spirulinas amino acid profile:
leucine, tryptophane, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, thionine, isoleucine and valine
  • High in Chlorophyll which may help detoxification
  • A whole food that is high in protein
  • Contains high levels of vitamin A
  • Vitamin A supports your eye sight & skin
Avoid spirulina grown in China & Japan

Moringa Leaf Powder:

Moringa is a leaf that grows on the moringa oliferia tree. Moringa is being used in africa to restore the health of children who are malnourished.
Moringa is the healthiest plant on the earth in terms of the amount of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants & protien it contains in a small amounts of leaf powder
  • Moringa contains plant based protien
  • Moringa may help with weight loss
  • Moringa contains at least 42 anti-oxidants
  • Moringa contains at least 92 nutrients
  • Moringa contains anti inflammatory compounds
It can be purchased online or in local stores in the form of a powder, capsules, extract, teas.


Liver Support Supplements:


Whole beets, beetroot juice or whole beetroot powder:

  • Beet root helps detoxify the body & support liver health
Note: avoid beets and beet powders that are a "product of China" instead buy beet products grown in the usa or other countries.

Wheatgrass powder:

Helps support Glutathione (GSH) which is the bodys master anti-oxidant that recycles other antioxidants including vitamin- c, vitamin-e, CoQ-10 & ( ALA )alpha lipoic acid

Milk thistle Seed:

  • May help with liver obstruction
  • May support liver detoxification

Dandilion root powder:

Liver detoxification

Burdock root:

lymph node detoxification


Tumeric root that is orange in color. It has been used to make medicine & dyes for clothing in the past by certain cultures.
  • contains vitmains & minerals
  • natural pain reliever
  • anti inflammatory.
  • support Liver health
Note: Turmeric can be combined with black pepper to increase its absorption & potency.

Sleep & Anxiety Support Supplements:


Kava root:

Kava is a root that is commonly ground to a powder or paste & then kneeded or blended with water before it is filtered & consumed. The plants botanical name is piper methisticum & It is related to spice black peppercorns.
Kava root contains compounds called kavalactones. These kavalactones have strong anti-anxiety effects when consumed by human beings. The anti anxiety effects are comparable in strength to prescription anti-anxiety medications. This is why some news reports about Kava have called it "Natures Xanax".
Note: do not take kava if you have liver disorders.
Warning: Do not combine kava with alcohol or prescription medications. Combining kava with these things can make kava more likely to cause liver problems.

Valerian root:

Valerian is beneficial for men & women and also has a strong oder due to the compounds it contains.
Valerian has couponds that can act as a anti spasm agent. It also has compounds that act as a sedative. Valerian works by acting on GABA pathways.
Due to this it helps women with menstrual pain because it stops or lowers the amount of painfull spasms that are coming from the uterus.
  • Helps with general pains
  • Helps menstrual "Cramps"
  • Helps OCD
  • Helps anxiety
  • Encouraging sleep
  • Helps insomnia

Supplements for physical pain:


Kratom leaf powder:

( Mitragyna speciosa )
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, where it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the nineteenth century. Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.
Kratom is a leaf from a tree that acts as an opioid when consumed by human beings. It does this because it contains the (Alkaloids) Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine that bind to opioid receptors located in the brain & spinal cord. This herb can be used short term or long term to help manage serious physical pain. Due to the fact that this herb acts as an opioid there is a possibility of dependence or addiction but it can be useful & safe for severe physical pain if used properly.

Consuming kratom can lead to:

  • Reduced physical pain
  • Reduced depression
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced symptoms of opioid withdrawals
  • Reduced cravings for opioid medications

Kratom Legality Worldwide:

. . .

Kratom is illegal to buy, sell, possess or use in these states listed below.

Rhode Island

Kratom is legal, but may be regulated in the states listed below:

*KCPA = Kratom Consumers protection act
Arizona – KCPA passed
California – Outside San Diego, which banned it, kratom is legal in California
Colorado – Outside Denver, where it’s considered illegal for human consumption, kratom is legal in Colorado
Florida – Aside from being banned in Sarasota Country, kratom is legal in Florida
Georgia – KCPA passed
Illinois – Outside the city of Jerseyville, kratom is legal in Illinois for those over the age of 18
Mississippi – Outside Union County, which has banned the substance, kratom is legal to use in Mississippi
Nevada – KCPA passed
New Hampshire – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 18
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 21
Utah – KCPA passed
West Virginia

Outside of the United States, kratom laws also vary. In the following countries, kratom is illegal:

New Zealand (unless the person has a prescription from a doctor)
South Korea

⚠Herbal Drug Warning:

Do not take kratom leaf if you have a history of seizures because this herbal drug may cause seizures in people who are sensitive to opioids or other drugs.
Do not take kratom while you are consuming perscription medications (Drugs) or combine Kratom with prescription drugs. There are potentially drug interactions with this herb.

Wild lettus powder:(Lactuca virosa)

Lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa, usually from the base of the stems. It is known as lettuce opium because of its putative sedative and analgesic properties. It has also been reported to promote a mild sensation of euphoria.

Hemp seed hearts & cold pressed hemp seed oil (cannabis sativa)

These products are not illegal even though they come from the canabis sativa plant. It only has trace amounts of thc & cbd. You will not experience a high from these products but you will instead recive the benifits of consuming good fats ( omega 3 , omega 6 & GLA )
  • Hemp oil contains vitamin-e which is good for the heart & skin
  • These products will not make you fail a drug test
  • These hemp products are totally legal
  • Hemp products are anti-inflammatory
  • Hemp oil & seed contains omega 3, omega 6 & GLA
  • Hemp hearts and oil help can people with chronic pain

Usage tips:

  • USE IT RAW ( DO NOT HEAT HEMP OIL or seeds) The reason for that is when you cook any fat you oxidise it & reduce it beneficial properties. Same applys for extra virgin coconut & extra virgin oilve oil.
  • Use it daily in your foods: atop salads & smoothies

White willow bark:

Willow bark comes from the willow tree of the Salix species. The bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. Salicin is metabolized in the body to create salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin. The herbal extract has long been used in native and folk medicine to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever.
  • The natural form of asprin
  • used for pain

Noni Fruit Powder: (Pain killer tree) (cheesefruit)

Noni is a fruit from a tree called Morinda citrifolia. Noni may be beneficial for heath in the following ways.
  • Lowers exsessive inflammation
  • Helps your body produce endorphins that help reduce pain
  • Contains amino-acids that are the building blocks of protein.
    It can be purchased & consumed in the form of a whole fruit, juice, powder, capsules.


Contains xanthones they - May help lower pain - May help lower inflammation


  • support digestion
  • loweres exsessive inflammation
  • helps stop pain

Black seeds & black seed oil (Nigella sativa)

  • One of the strongest supplements for pain
  • helps to lower exsessive inflammation

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Contains vitamin e
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Protects the heart


Vitamin-c Supplements:


Amla berry: Least expensive

  • High in vitamin c which is involved in collagen production & repair in the human body. ( Skin, hair & nails )

Rose hips powder:

Rose hips powder is high in vitamin c

Camu berries:

  • High in Vitamin c: Supports skin, hair & nails

Acerola cherry: most expensive

  • High in Viamin c: supports skin, hair & nails

Digestive Supplements:

Neem Leaf Powder

Mint leafs or mint powder ( Pepper mint, Spearmint)

Beneficial for the digestive system & is cooling in taste due to its two main chemical (Menthol) & ( menthone ) which is used are manufacturing food products and in Menthol flavored cigarettes.


  • Reduce mild or severe nausea
  • act as a digestive aid (Before or after meals)
  • pain reliever
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Beneficial for arthritis of the hands & knees.

Marshmellow Root Powder:

  • Supports digestion

Licorice root powder:

  • May help support sleep
  • May Help anxiety & or stress
  • May help heal intestinal ulcers

Ceylon cinnamon:

Cinnamon is the bark from the cinimon verum tree. It is lower in cumarin which can be liver toxic if used in high amoints. Cassia cinnamon also has benifits but i would only recomend using it in small amounts daily.
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Supports digestion
  • acts as a anti-inflammatory
  • supports blood flow in the liver

Food Grade Aloe Vera leaf or juice:

  • Helps heartburn / Acid reflux
  • soothing to the throat, skin & intestinal tract.
  • soothing stomach & intestinal ulcers

Kidney support supplements:

chanca piedra:

Use this herb to help break apart kidney stones - drink it daily at about 1.0 -1.5 grams per dose 3 times a day for stones in the kidneys & gallbladder.

Gallbladder support supplements:

Celery seed powder:

Hydranga root powder:

Raw apple cider vinagar:

Use this diluted in a glass of water or orange juice for gallbladder pain

Spleen support supplment:

Organic Nutmeg Powder:
  • Nutneg is a potent pain reliever
  • when used in small amounts - quarter teaspoon- half a teaspoon.
in water or food NUTMEG supports the spleen.

Bone support supplements:

Red Tart cherry juice or whole red tart cherries:

Beneficial for people with arthritis & inflammation of joints.

Hair & skin support supplments:

Aloe vera (Topically)

-kills the bacteria that causes acne -Promotes new skin growth -Lowers skin inflammation -Heals skin discolorations - Anti bacterial & anti fungal

Rose water (Topically)

Lowers skin inflammation
Horsetail herb:

(Internally& Externally)

This herb is high in a natural silica. Horsetail is actually the most abundant source of silica in the plant world.

Brain support supplements:

Gotu Kola: (Centella asiatica)

. . .
submitted by WitchCitySalem to PlantBasedSupplements [link] [comments]

[Table] I Am A Production Manager For A Confectionary (Chocolates and snacks) Manufacturer: AMAA

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Date: 2013-01-27
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Questions Answers
What's the most disgusting thing that has ever happened during manufacturing? I remember an employee sneezing into a chocolate mixing tank. 3,000 lb @ $3.20/lb gone. Draining, cleaning, disenfecting, and Rabbi Koshering was another 28 hours.
Are you serious about the Rabbi Koshering, I am amazed that kind of practice would still be used today. In an assembly line/mass production based system I would think that sort of thing takes a back seat to speed and efficiency. Dead serious. To obtain Rabbinical Seal of approval, we follow their guidelines. The biggest reason is the Jewish market share.
I assume you took it out of his paycheck? Of course not. He came to us. We installed a sneeze guard at every operator area where he may come into contact with product.
How often is Koshering done? We deal with Paerve aspects so whenever we go from dairy to nondairy.
If/when something like this happens, is there ever pressure above to keep it quiet and carry on like nothing happened? And, I am so so glad you chucked it away! What happened to the person who sneezed? ... @ ~$288,000 ($100 per another answer you wrote about gross sales per production line) and $9600 in raw ingredients, it is a heck of a lot of money to lose (or was it just the $9600 of raw ingredients/no need to shut down a production line?) $9,600. The production was moved to the weekend so no labor loss. Overhead loss was probably about $4,500.
What's your opinion on this practice? We have to pay a rabi to come "bless" our factory once a year, seems very close to an extortion racket. Absolutely. The market share isn't worth it IMHO. They come in, say you need this insignia on your product or we tell everyone to avoid it. To get the insignia, you have us X amount, which is then spread to all customers. I try to buy as much non-Kosher as possible.
When the Rabbi comes in, does he actually do any checking of the equipment or is it really just a formality? Is there actually any service provided by paying a Rabbi to come in? We are actually under daily rabbinical supervision because of the protein line being NonKosher due to the type of protein used. They are there to ensure there is no cross contamination.
Many people with food allergies (e.g. dairy, shellfish, etc) and other dietary restrictions rely on kosher symbols too. Today I learned...I honestly didn't know that.
It's that idea of "we'll tell everyone to avoid it", it's what makes me think of it as extortion, is it worth it? I am told that 8% of the sales are from those who only eat Kosher. This makes it worth it financially.
As a kosher consumer, I really appreciate being able to tell if I can eat something or not. Why boycott something that's simply helpful to a portion of the US population? I believe it was just a ripoff.
Funniest moment on the job? We have a tank that feeds a tempering unit, then pipes over the chocolate to the molder. An employee was "pigging out the line". This is where they put a rubber plug in one end of the pipe and drive it through using air pressure. The other side was not opened. An employee went to open it when the pig gut stuck and chocolate exploded on him and the wall had a clear silhouette of him. Funniest thing I ever saw.
What was the temperature? Probably around 110.
What is your favorite candy? Do you have knowledge about candy that would probably shock the average consumer? What candy do you dislike? And if you had to eat a food (fully paid for and prepared) for an entire week, what would you choose, and why? The most shocking thing to me was the concern for allergens. If we run a product that contains peanuts and switch to one that does not, the line is down for an extremely detailed clean for 8-12 hours. In comparison, I worked at a beverage company where changeovers were 20 minutes, tops.
This is intriguing to me. I work at a grocery store and people often won't buy items that are made in a facility that processes something they are allergic to. What is the cleaning process like? Is it thorough enough that someone with a mild allergy shouldn't be concerned? Every part machine, part, belt that came into direct contact with the product and everything that contacted those contact surfaces get washed. All bins are color coded for allergens and replaced. Before a line is restarted, the quality department does 4 allergen protein swabs up and down the line. The line is not restarted unless all four show no trace of allergens.
Is that level of cleaning fairly standard in the industry? I believe so. Now whether the standards are followed is a guess. SQF and BRC certified products will have followed this.
I wish I knew which company you worked for. I have to be really careful with gluten in candy (celiac disease, very sensitive) and after I got glutened by a Snickers bar I can hardly trust any candy without it being certified gluten free. Have you ever had certified gluten free chocolate? It's no Snickers, let me tell you. No. The coatings for our fruit and nut lines are certified gluten free, but our chocolate is not.
Did I grow up or did every candybar I used to eat shrink by about 20-30% in the past decade? Our candy bars are sold based on weight. Instead of increasing price, many companies have opted to reduce size. Our bars remain the same, but we have had to increase prices. Continuous improvement has reduced those increases.
How costly would it be for the company if the factory stopped production for say 1 minute? Each production line loses approximately $11 in overhead and labor for every minute down and about $135 in gross sales.
how much has the process been improved in the 18 years you've been there? as in:what has changed, what has stayed the same, how many more candy can you produce now compared to then, etc... I've been with the company for 5 of my 18 years. The biggest improvements we made involved increasing the speeds of the line and increasing the yield. If we throw away the product for one minute of production, that is $115 in raw materials alone, making yield our most crucial Key Performance Indicator.
Do you pay the Oompa-Loompas? Would it surprise you if my first name is William?
You're dodging the question... I do not sign any checks for Oompa Loompas.
What is so secretive about a confectionary company that we can ask you almost anything? What are you hiding??? I just can't mention the name or customers.
Do you (employees) get delicious kick backs? My Uncle worked for a major cigarette company for 30+ years and while he never smoked was given cartons of smokes which he gave away and filled a closet with throughout the years. We do have employee bars that are defective which are given away. The defects range from not enough inclusion (bar supposed to have 12% peanut may have only 9%) to not being enrobed correctly.
Have you ever caught an employee intentionally disrobing his bar? No.
How much better is a snicker bar right off the line? I can't speak for Snickers, but that's the only way I eat a candy bar anymore.
So you guys make Skor at this factory if infact that is your favorite candy bar o.0. We don't make Skor. Wish we did.
Is your name Lucky? No.
What's the inside buzz about posting calorie contents on the outside of packages? From what I understand, the industry decided to do this to avoid regulation--have consumers responded positively? Are companies afraid of a coming health conscious effort? Yes, our biggest fear is the health activists, but then we also need to change our paradigms and adapt. We now have one line dedicated to protein bars and two others dedicated to fruit and nut based bars.
Has a TV Show such as Unwrapped ever filmed in your factory? There is no eating on the production floor, but I have no issues with a bar being taken from the line to the break room.
Do you get to eat anything off the line? I'm sure if you did you would be sick of sweets by now. No television has ever been at our plant.
It's nice knowing your relaxed with employees taking the odd chocolate bar for lunch. Strict rules just ruin morale Our rules are strict. What ruins morale is not knowing the reasons for those strict rules.
People often remark, "It's all made at the same factory anyway." when talking about cheaper home brand alternatives etc. Do you know this to be in anyway true? False. The same company sometimes, but different manufacturers. A lot of the production that a larger company considers too much changeover time, allergen concerns, Sugar Free, etc...gets moved to a smaller copacker to produce.
Now these smaller copackers may make a cheap chocolate bar, turn around and do Ghiradelli the very next shift.
1) Why did did you get promoted? I got promoted because of influence. When people say it's who you know, they are partially right. Bosses hate jerks. Make it a joy for them to approach you rather than have them think talking to you is a necessity.
6) can you alter the product mix on a line? Such as Change settings/ machinery to produce something different. 8) does the product taste like unicorn rainbows hot off the line? Our product is mixed before it hits the line, so the rest of the settings are standardized. There are ranges an employee may work within before needing to get maintenance involved.
8 never tried unicorn rainbows
Can you describe (in as much detail as you're able) the general properties of the chocolate that coats most non-chocolate-core candy bars? It seems to be a chocolate quite unlike what you'd find in a majority-chocolate bar. Is it chosen for melt resistance, ability to hold form, or what? First thing depends on the coating. Some are chocolate, some are chocolate flavor coatings.
The biggest thing we look for is the temper. This doesn't affect the flavor, except psychologically. The temper melts down the crystals which then reform on the outside, making chocolate have a crystal skin. Badly tempered bars don't shine and bend, don't break. Coatings are used because the tempering process is eliminated.
I'm an engineer in a chocolate factory here in the UK, given your products...I'd say we work for competing companies. Question is, in the US who is king in a factory; engineering, quality, safety or supply chain? Unfortunately, supply chain...easily.
Interesting to hear, I'd say quality control over here, though I find the biggest arguments I have are with supply chain. QC may have been the case 5 years ago, but as we got our processes under control and shipping charges raised considerably, Supply Chain is now our King.
Have you ever witnessed any form of disruption or manipulation to your products by employees? No. Not one time. I believe the employee engagement processes we have in place allowing our employees self autonomy and mastery at their positions in addition to a profit sharing program eliminate this issue.
This sold me... you guys rock. I want to work there now =) Link to
What's your story for successfully climbing the ladder that well? Reading and then utilizing what I read. The single most important book anyone in any field could ever use is How to Make Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Why not bite? Personal preference.
Is your real name William Wonka and if it isn't, would you change it to William Wonka for charity? (Redditors get ready to reach into those pockets). Just saying, it would be a MASSIVE publicity stunt for your company. Bet the papers would love it, nudge nudge. Wife said absolutely not.
Would you consider another wife that would say absolutely yes? No. I've had this one for years.
Does your wife hate charity? Is that it? She hates charity? Who is Charity?
Do you ever get any dead animals (bugs, rat bits, etc) in candy and the whole batch has to be thrown away? That hasn't happened yet. We did get a batch of honey we use on a bar that had bees in it once, but that was disposed of before we used it.
Snickers seemed more chocolatey back in the 90s, now it kind of just tastes like sugar and caramel and nougat. Who's responsible for this?? I can't confirm Snickers formula, but a bar we run similar to Snickers is 35g of core and 10g of chocolate. I would think they use a similar one.
In relation to the original question you commented on, what other odd things might slip through the production line? I remember seeing quite a few posts with bags of Doritos containing nothing but a huge nugget of spice powder. Anything happen like that with confections? Not really. We just had a Cherry Almond Chocolate bar sent back lacking Almonds and had to recall two pallets of it. Thats about the worst of it.
What do you do when it's a defect like that? Remelt and put the almonds back in? Or let everyone in the factory help themselves to them, until nobody ever wants to taste cherry chocolate ever again? Remelt and add almonds. Problems with this is maintaining a correct temper.
Favorite Candy? Skor, easily.
Have you frozen them and eaten them that way? If not, you're missing out. Yes, I always end of with a toffee bar.
How often do the workers steal candy and what happens if they get caught? The two immediately firable no questions asked rules are gossiping and stealing. Yes, both have happened.
Gossiping we consider to be complaining to people who can't fix the issue you are complaining about.
I can understand firing someone for stealing but the gossiping rules seem overly harsh and kinda contradicting to the companies view on employees being a valued asset. Attitude is huge. Every employee is told the gossiping policy and what we define gossiping as. This actually is a relief for all the employees as negative words are rarely said.
What happens if manager X doesn't properly address the problem? Can't mention the problem to a fellow employee? That actually sounds like an anti-union tactic, to be quite honest. We have an open door policy. If your first supervisor did not fix the problem, advance it to the next level. Why is this anti union?
Can you share the policy? "Any employee complaining to other employees who are unable to rectify the complaint may be subject to immediate termination upon the discretion of management."
Because employees ought to be able to grumble to one another. What constitutes gossip exactly? Employees can those that can fix the issue.
Do you ever get tired of candy? I get tired of the smell of chocolate. One does not simply get tired of candy.
What are your thoughts on Watermelon Stretchy and Tangy Laffy Taffy, the kind with edible seeds? Edit: Are there any out of production snacks/candies that you miss? I have no experience with those. Our company does chocolate molding, sheeting, and extrusion processes.
Specifically, which confection items does your facility make? Also, how many of each do you produce each day? We produce about 200,000 of chocolate bars per day, 600,000 bars of our fruit and nut based bars and about 250,000 protein bars.
Really astonishing you make so many more "healthy" bars. Does that reflect the industry in general or just your plant? Just our plant, but I think it will be a growing trend that Hershey and Mars will lead in at some point.
Glad to see you followed up on my AMA suggestion! Figured it would be well-recieved. :) I'd like to know about the general proportions of product over the years - no specifics necessary, just general trends. Has your plant always done protein bars as part of their production, or is that a more recent thing? What kind of shifts in production or demand have there been over the years? We had 4 lines where we did three molding lines and 1 fruit and nut line. Over the course of five years, we took a molding line out, added another fruit and nut and added a protein bar line. I cant say for sure, but I think this will be a trend for most confection companies.
Why do kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch? and why is twix so damn good? I know one thing we do is try to get to a certain weight in all our bars yet keep pricing constant. I'm sure Twix does the same so to make up for the light and cheap cookie core, I would bet they use a higher quality chocolate.
Where can i get that cookie core to munch on at home Not a clue
How does one manufacture a shiny, rounded chocolate like a chocolate covered almond? They don't show lines as they would if moulded, and there is no flat spot as they would if dipped and cooled on a surface. Are they tumbled? The product goes through a mesh belt with a waterfall of chocolate raining down. As it continues, the excess chocolate gets blow off and the chocolate hardens around it.
If I have you co-pack 100k of 2oz brownies with horizontal preprinted wrap and I'm paying for the ingredients, how much should I expect to pay per piece for your compacting services? I would expect to see your costs to be appx $.12 per bar. This is assuming they get packed into 1.5lb displays and cased as 6/12s.
Do most copackers offer nitrogen injection vacuum packing or is that too much of a specialty process? We have experimented with nitrogen vacuum sealed wrapping, but it is not a service we currently offer.
To your knowledge, how often is a given recipe (for something like a Snicker's bar) notably changed, and for what purpose generally? Are the occasional differences in taste just a product of my imagination? The specifications of our bars are reviewed and tweaked twice a year based on ingredient pricing for newer products, but the consistency is always more important in keeping a popular brand popular.
Does your business card say "Candyman" on it? No, but I did change the first name from Bill to Willy.
How much do you make? With bonuses I grossed 55k.
An analyst programmer (someone with a 4 year bachelor's degree and 3 years XP) grosses $65k a year in Florida, and that's on the low end. You are a manager, ask for a raise man :) My boss takes care of me.
You are underpaid for the food industry. By 20 to 40% I am overpaid for my education level.
How much of it is automated and how much manual labor is there? Is the machinery customs built or off the shelf? The machines for the most part are stock then custom fitted to our needs.
Labor is higher as a lot of bars are handpacked into displays and cups into trays, but automation is coming in the future to our plant.
Do your workers steal a lot? We've fired two people for theft since I have been there. One was not product related.
I got this vision of an employee trying to smuggle out blocks of raw chocolate in his trousers. I laughed. Not raw. Processed.
Why is some chocolate much, much cheaper than others? What accounts for the difference in quality--ingredients/production? One is cacao content. Two is fat % in the cream/milk used.
I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet: Are you the favorite house for Halloween? In the neighborhood, yes.
Great AMAA, but I have to ask. Proof? I will need to provide some tomorrow when I get back to work.
Wait, how does labeling not save you from lawsuits? If the company has informed the consumers, any suit like that should be immediately dismissed from court, right? Like, if I'm allergic to eggs and eat a product that is labelled as containing eggs, I can't sue the company that produces it. Who says you can't? That was the FDA letter to us in a nut shell. The court did throw out the case, but the FDA states proper labeling does not protect you from liability.
How useful is this type of feedback to you, and is there a threshold of consumer complaints that you ignore? eg I would say mine was a medium level issue, and maybe a mishapen bar is minor, and foreign objects is major. Now, a response stating the corrective action taken to the consumer never dawned on me, but I will be talking to my quality department about doing it today.
As the type of person who will complain about something simply to help the business out, I would hugely appreciate knowing my complaint solved a problem somewhere. Update, we have instituted this. A response letter specifying the corrective action taken.
Do you have any books or online resources you'd recommend for learning about continuous improvement/lean mfg? Was your shop focused in that direction before you started working there or did you get to see the process change yourself? The Toyota Way Series is your best bet.
Lean was a foreign concept here when I started.
How was the transition? Rough at first. I converted it 5% at a time as I involved every employee (8 different ones each group) into a kaizen every week for 6 months. After this exposure to it, they were pushing for change quicker than I could provide it.
This is really interesting. Thank you. Let me ask you a few things. How much of working for a really big and known corporation influence your purpose? We are a small factory, I saw this video maybe a couple of years ago and with it convinced management to pay enough so money is not an issue and gave people autonomy, we concluded that purpose was already there. We increased the mean time people stay with us from one year to 3. Now it's clear that the problem is purpose. But we do something a lot more purposefully than making chocolate bars and still people leave because, on their own words a lot of times, they have accomplish mastery and there's nothing more to learn, which by itself is ridiculous because I have been in this business for the last 23 years and I still devote a lot of my time everyday to understand it. So my last question is, How do you help your subordinates to find and/or understand the purpose in your job? Our purpose is to be the best in North America at what we do, period.
We have a low turnover rate, but those that leave as in your case, should be thanked and encouraged. It is a loss, but they achieved what their personal goals were.
Vegan here - what the hell is the purpose of milk protein or lactose as ingredients in confectionary? Surely it can just be skipped? Thanks for doing this AMA! There are plenty of non-dairy chocolates out there.
What is the company's position on the fact that most chocolate in the world is produced by child slaves in western Africa? What are they doing to try and alleviate the problem? I honestly knew nothing about it before this AMAA.
For products that clearly contain peanuts, why does the label say "This product may include peanuts"? Is it on the off chance that candy bar didn't get any nuts? Never understood that myself.
Now the real question is the right twix left twix thing real? Yes, the ad is for real.
Are you a fancy chocolate guy? Or cheap chocolate? I like cheap more, like snickers and mars. Cheap milk, fancy dark.
You seem like a nice guy, but you are asking them to prove it to better themselves to in reality better you in the short term then find another job? There is a integrity issue here. I believe I pay every employee fairly. If they feel differently, I tell them to get another offer. Usually, I am correct, sometimes I am wrong.
Allen Bradley or siemens? Siemens, but AB has dominated every place I have worked.
What chocolates and snacks exactly? Bars, fruit and nut, chocolate, and protein.
Are you gonna be looking for an assembly line engineer or something like that 1.5 years from now? I can't even predict tomorrow...
On average, how much does it cost to make a single candy bar at your factory? 40g bar would be about $0.38.
How many lame Willy Wonka jokes do you hear in a day? Not as many as on Reddit.
Do you guys need any process fans or dust collection? I can get you a deal. Not right now, no.
Why do Chocolate factories smell horrible? I have to walk past the Mars factory in Slough everyday. Never noticed.
Really? It smells quite nice and sweet at first.. then it gets increasingly sickly and burnt. What do you use to heat the chocolate and other ingredients up? Most of or tanks have a water jacket around them powerpoint them at a constant 115-120.
Are you ever given extras of candy when the companies make too much? No.
Does your company employ microbiologists? No.
So there is no R&D for new product? What about the QA process? We do our own R&D with a contracted food scientist. All lab work is outsourced. The QC is a department head with a minion on each shift.
To your knowledge, has anyone pooped on the conveyor belt and had their poop turned into a chocolate bar? No.
Do you approve of the use/abuse of oompa loompa slave labor? No.
Great AMAA man. One of the more informative 'normal guy' AMAA's I've seen in a while. I really appreciate that. Thanks so.much.
One of these accidents seems delicious though and the other seems really delicious. One had nuts, the other didnt...
"This product was manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts and/or other tree nuts" Labeling does not save you from lawsuits. The FDA is severely lacking in its regulations on allergens.
I'm way behind the curve, but let me say thank you for doing this AMA. It's one of the most interesting things I've seen on Reddit for a long time. It's amazing because there are so many positions that actually provide meaningful services that sometimes I feel my position is insignificant.
Why is the same product manufactured differently for different countries. I'm not talking a bit of difference in ingredients and taste but massive. That I don't know. I would think the sourcing of the ingredients. We imported Belgian chocolate for some products and Mexican Chocolate for others. The formulas are vastly different, though the actually ingredients may be similar.
Last updated: 2013-02-01 10:03 UTC
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can cacao trees grow in florida video

Cacao typically grows in tropical regions and it’s growing region is usually accepted as being limited to between 20° S and 20° N latitude. I found cacao trees growing in Florida in 2012 and was surprised to find them in this region because it is outside the generally accepted growing area. No because maple trees usually grow in the north climate and the climate in Florida would cause the tree to have a disease that would kill it in a short period of time. Where is cocoa beach ... could i grow a cocoa tree in florida? i want to know the hottest Temperature, the coldest Temperature, and how much water it needs. make sure everything is true before you say it, thanks. Update : South Florida's warm subtropical environment is very marginal for cocoa growing, ... Cocoa trees can become moderately large if not pruned to contain their size. Select the warmest area of the landscape (usually the south side) ... Newly planted trees should be allowed to grow to 1 to 2 ft (0.3–0.6 m). Cacao pods at Patch of Heaven. A working cacao farm in South Florida may have been unthinkable not long ago. Native to central and northern South America, cacao ( Theobroma cacao) thrives in hot, humid tropical areas where temperatures never reach freezing. Only Hawaii and Puerto Rico have been able to support cacao plantations. South Florida, unlike Hawaii, doesn’t have any commercial cocoa plantations. Because there are occasional cold spells that could kill the trees, farmers don’t take the risk of planting cocoa. The colder weather, combined with the tropical storms and hurricanes that frequently settle over the state, mean that commercial cocoa enterprises aren’t yet viable. Growing cacao trees requires mimicking these conditions. In the United States, that means the tree can only be grown in USDA zones 11-13 – Hawaii, parts of southern Florida and southern California as well as tropical Puerto Rico. Set aside a suitable spot beside a taller plant or near the center of a room away from any open windows. In the wild, chocolate trees can usually be found beneath the shade of the rainforest canopy, which means filtered light is best for them. Young cacao trees will grow on a windowsill, but they will outgrow it. Cocoa plant varieties grow wild in the Amazon basin of South America. Of the 20 species of cocoa plants, the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) serves as the most widely grown and popular. Known for its use in creating chocolate for confectionery industries, the cocoa plant now grows in 58 countries and the crop covers ... One of the best parts of living in subtropical South Florida is harvesting fresh foods year-round, and that includes spice trees, shrubs, vines and rhizomes. Common herbs like basil, sage, parsley, dill and rosemary thrive with basic care here. So do allspice, pepper vines, ginger and turmeric. Other plants, like vanilla orchids, coffee and cacao, grow well here, but

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